Actionscript 2.0, simple file input - actionscript

I'm pretty inexperienced with actionscript, and I'm having the hardest time trying to figure out how to load variables from a file and send it to a dynamic text box.
The content of an external file, "varload.txt", is "name1=John".
Here is actionscript of my flash file:
myVars = new LoadVars();
myVars.onLoad = function(){
trace(this.name1); //prints "John" as expected
myVars.sendAndLoad("varload.txt", myVars);
mytextbox.text=myname; //undefined
I'm guessing it's a scope issue, but I can't find much online about global variables in actionscript, so I'm not sure how to fix this.
How do I get mytextbox.text to equal John?

The issue is that onLoad is asynchronous (called once the file has loaded, not immediately).
You'll have to define the text within the onLoad function:
myVars = new LoadVars();
myVars.onLoad = function()
mytextbox.text = this.name1;
myVars.sendAndLoad("varload.txt", myVars);
With your code, you're trying to set the content of the text box to being data that doesn't exist / hasn't loaded yet.


Open a libreoffice mail merged textdocument directly with swriter

I need help with opening the result of my mail merge operations directly in an new writer document.
Object mailMergeService = mcf.createInstanceWithContext(mailMergePackage, context);
XPropertySet mmProperties = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, mailMergeService);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("DocumentURL", templatePath);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("DataSourceName", dbName);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("CommandType", mmCommandType);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("Command", mmCommand);
mmProperties.setPropertyValue("OutputType", mmOutputType);
// mmProperties.setPropertyValue("OutputURL", templateDirectory);
// mmProperties.setPropertyValue("FileNamePrefix", mmFileNamePrefix);
// mmProperties.setPropertyValue("SaveAsSingleFile", mmSaveAsSingleFile);
The mmOutputType is set as MailMergeType.SHELL
The LibreOffice API documentation says
"The output is a document shell.
The successful mail marge returns a XTextDocument based component."
So I've tried something like this
XJob job = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XJob.class, mailMergeService);
Object mergedTextObject = job.execute(new NamedValue[0]);
String url = "private:factory/swriter";
loader.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[0]);
XTextDocument mergedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, mergedTextObject);
XTextCursor cursor = mergedText.getText().createTextCursor();
I guess I have to pass the XTextDocument component to the url-argument of the loadComponentFromURL method but I didnt find the right way to do that.
When I change the OutputType to MailMergeType.FILE the result is generated in a given directory and I can open the file and see that the mail merge succeeded. But this is not what my application should do.
Does someone know how I can open the result of the mail merge directly in an new writer document without saving the result to the hard drive?
Sincerly arthur
Hey guys I've found a simple way to open the result of my mail merge process directly.
The relevant snippets are these
XJob job = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XJob.class, mailMergeService);
Object mergedTextObject = job.execute(new NamedValue[0]);
XTextDocument mergedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, mergedTextObject);
The last line of code made the window appear with the filled mail merge result.
I also don't need this line anymore
loader.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[0]);
The document opens as a new instance of a swriter document. If you want to save the result as a file you can do this
XStorable storeMM = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XStorable.class, mergedText);
XModel modelMM = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XModel.class, mergedText);
storeMM.storeAsURL(outputDirectory + outputFilename, modelMM.getArgs());
What version of LO are you using? The SHELL constant has only been around since LO 4.4, and it is not supported by Apache OpenOffice yet, so it could be that it isn't fully implemented. However this code seems to show a working test.
If it is returning an XTextDocument, then normally I would assume the component is already open. However it sounds like you are not seeing a Writer window appear. Did you start LO in headless mode? If not, then maybe the process needs a few seconds before it can display.
Object mergedTextObject = job.execute(new NamedValue[0]);
Anyway to me it looks like your code has a mistake in it. These two lines would simply insert the text onto itself:
XTextCursor cursor = mergedText.getText().createTextCursor();
Probably you intended to write something like this instead:
XTextDocument mergedText = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, mergedTextObject);
String url = "private:factory/swriter";
XComponent xComponent = loader.loadComponentFromURL(url, "_blank", 0, new PropertyValue[0]);
XTextDocument xTextDocument = (XTextDocument)UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTextDocument.class, xComponent);
XText xText = (XText)xTextDocument.getText();
XTextRange xTextRange = xText.getEnd();
One more thought: getString() might just return an empty string if the entire document is in a table. If that is the case then you could use the view cursor or enumerate text content.
To preserve formatting including tables, you can do something like this (adapted from
// Select all.
XController xMergedTextController = mergedText.getCurrentController();
XTextViewCursorSupplier supTextViewCursor =
(XTextViewCursorSupplier) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XTextViewCursorSupplier.class, xMergedTextController);
XTextViewCursor oVC = supTextViewCursor.getViewCursor();
oVC.gotoStart(False) // This would not work if your document began with a table.
// Copy and paste.
XTransferableSupplier xTransferableSupplier = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTransferableSupplier.class, xMergedTextController);
XTransferable transferable = xTransferableSupplier.getTransferable();
XController xController = xComponent.getCurrentController();
XTransferableSupplier xTransferableSupplier_newDoc = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XTransferableSupplier.class, xController);

