iPhone phone call detection software - ios

Has anyone any idea about how www.mrnumber.com works for iPhone? As far as I know, in iPhone, we can not detect an incoming phone call because the following code
- (void)applicationWillResignActive:(UIApplication *)application
will execute in case of launch of any other iPhone process. How do I get to know that this other process was an incoming phone call?

It is not working on the iphone the same as on the android
All the iPhone version doe's is -
Status for calls and texts
Mr. Number brings the idea of status from IM and chat to calls and texts. Let your friends on Mr. Number know when you’re free for a call, when you prefer text, and when you’re tied up. You can even tell Mr. Number to send all your calls to voicemail and let your friends know when you’re free again.
Reverse lookup
Getting calls or texts from numbers that you don’t recognize? Mr. Number can return a name for over 70% of US phone numbers. Enter the number or copy and paste from your recent calls. Once you find out who it is, you can add them to your contacts with one click. And Mr. Number users have posted comments about tens of thousands of phone numbers used by telemarketers, debt collectors, robodialers, and other harassing callers so that you don’t waste your time.
When a call is coming your are dead, and there is nothing you can do about it.


How do you retrieve a caller ID from from a digital line or a VOIP phone?

On my work place, we have some (PBX)Business Communications Manager 450 Telephone System and some (PBX)BCM50 also. The BCM450 is hybrid, which mean it can use digital lines and at the same time VOIP phones.
Right now, for example a user can have a Nortel Avaya 1120E or a Nortel T7316 Norstar in their desk.
I would like to know if there is a way in which way I can get the phone number of the caller, so I can use that number on a custom software for the company. In other words I want the phone number of the person calling me (maybe the extension if that is the case).
What I'm looking for, is that when a customer calls, the information associated with the telephone number can be seen on the screen programmatically (without input from system operator).
I can see there is someone talking about TAPI API, but i believe this is only for analog lines? Maybe somebody can put me on the right path or maybe somebody can provide an example of how it is done using any programming language.
If the VOIP phones are SIP based then you'd sniff eth. ports of the phones. SIP messages contains caller Id and called Id.
You can google like "SIP sniffer" for source code example...

Is it possible to redirect a call?

My client is providing an international / long distance call service at cheap price to people if they make such calls via his company (Yes. It's like an international phone card)
The following is what my client wants to make.
Let's assume I have bunch of international / long distance / local phone numbers to call stored on my iPhone. If I tap one of the local phone numbers, iOS just lets me directly call the number. Not a problem. However, if it's an international or long distance number, iOS makes a call to the company instead so that the user can use the service at cheaper price.
Of course, this should happen only in the application. I'm not trying to tweak how iOS works by default.
I wonder if it's technically possible on iOS.
I just came up with an idea that popping up a msg box if the tapped number is an international / long distance number before the following msg box by iPhone pops up.
Yup. before this one.
Can I show my custom msg box before the deafult one?
It sounds technically possible. The user can grant access to the contacts to the app which would allow the app to read names and phone numbers. The app could analyze the numbers and determine which ones are international and dial a LD service instead.
I would think that as long as the app is being completely clear to the user which service is being called and charges that may be incurred, I would think Apple would be okay with that.
The only other rule might be if the app looks too much like the built-in phone app or if it is determined the the functionality is redundant to the phone app. Good luck, Apple policy is sometimes a bit mysterious.
As for the alert, you can show any message, or even none at all.

iOS: Intercept certain numbers when dialed and start own app

my hotline has phone number 0815/111222333
user starts up dialer and dials that number
instead of calling my app starts up to offer him
I did it on Android, though I am pretty sure this won't be allowed in iOS.
But I didn't find that explicit statement. I am just looking for confirmation.
It is most likely not possible on iOS. Event if it was I noted that there is a patent on this.

IPhone Playing sound over a phone call

I would like to play a sound file during a phone call so that the person at the other end of the line can hear it clearly.
I know it is possible to play sounds on the line but i can't figure out how to cut the microphone at the same time so the person at the other side of the line don't hear ambient noises.
Does someone knows how to do that? Or have any cue where I could look for information?
I very much doubt it is possible.
A telephone is an emergency communication device. The inability to make, receive or even clearly hear a phone call could literally kill someone. Consequently, the iPhone API strongly protects the integrity of the phone before all other functions.
Even if you did figure out a way, I doubt Apple would let it through. (Think of the liability issues for them and you!) The iPhone isn't a very small laptop, its a phone with a computer attached and the phone comes first.
You should always consider that when starting a design.

Twilio Voice: Tracking a user from website to twilio phone call?

I'm trying to see if this is even possible in twilio. I'm hoping maybe someone's had a similar challenge and came up with a creative solution...
Our company has a unique phone number that's only displayed on our website. I've been asked if it's possible to find out not only how many calls we're getting (which is simple enough to track in twilio), but also who's calling. Basically, they want to follow the details of a users activity. From website to phone call.
Theoretically, they'd like something like this:
A user, lets call him John, comes to the website & is assigned a unique id of "12345". The id is stored in a cookie for returning users (this I can already handle).
If John calls the phone number displayed on the website, we...somehow through the use of twilio...know it's user #12345.
We can then create monthly reports stating user #12345 called the phone number 7 times this month for a total of 18 minutes.
There's so many "what if's" that go into this, that I'm just not sure it's even possible, but perhaps someone knows of a creative way this can work? A few things I've considered, but none of them are foolproof:
Tracking a combination of John's geographical location while browsing the website and the time of web browsing, then using twilio voice to track the geographical location & time of the phone call, to make a best guess. The problem is it sounds like twilio voice isn't always great at providing geo location.
Tracking mobile click to calls on the website, then matching the time of the click to the time of the phone call. Several problems with this, including multiple users calling at the same time, and we'd only be tracking those who browsed the website via mobile, then clicked to call.
For mobile click to call, passing the user's id via a phone extension, which twilio then reads (not sure if this is even possible in twilio). But again, this would be limited to mobile users.
So, I'm just not sure if this is even possible. Any idea's on how this could be implemented?
Thanks so much for any help.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
Have you considered making it possible to make the calls through the website itself? If you implemented Twilio Client you would be able to directly track users who called from the website and they'd be able to do so without picking up the phone too. That direct connection would allow you to make the calls more personal too, as you'd know exactly which user was calling.
Check out the tutorial on implementing browser calls in Twilio and let me know what you think.
I can't think of any straightforward ways to connect a user's browsing session to a phone call made with a different device though. You could ask the user to input their ID in order to start the call, using <Gather> to receive the input and tie that call to the user and whether they currently have a live session on the site. That might be an unnecessary barrier to people calling though, so you'd have to weigh up that option.
