I am having problem with 'spawn' in erlang, it seems processes just die after awhile. Here's the simple code:
-export([server/1, client/1, owner/1, spawn_n/2, start/1, main/1]).
server(State) ->
{request,Return_PID} ->
io:format("SERVER ~w: Client request recieved from ~w~n", [self(),Return_PID]),
NewState = State + 1,
Return_PID ! {hit_count,NewState},
{server_owner,Owner_PID} ->
io:format("SERVER ~w: Owner request recieved from ~w~n", [self(), Owner_PID]),
Owner_PID ! {hit_count,State},
reset ->
io:format("SERVER ~w: State reset to zero.~n", [self()]),
client(Server_Address) ->
Server_Address ! {request, self()},
{hit_count,Number} ->
io:format("CLIENT ~w: Hit count was ~w~n", [self(),Number])
owner(Server_PID) ->
Server_PID ! {server_owner,self()},
{hit_count,Number} when Number > 5 ->
io:format("OWNER: Hit count is ~w , reseting counter. ~n", [Number]),
Server_PID ! reset,
{hit_count,Number} when Number < 5 ->
io:format("OWNER ~w: Hit count was ~w~n", [self(), Number]),
spawn_n(N, Server_PID) ->
N>0 ->
N==0 ->
io:format("Last client spawned. ~n")
start(N) ->
Server_PID = spawn(simple,server,[0]),
main([Arg]) ->
N = list_to_integer(atom_to_list(Arg)),
Here's an example I get when running it:
erl -noshell -s simple main 20
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.31.0>
CLIENT <0.31.0>: Hit count was 1
SERVER <0.28.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.29.0>
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.32.0>
OWNER <0.29.0>: Hit count was 1
CLIENT <0.32.0>: Hit count was 2
SERVER <0.28.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.29.0>
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.33.0>
OWNER <0.29.0>: Hit count was 2
CLIENT <0.33.0>: Hit count was 3
SERVER <0.28.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.29.0>
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.34.0>
OWNER <0.29.0>: Hit count was 3
CLIENT <0.34.0>: Hit count was 4
SERVER <0.28.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.29.0>
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.35.0>
OWNER <0.29.0>: Hit count was 4
CLIENT <0.35.0>: Hit count was 5
SERVER <0.28.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.29.0>
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.36.0>
CLIENT <0.36.0>: Hit count was 6
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.37.0>
CLIENT <0.37.0>: Hit count was 7
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.38.0>
CLIENT <0.38.0>: Hit count was 8
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.39.0>
CLIENT <0.39.0>: Hit count was 9
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.40.0>
CLIENT <0.40.0>: Hit count was 10
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.41.0>
CLIENT <0.41.0>: Hit count was 11
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.42.0>
CLIENT <0.42.0>: Hit count was 12
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.43.0>
CLIENT <0.43.0>: Hit count was 13
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.44.0>
CLIENT <0.44.0>: Hit count was 14
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.45.0>
CLIENT <0.45.0>: Hit count was 15
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.46.0>
CLIENT <0.46.0>: Hit count was 16
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.47.0>
CLIENT <0.47.0>: Hit count was 17
SERVER <0.28.0>: Client request recieved from <0.48.0>
CLIENT <0.48.0>: Hit count was 18
{error_logger,{{2011,6,27},{12,57,8}},"~s~n",["Error in process <0.28.0> with ex
it value: {terminated,[{io,format,[<0.22.0>,\"SERVER ~w: Client request recieved
from ~w~n\",[<0.28.0>,<0.49.0>]]},{simple,server,1}]}\n"]}
I don't get it. The processes just die or something? It shouldnt terminate!
I am running on windows 7 if it might be something windows-related.
EDIT: heres what happens by doing application:start(sasl). before:
C:\Program Files\erl5.8.4\bin>erl
Eshell V5.8.4 (abort with ^G)
1> application:start(sasl).
