How to access an IMAP Server using the iOS SDK - ios

Are there any classes/frameworks within the iOS SDK which can be used to easily access an IMAP server?
I do NOT what to write a new Mail app. I just need the basic IMAP functions like check for new message, download messages, etc.
So far I have found MailCore but as far as I can tell it is for MacOS and not iOS.
Thank you very much for your help!

There is a remail project so you can look into it... there is no public iOS framework for dealing with IMAP as much as I know...


how to sip registration in server for an ios app

i am creating an app for internet calling using VoIP . But have no idea how to send SIP registration to sever to stabilise connection between to devices .
and any suggestions for the library
You can use Linphone library for that purpose. Although be prepared that documentation is not ideal and you will need to figure some of the things by yourself. You however can inspire by this tutorial project

Openfire Meeting iOS Implementation

I have set up openfire on my EC2 ubuntu server with openfire meetings installed.
Focus user, test users, group chat and ofmeet are configured using admin console http://myserver:9090/.
Multi users video conference is working properly on chrome browser using https://myserver:7443/ofmeet/?r=testroom.
Now i want to implement this in an iOS app and i have no idea where to start.I did look into some demo projects but still unable to figure it out.
Can someone please help with this? If anyone has worked with something like this please let me know. Thanks
Try the following jitsi projects
The Openfire Meetings plugin is an implementation that wraps various Jitsi projects (such as VideoBridge and Meet). To create a native client that works with Openfire Meetings, it is advisable to use the native client implementations as provided by the Jitsi project.
A good place to start are the React-Native based SDKs that are part of Jitsi Meet:

Exchange data between same app on different devices

I have developed a iOS app, now I want to exchange data between two devices( it can be android or iOS) for same app.
Is it possible to do, with or without Internet connection?
Sharing ideas will help me a lot...
Please help and thanks in advance....
THe simplies way to do that is by using backend substitution frameworkds, such as Parse. With it you access your data as from database on each device. Parse is shuttong down now, but you can setup your own server.

Using Socket I/O client in Objective-c

HI i'm new to using socket I/O.
I would like to use the socket send and receive functions in multiple screens like a chat app. I'm not understanding how to handle it. can anyone help me.
I'm using the socket from
I'm using objective-c coding
My dear friend,
Links below are links I've read when I developed iOS Chat Client using recently,
If you're a project based learner, you can see full working iOS Chat Client Using sample here:
Just try to build and run it. It helps me a lot, but unfortunately it's written in Swift. Hope you can translate it to Obj-C by yourself.
for your information, for chat view, you can use this library:
or if you like to create your own code for chat view, you can read this tutorial:

Realtime communication app backend

I am developing a desktop application which will communicate with an iOS app and transfer/receive data in realtime. What is the best way to do this? Should I use something like OpenFire as the backend server?
What about using Bonjour? This project on GitHub will help you a lot.
I am going with OpenFire. OpenFire has a lot of options starting from private messaging to conferencing to email notifications using plugins. Overall, it is more flexible than any of the other solutions out there.
