Cannot launch library from interface builder - ios

I have xcode 4 and I see no way of launching library from IB. So I cannot add image buttons to my app. apple-shift-L didnt work and I dont see a tools menu option.
Anyway around this?
Can I programmatically add buttons?

The library in Xcode 4 is tricky to find and occasionally hidden.
In IB mode, make sure the right drawer is open, then look at the very bottom of it. There should be a small area containing the Library. If not, there should be 4 buttons at the very bottom of the right drawer. In order: "Piece of Paper", "Brackets", "Box", "Movie". Click the box to open the Library. Then drag to resize it to a humane height.

They moved it to View->Utilities->Object Library


How to edit storyboard in Xcode

Every now and then, I see tutorials allowing to add components to a storyboard by clicking a plus sign on the right up corner of the editor:
Bu I do not have this button. And it seems that there is no menu available.
I have to say that I'm trying to modify the storyboard outside of any project by opening the file alone.
Any help appreciated.
The plus button should be available on the right side of Project Header Section[Tool Bar] as Shown in the image
Based on the selected file different screens will be opened when we click on the + button.
We can also use the keyboard shortcut cmd+shift+L
Verified on Xcode Version 14.1 (14B47b)
As this option is available on the Toolbar, it may not be available if the toolbar itself is hidden. To toggle the visibility of toolbar we can use the shortcut cmd+option+T

How to fix the library of widgets in Xcode 10 as it hides away after selecting one widget ios

In recent beta versions of Xcode 10 the widget library has been moved to independent button besides inspector navigation area, when we click on that, it shows the all the widgets like , ViewControllers, lables, buttons etc, but when we select any widget the library imidiately hides away and I need to select the button of library to select widgets from libarary. It wastes my time and is a great bad user experience!
Anyone tell me how to make this library fix so i can select multiple widgets but is should not hide away itself?
I was looking the same and then I found a really useful answer:
If you press Option when you drag&drop your object, the window will remain open.
Also you can open the window easily with Shift+Command+L

electron frameless window auto maximize when drag to the top (windows 7)

a normal program, when mouse click and drag windows topbar to the top of screen, this program will auto fullscreen in windows 7+ system
but when I use electron without the frame, and use electron-drag package to control move it, then, what can I do, to let it auto fullscreen when drag to top, and drag left side cover left screen, drag right side...
electron-drag hasn't been updated for 2 years.
Why not just use electrons built in drag-able style <div style="-webkit-app-region: drag"> I Built a quick app, and added the style to a div, worked fine.
Note: -webkit-app-region: drag is known to have problems while the developer tools are open.
See this GitHub issue for more information including a workaround.
create a quick gist showing how to mimic the snapping of a frameless window without using the draggable style.

How to delete a previewed device in Xcode 6

As we know Xcode 6 provides a way to preview the layout of the storyboard in different devices at the same time. I know how to add a preview device, but how do I delete any of them? I found a question here, but still don't know where is the 'Preview panel' and cannot found the 'delete' button anywhere, anyone help? thanks.
That's actually the preview panel. To delete, select the preview layout that you don't want (Blue outline will appear around it) and just press the "Delete" button on your keyboard.

How do I show the placeholder window in Xcode?

I am an iOS noob and I've gotten stuck while trying to do a tutorial from O'Reilly's headfirst iphone development 2e. The tutorial wants me to drag the picker to the placeholder menu as shown in the picture below--but I can't seem to make this menu visible in xcode.
What do I do to show the placeholder menu?
If I need to click the "Disclosure button" as suggested in an answer to this question, where do I find it in the interface? In the navigators? The utilities?
Here is my screen in xcode:
This guy seems to be having a similar problem How to add the Placeholder Window in Xcode (unanswered)
Your problem is that you have created your project with a storyboard. Storyboards do not have a File's Owner placeholder. Since you're a self-described noob, you should just start a new project and make sure you turn off the “Use Storyboard” checkbox when you are going through the new project wizard.
Right click or control click over the picker and that window should pop up. Then drag (not control drag) from the open circle up to file's owner.