Server-side internationalization for Backbone and Handlebars

I'm working on a Grails / Backbone / Handlebars application that's a front end to a much larger legacy Java system in which (for historical & customizability reasons) internationalization messages are deep in a database hidden behind a couple of SOAP services which are in turn hidden behind various internal Java libraries. Getting at these messages from the Grails layer is easy and works fine.
What I'm wondering, though, is how to get (for instance) internationalized labels into my Handlebars templates.
Right now, I'm using GSP fragments to generate the templates, including a custom tag that gets the message I'm interested in, something like:
<li><myTags:message msgKey="title"/> {{title}}</li>
However, for performance and code layout reasons I want to get away from GSP templates and get them into straight HTML. I've looked a little into client-side internationalization options such as i18n.js, but they seem to depend on the existence of a messages file I haven't got. (I could generate it, possibly, but it would be ginormous and expensive.)
So far the best thing I can think of is to wedge the labels into the Backbone model as well, so I'd end up with something like
<li>{{titleLabel}} {{title}}</li>
However, this really gets away from the ideal of building the Backbone models on top of a nice clean RESTful JSON API -- either the JSON returned by the RESTful service is cluttered up with presentation data (i.e., localized labels), or I have to do additional work to inject the labels into the Backbone model -- and cluttering up the Backbone model with presentation data seems wrong as well.
I think what I'd like to do, in terms of clean data and clean APIs, is write another RESTful service that takes a list of message keys and similar, and returns a JSON data structure containing all the localized messages. However, questions remain:
What's the best way to indicate (probably in the template) what message keys are needed for a given view?
What's the right format for the data?
How do I get the localized messages into the Backbone views?
Are there any existing Javascript libraries that will help, or should I just start making stuff up?
Is there a better / more standard alternative approach?
I think you could create quite an elegant solution by combining Handelbars helpers and some regular expressions.
Here's what I would propose:
Create a service which takes in a JSON array of message keys and returns an JSON object, where keys are the message keys and values are the localized texts.
Define a Handlebars helper which takes in a message key (which matches the message keys on the server) and outputs an translated text. Something like {{localize "messageKey"}}. Use this helper for all template localization.
Write a template preprocessor which greps the message keys from a template and makes a request for your service. The preprocessor caches all message keys it gets, and only requests the ones it doesn't already have.
You can either call this preprocessor on-demand when you need to render your templates, or call it up-front and cache the message keys, so they're ready when you need them.
To optimize further, you can persist the cache to browser local storage.
Here's a little proof of concept. It doesn't yet have local storage persistence or support for fetching the texts of multiple templates at once for caching purposes, but it was easy enough to hack together that I think with some further work it could work nicely.
The client API could look something like this:
var localizer = new HandlebarsLocalizer();
//compile a template
var html = $("#tmpl").html();
localizer.compile(html).done(function(template) {
//..template is now localized and ready to use
Here's the source for the lazy reader:
var HandlebarsLocalizer = function() {
var _templateCache = {};
var _localizationCache = {};
//fetches texts, adds them to cache, resolves deferred with template
var _fetch = function(keys, template, deferred) {
url: '/echo/json',
data: JSON.stringify({
keys: keys
success: function(response) {
//handle response here, this is just dummy
_.each(keys, function(key) { _localizationCache[key] = "(" + key + ") localized by server"; });
error: function() {
//precompiles html into a Handlebars template function and fetches all required
//localization keys. Returns a promise of template.
this.compile = function(html) {
var cacheObject = _templateCache[html],
deferred = new $.Deferred();
//cached -> return
if(cacheObject && cacheObject.ready) {
return deferred.promise();
//grep all localization keys from template
var regex = /{{\s*?localize\s*['"](.*)['"]\s*?}}/g, required = [], match;
while((match = regex.exec(html))) {
var key = match[1];
//if we don't have this key yet, we need to fetch it
if(!_localizationCache[key]) {
//not cached -> create
if(!cacheObject) {
cacheObject = {
ready: (required.length === 0)
_templateCache[html] = cacheObject;
//we have all the localization texts ->
if(cacheObject.ready) {
//we need some more texts ->
else {
deferred.done(function() { cacheObject.ready = true; });
_fetch(required, cacheObject.template, deferred);
return deferred.promise();
//translates given key
this.localize = function(key) {
return _localizationCache[key] || "TRANSLATION MISSING:"+key;
//make localize function available to templates
Handlebars.registerHelper('localize', this.localize);
We use for internationalization in a Backbone/Handlebars app. (And Require.js which also loads and compiles the templates via plugin.)
i18next can be configured to load resources dynamically. It supports JSON in a gettext format (supporting plural and context variants).
Example from their page on how to load remote resources:
var option = {
resGetPath: 'resources.json?lng=__lng__&ns=__ns__',
dynamicLoad: true
(You will of course need more configuration like setting the language, the fallback language etc.)
You can then configure a Handlebars helper that calls i18next on the provided variable (simplest version, no plural, no context):
// namespace: "translation" (default)
Handlebars.registerHelper('_', function (i18n_key) {
i18n_key = Handlebars.compile(i18n_key)(this);
var result = i18n.t(i18n_key);
if (!result) {
console.log("ERROR : Handlebars-Helpers : no translation result for " + i18n_key);
return new Handlebars.SafeString(result);
And in your template you can either provide a dynamic variable that expands to the key:
<li>{{_ titleLabeli18nKey}} {{title}}</li>
or specify the key directly:
<li>{{_ "page.fancy.title"}} {{title}}</li>
For localization of datetime we use (conversion to local time, formatting, translation etc.).