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 27-Jun-2011::16:03:55 ===
supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
started: [{pid,<0.37.0>},
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 27-Jun-2011::16:03:55 ===
supervisor: {local,sasl_safe_sup}
started: [{pid,<0.38.0>},
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 27-Jun-2011::16:03:55 ===
supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
started: [{pid,<0.36.0>},
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 27-Jun-2011::16:03:55 ===
supervisor: {local,sasl_sup}
started: [{pid,<0.39.0>},
=PROGRESS REPORT==== 27-Jun-2011::16:03:55 ===
application: sasl
started_at: nonode#nohost
2> simple:main(['20']).
SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.45.0>
3> CLIENT <0.45.0>: Hit count was 1
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.43.0>
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.47.0>
3> OWNER <0.43.0>: Hit count was 1
3> CLIENT <0.47.0>: Hit count was 2
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.43.0>
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.48.0>
3> OWNER <0.43.0>: Hit count was 2
3> CLIENT <0.48.0>: Hit count was 3
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.43.0>
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.49.0>
3> OWNER <0.43.0>: Hit count was 3
3> CLIENT <0.49.0>: Hit count was 4
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.43.0>
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.50.0>
3> OWNER <0.43.0>: Hit count was 4
3> CLIENT <0.50.0>: Hit count was 5
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Owner request recieved from <0.43.0>
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.51.0>
3> CLIENT <0.51.0>: Hit count was 6
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.52.0>
3> CLIENT <0.52.0>: Hit count was 7
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.53.0>
3> CLIENT <0.53.0>: Hit count was 8
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.54.0>
3> CLIENT <0.54.0>: Hit count was 9
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.55.0>
3> CLIENT <0.55.0>: Hit count was 10
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.56.0>
3> CLIENT <0.56.0>: Hit count was 11
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.57.0>
3> CLIENT <0.57.0>: Hit count was 12
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.58.0>
3> CLIENT <0.58.0>: Hit count was 13
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.59.0>
3> CLIENT <0.59.0>: Hit count was 14
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.60.0>
3> CLIENT <0.60.0>: Hit count was 15
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.61.0>
3> CLIENT <0.61.0>: Hit count was 16
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.62.0>
3> CLIENT <0.62.0>: Hit count was 17
3> SERVER <0.42.0>: Client request recieved from <0.63.0>
3> CLIENT <0.63.0>: Hit count was 18
3> {error_logger,{{2011,6,27},{16,3,58}},"~s~n",["Error in proc
exit value: {terminated,[{io,format,[<0.23.0>,\"SERVER ~w: Cli
ved from ~w~n\",[<0.42.0>,<0.64.0>]]},{simple,server,1}]}\n"]}
The other answer is correct, but it doesn't explain why.
It's a tricky question, and the answer is (sort of) in your log output:
{error_logger,{{2011,6,27},{12,57,8}},"~s~n",["Error in process <0.28.0> with exit value: {terminated,[{io,format,[<0.22.0>,\"SERVER ~w: Client request recieved from ~w~n\",[<0.28.0>,<0.49.0>]]},{simple,server,1}]}\n"]}
The first clue is that io:format/3 exits with 'terminated' and some data.
Looking at the documentation and searching for terminated gives ... nothing. Looking inside io.erl gives us the answer though.
Line 456 and 462 of io.erl returns {error, terminated} when the io device is down. So now we know that io:format can potentially exit with status terminated. Looking further we can see that this return value turns into the above error message on line 74 (with context):
case request(Io, Request) of
{error, Reason} ->
[_Name | Args] = tuple_to_list(to_tuple(Request)),
{'EXIT',{undef,[_Current|Mfas]}} = (catch erlang:error(undef)),
MFA = {io, Func, [Io | Args]},
exit({conv_reason(Func, Reason),[MFA|Mfas]});
If you follow the call path for request/2 you will find that one possible branch is at the {error, terminated} mentioned earlier.
