MPMoviePlayerController play video starting from 30th sec (from mid of the video) - ios

I am creating a simple media player using MPMoviePlayerController, here I want to play the videos from particular point like from 30th sec or 50th second onwards and also want to move the video player head to any particular point and start playing it from that point. I tried with initialPlaybackTime and MPMoviePlaybackStateSeekingForward but no luck.
video is not from local, its from server.
Please help me to do the same.

MPMoviePlayerController *mp;
mp.initialPlaybackTime = 84;
mp.endPlaybackTime = 118;
It will start movie playback from 84th second till the 118th second.


Possible bug tracking buffer progress with AVPlayerItem.loadedTimeRanges

I'm running into some strange issues with AVQueuePlayer. I'll first explain the purpose of my implementation, then go over the issues I am hitting.
Running: iPhone5s, iOS 10.1.1, LTE connection
Video: Progressively downloading a video. .mp4, 5mb, 4 second duration.
The purpose of the implementation is to play a progressively downloaded video that loops seamlessly. The video won't contain any sounds.
I'm using an AVQueuePlayer (supporting iOS 9 and up) to loop videos. I set it up the same way Apple recommended. Which is to listen for the current player item to change and then move the player item to the end of the queue.
I am hitting 2 issues.
Issue 1: My designer gave me a video that contains a video track and an audio track. Durations are the same. I am able to track the buffer progress by checking the current player item loadedTimeRanges. However, when the video loops, it isn't seamless. So we tried a video without the audio track and hit Issue 2.
Issue 2: Testing the same video, but this video contains only a video track. The video loops amazingly. It's seamless. However, when checking the loadedTimeRanges to track the buffer progress, the duration will remain 0 until the video has completely loaded. Then the duration will report the total duration of the video.
Is Issue2 a bug? I also find it strange that removing the audio track creates a much more seamless loop.
I've provided my code below that is used to check seconds buffered. Note that it will return a duration of 0 if the playerItem.loadedTimeRanges.first.timeRangeValue doesn't exist. I can confirm that value does exist and the duration is properly returned when testing both issues.
public var secondsBuffered: Float64 {
if let playerItem = self.player?.currentItem {
if let loadedTimeRange = playerItem.loadedTimeRanges.first?.timeRangeValue {
let duration: Float64 = CMTimeGetSeconds(loadedTimeRange.duration)
return duration
return 0

AVPlayer does not play back AVComposition with more than 2 clips

I am attempting to stitch together video assets using AVComposition based on the code here:
On OSX it works perfectly, however on iOS when playing back via AVPlayer it only works with 1 or 2 input clips. If I attempt to add a third there will be nothing played back on the AVPlayerLayer. Wierdly if I observer the AVPlayer playback time using addPeriodicTimeObserverForInterval the video appears to be playing for the correct duration, but nothing plays back on the layer.
Does anyone have any insight into why this would be?
Turns out I was creating CMTime objects with differing timeScale values, which was causing rounding errors and creating gaps in my tracks. If a track had a gap then it would just fail to play. Ensuring that all my CMTime objects had the same timeScale made everything work perfectly.

Synchronize multiple AVPlayers

I am trying to find a solution for a problem I got. I have 5 UIViews, which are all at the same position. Each UIView holds an AVPlayer with different videos. To be more precise they are all the same video, but encoded with different playback speed.
Video 1x speed
Video 4x speed
Video 8x speed
Video 16x speed
Video 24x speed
By default the video 1 is visible and playing, but I should be able to switch between the videos, but the switching shouldn't be visible for the user, therefore, I need to keep them synchronized. So If I am watching video 1 and switch to video 2, then video 2 should play exactly at the position, where video 1 stopped.
The sense is that it should look like, that the video is speeding up after an action, eg. a flick gesture.
I hope I described my issue good enough and I am very thankful for any suggestion.
I am using in the end an observer, which takes snapshots of the currentTime each 5 seconds, and calls all the other AVPLayer with the seekToTime method. This works fine to keep them synchronized. I just needed to adapt the CMTime for each player with different speed. As an example I got here 4x video:
videoPosition = player1.currentTime; //gets the video duration
videoPositionInSeconds = (Float64) videoPosition.value/videoPosition.timescale; //transfers the CMTime duration into seconds
[player2 seekToTime: CMTimeMakeWithSeconds(videoPositionInSeconds/4.0, player1.currentItem.asset.duration.timescale) toleranceBefore: kCMTimeZero toleranceAfter: kCMTimeZero];
Hope this helps.

Video plays very fast some times in avplayer

In Avplayer, we apply the rate for video slow motion and negative frame also. if video ends and apply the rate to avplayer the video plays very fastly instead of given rate. i was struggled more than 2 days. Thanks
Try to call [avPlayer setRate:0.3] and [avPlayer play] at the same time, so the second call override the first call, which sets the rate to be 0 (normal).
The method setRate: already set the rate for the player and play the video already

Merge audio with video perfectly

I've been trying to merge audio with video using AVMutableComposition and AVExportSession. Everything works perfectly except that the audio and video sources don't have the same duration.
So the exported movie is a bit laggy. Is there anyway to resize or redefine the rate of the video so that its duration becomes exactly equal to the audio's duration? For example, if the audio lasts 10 seconds and the video lasts 9 seconds, I'd like to play the video back at 9/10 speed, so they both end at the same time.
Use something like that:
[compositionVideoTrack scaleTimeRange:CMTimeRangeMake(kCMTimeZero,videoAsset.duration) toDuration:audioAsset.duration];