How do I disable Transformations in TYPO3 RTE Editor?

I created a custom extension for TYPO3 CMS.
It basically does some database queries to get text from database.
As I have seen, TYPO3 editor, transforms data before storing it in database so for example a link <a href="....." >Link</a> is stored as <link href>My Link Text</link> and so on for many tags like this.
when I query data from DB, I get it as it is stored in DB (<link href>My Link Text</link>)
so links are not displayed as they shoud. They display as normal text..
As far as I know there are two ways to go:
disable RTE transformations (how to do that?)
use lib.parseFunc_RTE (which i have no Idea how to configure it properly)
any idea?
I guess you're not using Extbase and Fluid? Just as a reference, if you are using Extbase and Fluid for your extension you can render text from the RTE using Fluid:
This uses lib.parseFunc_RTE to render the RTE text as HTML. You can also tell it to use a different TypoScript object for the rendering:
<f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.my_parseFunc">{bodytext}</f:format.html>
Useful documentation:
Fluid format.html
I came across the same problem, but using EXTBASE the function "pi_RTEcssText" ist not available anymore. Well maybe it is, but I didn't know how to include it.
Anyway, here's my solution using EXTBASE:
$this->cObj = $this->configurationManager->getContentObject();
$bodytext = $this->cObj->parseFunc($bodyTextFromDb, $GLOBALS['TSFE']->tmpl->setup['lib.']['parseFunc_RTE.']);
This way I get the RTE formatted text.
I have managed to do it by configuring the included typoscript:
# Creates persistent ParseFunc setup for non-HTML content. This is recommended to use (as a reference!)
lib.parseFunc {
makelinks = 1
makelinks.http.keep = {$styles.content.links.keep}
makelinks.http.extTarget < lib.parseTarget
makelinks.http.extTarget =
makelinks.http.extTarget.override = {$styles.content.links.extTarget}
makelinks.mailto.keep = path
tags {
link = TEXT
link {
current = 1 = parameters : allParams
typolink.extTarget < lib.parseTarget
typolink.extTarget =
typolink.extTarget.override = {$styles.content.links.extTarget} < lib.parseTarget = = {$}
parseFunc.constants =1
allowTags = {$styles.content.links.allowTags}
And denied tag link:
denyTags = link
sword = <span class="csc-sword">|</span>
constants = 1
nonTypoTagStdWrap.HTMLparser = 1
nonTypoTagStdWrap.HTMLparser {
keepNonMatchedTags = 1
htmlSpecialChars = 2
Well, just so if anyone else runs into this problem,
I found one way to resolve it by using pi_RTEcssText() function inside my extension file:
$outputText=$this->pi_RTEcssText( $value['bodytext'] );
where $value['bodytext'] is the string I get from the database-query in my extension.
This function seems to process data and return the full HTML (links, paragraphs and other tags inculded).
If you haven't already, it requires to include this file:
on the top of your extension file.
That's it basically.