So, long story short, standard out is down.
Most likely since you killed your system with init:stop().
You are calling init:stop() immediately after your spawns. How are you going to make sure all your processes are properly finished? You probably need to block on receive in main and notify main process when others are done.
Does it make a difference if I register a newly spawned process using register(atom, spawn..) or if I do Pid = spawn..?
To take an example, I just did this with an old program from the Programming Erlang book:
Let's first make a simple server loop:
loop() ->
{Client, {square, S} = Tuple} ->
io:format("Server: Area of square of Side ~p is ~p and Client was ~p~n", [S, S*S, Client]),
Client ! {self(), Tuple, S*S},
Now a client:
-export([client/2, start_server/0]).
client(Pid_server, Geom_tuple) ->
Pid_server ! {self(), Geom_tuple},
{Pid_server, Geom_tuple, Area} -> io:format("Client: Area of ~p is ~p and server was ~p~n", [Geom_tuple, Area, Pid_server])
after 1000 ->
io:format("~p~n",["received nothing from server"] )
start_server() -> spawn(geometry_server, loop, []).
After compiling both, I do
register(q, Q = geometry_client:start_server()).
Then I call them and get results as follows:
5> geometry_client:client(Q, {square,2}).
Server: Area of square of Side 2 is 4 and Client was <0.60.0>
Client: Area of {square,2} is 4 and server was <0.77.0>
6> geometry_client:client(q, {square,2}).
Server: Area of square of Side 2 is 4 and Client was <0.60.0>
"received nothing from server"
Why does the client not receive anything from the server when I use the registered atom?? The server obviously received the message from the client.
I can confirm that the server sent a message, because after the above if I do
7> geometry_client:client(whereis(q), {square,2}).
Client: Area of {square,2} is 4 and server was <0.77.0>
Server: Area of square of Side 2 is 4 and Client was <0.60.0>
So I conclude that the mailbox already has the message from the server from the previous command, which is why the Client output gets printed before the Server message has been received and printed...
What am I missing?? Why is there a problem receiving the message when I use the registered atom?
The receive in your client/2 function waits for a message matching {Pid_server, Geom_tuple, Area}. When you pass q as the argument, Pid_server is q, but the message the server sends back to the client is a tuple with the first element always being the actual PID of the server, not its name, which means your receive ends up in the after block.
There are many ways to solve this. You can modify client/2 to use whereis/1 to get the PID of the registered process and use that in receive if Pid_server is an atom.
The best way would be to use references here (see make_ref/0). You create a reference when sending a message to the server, and the server sends it back in the response. This way you're guaranteed that you're receiving the response for the request you just sent, since every reference returned by make_ref/0 is guaranteed to be unique.
In client/2, do:
client(Pid_server, Geom_tuple) ->
Ref = make_ref(),
Pid_server ! {Ref, self(), Geom_tuple},
{Ref, Geom_tuple, Area} -> io:format("Client: Area of ~p is ~p and server was ~p~n", [Geom_tuple, Area, Pid_server])
after 1000 ->
io:format("~p~n",["received nothing from server"] )
And in the server:
loop() ->
{Ref, Client, {square, S} = Tuple} ->
io:format("Server: Area of square of Side ~p is ~p and Client was ~p~n", [S, S*S, Client]),
Client ! {Ref, Tuple, S*S},
To learn Erlang I am trying to implement a tiny web server based on gen_tcp. Unfortunately, my code seems to trigger some wired behaviour. To demonstrate the problem I have attached a minimised version of my implementation which is sufficient to reproduce the problem. It is just delivering a static 200 OK, no matter what the HTTP request was.
The problem arises when I try to run ab (Apache HTTP server benchmarking) against my web server (using loopback interface). Without any concurrent requests (-c) everything is running just fine. However, if I use -c 8 or -c 16, the call to gen_tcp:accept/1 seems to fail on some sockets as I see a number of request: closed lines in the shell.
