Grails set homepage and disable back button - grails

I have two simple question i couldnt managed to find the answer in the internet. There are:
a) how can i set grails mainpath to, for example, controller "cnt" action "action", instead of index.gsp (im using netbeans)
b) how can i not allow page backward in my website?

a) how can i set grails mainpath to, for example, controller "cnt" action "action", instead of index.gsp (im using netbeans)
If you want to change the start page you can do this in UrlMappings.groovy
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/"(controller:"cnt", action:"action")
b) how can i not allow page backward in my website?


Grails <g:link> rewriting links to match UrlMappings instead of controller/action

Currently using grails 4.0.3.
I'm trying to generate a link to a controller action using a simple <g:link> tag:
<g:link controller="myController" action="myAction" params="[someParam:'myValue']">Link text</g:link>
In my UrlMappings file, I have this controller mapped to a common URL for external calls. This mapping forces some parameters that I want forced when coming to this mapping:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
"/service/someExposedUrl" {
controller = "myController"
action = "myAction"
someParam = "defaultValue"
However, the link that gets written to the page in my application gets written using the UrlMapping definition.
instead of
In this case, the parameters are ignored on the /service URL because they're hard-coded in the UrlMapping.
Is there a way to force grails to link to the specified controller/action instead of the mapping?
Up front caveat: I have not tested this for this specific situation, though I have used these pieces individually. Second caveat: I would not be remotely surprised to learn there's an even better way to do this...grails has a lot of options sometimes!
You should be able to create a named mapping in your UrlMappings, then reference that in your createLink.
name arbitraryName: "/myController/myAction" {
controller = "myController"
action = "myAction"
<g:link mapping="arbitraryName" params="[someParam:'myValue']">Link text</g:link>
You may be able to get what you need with a combination of Custom URL mapping and the exclude keyword in the original URLMappings.
Create MyControllerUrlMappings. This guide gives several examples of different ways of writing them out. I found it helpful.
class MyControllerUrlMappings {
static mappings = {
// Url Mappings specific only to this controller
Your app will still be running the original UrlMappings file though. So you'll have the new custom Url mappings and the default ones. To fix that you can exclude your controller and it's methods in the original UrlMappings file.
class UrlMappings {
static excludes = [
static mappings = {...}
Not as elegant as I'd like, but in a similar situation this is how I got it working.

Grails Controller and URL Mapping Magic

Grails 3.0.1 here. I'm looking to accomplish a specific URL/controller structure. My app deploys at the root context (/), meaning locally it runs as http://localhost:8080, and non-locally as
I want everything under /app/* to be authenticated and considered to be part of the "core app" (requires login). Anything outside of that URL is considered to be a part of the public website (unauthenticated). However, I want /app/ itself to just be a placeholder of sorts; I do not want it to be a Grails controller. Hence:
http://localhost:8080/app may be configured (UrlMappings?) to bring up a login page
http://localhost:8080/app/<controller>/<action> follows typical Grails controller/action suit, and would invoke the correct controller action
Hence http://localhost:8080/app/order/create would be authenticated and, if logged in, invoke the OrderController#create action, which might render a createOrder.gsp.
I'm wondering what the Grails 3.x approach is to:
Allowing /app/ to exist, but not as a controller (like I said, perhaps just redirecting/mapping to a login page)
Allowing anything underneath /app/ to follow the controller/action paradigm
Thoughts on how to implement this?
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
"/app/$controller/$action?/$id?" {
Grails has the possibility to declare namespaces for Controllers. With this, you can put all your controllers under the namespace 'app', which should result in exactly your second question. See docs for more details.
The security restriction then be accomplished with normal spring security settings (#Secured e.g).

Use controllers globally in Grails

I'm new to Grails and am trying to build a CMS with it.
I want the navigation menu to read from the database so a new page will automatically get a link in the navigation. I've been reading Grails: use controller from index.gsp and related questions, but the answers don't seem to work for me. :(
I've created a domain class named Navigation and a template called _header.
In the "Navigation/list" namespace everything works fine, but outside I can't get to the Navigation data.
I've setup url mapping like so:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
// apply constraints here
"/"(controller : "Navigation", action : "list")
But that doesn't seem to work. Any clues on what could be the problem?
You have two mappings for "/", your new one and the original one: "/"(view:"/index") - for starters you'll need to remove the other one.
Not sure if you are aware of this, but there is an open source CMS built in Grails called Weceem. If you need to use it as part of another Grails application, there is also a grails plug in for Weceem, so you can use it as part of your app.
It might worth looking into it before building a complete new CMS :-)
I was looking at the problem all wrong, urlmapping only made the index.gsp redirect to navigation/list. What I was looking for was the
DomainClass.findAll( String query )
propertie to use in the g:each tag
<g:each in="${Navigation.findAll('from Navigation as n where n.css=?', ['ctBoven'])}" var="oNavigation" status="i">
This allows me to read any database from any page.