apply new layer to a slice of a volume webgl

i have two volumes (.nrrd) of different qualities. the user can browse through the layers. if a key is pressed
i want to load the slice of the volume with better quality.
my volume is similar to this one: lesson 10 xtk
i've found:
volume.children[2].children[0].children[0].texture.file = "http://path/to/file.ext";
but if i apply some kind of file (.jpg, .dcm) nothing happens.
is this the right approach to change the slice to go inside the children and change the texture?
or shall i load the selected slice seperate as an object and apply it to the "lower-quality-volume" somehow?
this is what i tried so far (i get errors with dcms but not with jpgs):
if (event.keyCode == 83) { // "s"-button
volume.children[2].children[0].children[0].texture.file = "http://localhost:3000/112.jpg";
edit2: this is whats in my r.onShowtime = function() {}
volume.children[2].children[0].texture.file = 'http://localhost:3000/112.jpg';
volume.children[2].children[0].visible = true; // to activate the first layer
console.log(volume.children[2].children[0].visible +" "+ volume.children[2].children[0].texture.file);
it outputs "true hostname/112.jpg"
when i inspect the .jpg in firebug the header is ok but the answer is "null"
when i inspect console.log(volume.children[2].children[0]); with firebug
.texture.file is set to hostname/112.jpg
when i go to "network" the .jpg has been transfered successfully
please notice that 112.jpg and level.jpg are the same. the first one is getting loaded in r.onShowtime and the other one is loaded at a keypressed event.
EDIT 3: volume.children[2].children[0] is of the type "X.slice", isn't it?
here is my approach: jsFiddle
and this is my actual issue and still not working: jsFiddle
I think a call to object.modified() is missing in the file setter (and in others setters from inject classes). Let's see when Haehn will come if he wants to change something internaly, but for the moment could you try to call it by yourself ?
You can try to add after the modification of texture :
And if it doesn't work, in addition :
Edit :
It's strange, I did a similar code and it did something. Can you please try something like that with opening your javascript console (Firefox, Chrome,... has one) and tell me the error you get ?
renderer.onShowtime = {
for (var i=0 ; i< volume.children[2].children.length ; i++) {
It is important you call it in the onShowtime, because before the volume is not loaded, and so slicesX, slicesY... don't exist.
Edit2 :
Thanks to the informations you added I think I've got the point ! In the render() method of our renderer3D there is a test on texture._dirty flag, that you cannot change from outside the framework. In addition the 1st rendering with a texture make that flag false, and loading a new texture doesn't seem to set that flag back to true in the current XTK. So, I think, we have to add it in the loader.load(texture, object) method. I'll make an issue on Github and see what Haehn thinks of it !

jQuery autocomplete not displaying my encoded values

I am working from this example: and I am encoding the output like this:
$rows = array();
while($r = mysql_fetch_assoc($category_result))
$rows[] = $r;
error_log ("rows: ".$rows[0]);
echo json_encode($rows);
But the dropdown on the other side shows nothing. Here is my test page: - if you enter "ho" it matches 2 results in the database, but they are not getting displayed for some reason. Any idea why?
The properties should be named label and value. From the JQuery UI demo page you linked to:
The local data can be a simple Array of Strings, or it contains
Objects for each item in the array, with either a label or value
property or both. The label property is displayed in the suggestion
So you would need to rename category_name to label either in PHP or later on in your JavaScript source handler function. The latter would require you to replace the PHP URL with a callback function like in the remote example. That way you could get the data any way you want (e.g. by jQuery.getJSON()) and work with it before it gets handed over to the suggestion box.
Hope this helps.
Regarding your comment, this should do it:
$rows = array();
while ($r = mysql_fetch_array($category_result)) {
$rows[] = array("label" => $r["category_name"]);
echo json_encode($rows);