What makes the whole story even weirder is, that I see different behaviours on different operating systems:
OS X+Erlang/OTP 18: ab reports "Connection reset by peer" almost immediately after starting.
Debian+Erlang R15B01: All but two of the HTTP requests seem to run through. But then, ab hangs for a few seconds and reports "The timeout specified has expired, Total of 4998 requests completed", when i run ab with -n 5000. Similarly, 14998 is reported when I run 15000 tests.
This one does not seem to be the problem. I am honestly quite lost and therefore appreciate any help! :) Thanks!
server(Port) ->
Opt = [list, {active, false}, {reuseaddr, true}],
case gen_tcp:listen(Port, Opt) of
{ok, Listen} ->
{error, Error} ->
io:format("init: ~w~n", [Error])
handler(Listen) ->
case gen_tcp:accept(Listen) of
{ok, Client} ->
{error, Error} ->
io:format("request: ~w~n", [Error])
request(Client) ->
Recv = gen_tcp:recv(Client, 0),
case Recv of
{ok, _} ->
Response = reply(),
gen_tcp:send(Client, Response);
{error, Error} ->
io:format("request: ~w~n", [Error])
reply() ->
"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n" ++
"Content-Length: 7\r\n\r\n"
When you increase the number of concurrent requests sent with ab -c N it will immediately open multiple TCP sockets to the server.
By default a socket opened with gen_tcp:listen/2 will support only five outstanding connection requests. Increase the number of connection requests outstanding with the {backlog, N} option to gen_tcp:listen/2.
I tested your code on OS X with ab and saw this resolve the prolem with "Connection reset by peer".
I modified this server to use gen_tcp:recv inorder to limit the number of bytes for a packet to 50. I commented out the line inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]), because gen_tcp:recv is supposed to be {active,false}. This is the client side erl shell
2> cp3:client().
and this is the server side erl shell
4> cp3:server().
Started Server:
Accept Server:
Pid <0.48.0>
Connection accepted
Accept Server:
Loop Server:
I also wondered how can I know if the socket closed with the return value {tcp_closed, Socket} if gen_tcp:recv doesn't create one?
-export([client/0, server/0,start/0,accept/1,enter_loop/1,loop/1]).
client() ->
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect("localhost", 4001,[list, {packet, 0}]),
ok = gen_tcp:send(Socket, "packet"),
{tcp,Socket,String} ->
io:format("Client received = ~p~n",[String]),
io:format("Client result = ~p~n",[String]),
after 1000 ->
server() ->
Pid = spawn(fun()-> start() end),
start() ->
io:format("Started Server:~n"),
{ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:listen(4001, [binary, {packet, 0},{reuseaddr, true},{active, false}]),
accept(ListenSocket) ->
io:format("Accept Server:~n"),
case gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket) of
{ok, Socket} ->
Pid = spawn(fun() ->
io:format("Connection accepted ~n", []),
io:format("Pid ~p~n",[Pid]),
gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
Pid ! ack,
Error ->
enter_loop(Socket) ->
%% make sure to acknowledge owner rights transmission finished
receive ack -> ok end,
loop(Socket) ->
%% set socket options to receive messages directly into itself
%%inet:setopts(Socket, [{active, once}]),
io:format("Loop Server:~n"),
case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 50) of
{ok, Data} ->
case Data of
<<"packet">> ->
io:format("Server replying = ~p~n",[Data]),
gen_tcp:send(Socket, Data),
{error, Reason} ->
io:format("Error on socket ~p reason: ~p~n", [Socket, Reason])
I am not very clear about your question, but the above code does not work. Hope the following answers your problem. Your tcp receive case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 50) of has one error. It is waiting for 50 bytes to read. Check the documentation of gen_tcp:recv/2. Change the length (length of packer 6 but preferably to) 0 to receive all the bytes.
The value does not limit the size of data, but it will not send the data back until it receives data of length 50. Instead you may need to accept and then check it.