Suggestions for supporting multilingual routes in ASP.NET MVC

There were questions about multilingual apps in MVC here on SO but they were mostly answered by giving details about implementing Resource files and then referencing those Resource strings in Views or Controller. This works fine for me in conjunction with the detection of user's locale.
What I want to do now is support localized routes. For instance, we have some core pages for each website like the Contact Us page.
What I want to achieve is this:
1) routes like this
/en/Contact-us (English route)
/sl/Kontakt (Slovenian route)
2) these two routes both have to go to the same controller and action and these will not be localized (they will be in English because they are hidden away from the user since they are part of the site's core implementation):
My thought is to make the Controller "Feedback" and Action "FeedbackForm"
3) FeedbackForm would be a View or View User control (and it would use references to strings in RESX files, as I said before, I already have set this up and it works)
4) I have a SetCulture attribute attached to BaseController which is the parent of all of my controllers and this attribute actually inherits FilterAttribute and implements IActionFilter - but what does it do? Well, it detects browser culture and sets that culture in a Session and in a cookie (forever) - this functionality is working fine too. It already effects the Views and View User Controls but at this time it does not effect routes.
5) at the top of the page I will give the user a chance to choose his language (sl|en). This decision must override 4). If a user arrives at our website and is detected as Slovenian and they decide to switch to English, this decision must become permanent. From this time on SetCulture attribute must somehow loose its effect.
6) After the switch, routes should immediately update - if the user was located at /sl/Kontakt
he should immediately be redirected to /en/Contact-us.
These are the constraints of the design I would like. Simply put, I do not want English routes while displaying localized content or vice-versa.
Suggestions are welcome.
There's some information and guidance here - Multi-lingual websites with ASP.NET MVC, but I would still like to hear more thoughts or practices on this problem.
Translating routes (ASP.NET MVC and Webforms)
How about this?
Create custom translate route class.
Localization with ASP.NET MVC using Routing
For my site the URL schema should look
like this in general:
Imagine there is a page called FAQ,
which is available in different
languages. Here are some sample URLs
for these pages:
/en-US/FAQ /de-DE/FAQ /de-CH/FAQ
Why not create the action names desired and simply RedirectToAction for the single, real implementation?
public ActionResult Kontakt() {
return RedirectToAction("Contact");
public ActionResult Contact() {
return View();
I just used a simple solution with "Globalization Resources", like this:
"nameroute", // Route name
App_GlobalResources.Geral.Route_nameroute+"/{Obj}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Index", action = "Details", Obj = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
But, you could customize as needed.

Grails UrlMappings with .html

I'm developing a Grails web application (mainly as a learning exercise). I have previously written some standard Grails apps, but in this case I wanted to try creating a controller that would intercept all requests (including static html) of the form:
test 1
test 2
test 3
test 4
The intent is to do some simple business logic (auditing) each time a user clicks a link. I know I could do this using a Filter (or a range of other methods), however I thought this should work too and wanted to do this using a Grails framework.
I set up the Grail UrlMappings.groovy file to map all URLs of that form (/$myPathParam?) to a single controller:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
constraints {
"/$path?" (controller: 'auditRecord', action: 'showPage')
In that controller (in the appropriate "showPage" action) I've been printing out the path information, for example:
def showPage = {
println "params.path = " + params.path
render(view: resultingView)
The results of the println in the showPage action for each of my four links are
Why is the last one "testHtml", not "testHtml.html"?
In a previous (Stack Overflow query) Olexandr encountered this issue and was advised to simply concatenate the value of request.format - which, indeed, does return "html". However request.format also returns "html" for all four links.
I'm interested in gaining an understanding of what Grails is doing and why. Is there some way to configure Grails so the params.path variable in the controller shows "testHtml.html" rather than stripping off the "html" extension? It doesn't seem to remove the extension for any other file type (including .htm). Is there a good reason it's doing this? I know that it is a bit unusual to use a controller for static html, but still would like to understand what's going on.
This is related to content negotiation, which you can read about in section 6.8 of the Grails user guide. If Grails recognises the extension as a particular type, the extension is removed from the URL and the type is added to the "format" parameter.
You can disable this behaviour by adding this entry to grails-app/conf/Config.groovy:
grails.mime.file.extensions = false