Hi I am a new bee in Erlang but managed to create a simple TCP server which accepts client in passive mode and displays message.
I spawn a new process every time new client connects to the server. Is there a way I could send message to the client using the process which gets spawned when client connects.
Here is code.
{ok, ListenSocket}=gen_tcp:listen(1235,[binary,{active, false}]),
{ok, UserSocket}=gen_tcp:accept(ListenSocket),
Pid=spawn(? MODULE, user,[UserSocket]),
gen_tcp:controlling_process(UserSocket, Pid),
case gen_tcp:recv(UserSocket, 0) of.
{ok, Binary}->% Send basic message.
{error, closed}->% operation on close.
Can I have some thing like if I do.
Pid!{"Some Message"}. And the message is send to the socket associated with the process with non blocking io,
You could try this tutorial for writing a TCP server using OTP principles: http://learnyousomeerlang.com/buckets-of-sockets#sockserv-revisited
If you use a gen_server instead of your connect loop, you can store the Pids in the state. Then you can use gen_server:cast/2 to send a message to one of the Pids.
The function you want to send a message to the client from the controlling process is gen_tcp:send(Socket, Message), so for example if you wanted to send a one off message on connection you could do this:
gen_tcp:send(UserSocket, "hello"),
case gen_tcp:recv(UserSocket, 0) of
{ok, Binary}->% Send basic message.
gen_tcp:send(UserSocket, "basic message"),
{error, closed}->% operation on close.
gen_tcp:send(UserSocket, "this socket is closing now"),
I am implementing as exercise a gen_server which behaves as interface towards an ssl authentication server. The ssl server severes the connection if a packet received is wrong (e.g. wrong username and password). The connection must be persistent.
In my gen_server, I open the ssl connection towards the server with an handle_cast/2:
handle_cast(connect, State) ->
case ssl:connect(Address, Port, Options, Timeout) of
{ok, NewSocket} ->
{noreply, State#state{socket=NewSocket}};
{error, Reason} ->
gen_server:cast(?SERVER, connect),
{noreply, State#state{socket=undefined}};
and then I wait for other other messages in handle_cast/2 which can be sent for example using:
gen_server:cast(Pid, {authenticate, User, Password}).
Whenever I receive such a cast message I spawn a new function which recovers the SSL socket from the server state using a gen_server:call/3 and sends the authentication message to the SSL server. If the sending part returns an error I try to reconnect, otherwise I read for a while on the socket, to be sure that the socket does not go down, and if it does I reconnect.
send_auth(_, _, 0) ->
{error, max_num_reached};
send_auth(User, Password, Num) ->
Socket = gen_server:call(?SERVER, socket),
%% also a check that socket is not 'undefined'
case ssl:send(Socket, AuthMessage) of
ok ->
case ssl:recv(Socket, 0, 2000) of
{error, timeout} ->
_ ->
gen_server:cast(?SERVER, connect),
send_auth(User, Password, Num-1)
{error, closed} ->
gen_server:cast(?SERVER, connect),
send_auth(User, Password, Num-1)
I made many tests, but every time, if one message (not the last) is wrong, none of the following messages is actually delivered.
How can I grant that all valid authentication messages are delivered to the authentication server? Moreover how can be sure that the server will connect only if it is not already trying to do so? Otherwise that would be like DOS attack!
As I can understand there's only one authentication server in the system so why can't you connect to it right in the gen_server's init? If the connection is somewhat reliable, you can just kill gen_server if there are any issues with connection and let supervisor re-launch it. It probably will solve your DOS concern.
When you spawn additional processes with send_auth you can just pass socket connection in arguments, instead of doing gen_server call.
To guarantee the delivery you'll add some kind of acknowledgement into your protocol. Auth server should reply to send_auth with something confirming that it got it. And send_auth should retry until it receives that acknowledgement or have some other fallback behavior in case it never does.