GRAILS + Eclipse Project Dependencies - grails

I am working on a Grails project that consists of a master grails-app and several grails plugins. One of the grails plugins is “Core” and contains several groovy and java domain and utility classes. Currently the core project is a grails plugin, however I’d like to pull the sources out of src/groovy and src/java into a Groovy class library that I’ll eventually package into a jar file.
I’d like to understand how to get this set up properly in Eclipse so that the plugins reference the new Groovy library and the application references the plugins and everything builds ok.
If I spin up a grails plugin, and then add the groovy project to the build path using eclipse, I can get the plugin to build fine. The issue is, now I add a plugin reference from the grails web application to this plugin and the grails application won’t build. I have added the Groovy library to the build path of the web application, but when grails tries to add the plugin it complains that it doesn’t know about the classes in my groovy library.
Here’s the project structure
server-core ( groovy project )
ia-security-plugin ( grails plugin project ) ( server-core is on the build path , builds fine )
server-core-web ( grails app project) ( references ia-security-plugin in Build.config ) ( won’t build )

During development add the following line to your BuildConfig.groovy
where PluginProject is the eclipse project relative to your current project and plugin-project is the name of the plugin project. This takes the pain of rebuilding your plugins and all reference problems. You can even step debug through your main project into the plugin project.
For deployment time I have setup Artifactory with Maven Repository ID (on the plugin project) and [Main Project] BuildConfig.groovy to
compile (":plugin-name:latest.release")
along with
mavenRepo "http://location-of-local-artifactory/
Use for release management and repository setup.
Hudson automatically picks up the plugin and builds the war file on the build machine.
Alternatively you could simply build the war file and deploy to the server if your project is composed of just few developers.


Grails inline plugin notation for Java project dependencies?

I've successfully used Grails's inline / inplace plugin notation to develop my Grails app and several plugins concurrently. I only have to compile my Grails app and all the inline plugins get compiled too (great!):
grails.plugin.location.myFooPlugin = '../plugins/foo-plugin'
Can I do the same thing for a Java dependency rather than a Grails plugin?
Let's say I have some Java project that ultimately produces a JAR, but rather than compile and store the JAR in my Maven local repo I'd like to simply compile my Grails app and have the Java project's code also compiled as a result. Possible? If so, what are the rules, such as dir structure adherence? I might want to use Gradle or Maven, not sure.
I'm using a java dependency in my Grails project with help of /scripts/_Events.groovy:
eventCompileStart = {
projectCompiler.srcDirectories << "${basedir}/../your_java_proj/src".toString()
The java project will be compiled automatically along with e.g. grails war commando.

Referencing external dependencies in GGTS by convention

How do I reference a dependency by convention within my project build path? Allow me to elaborate...
I'm using the Groovy/Grails Tool Suite (GGTS 3.0). I'm referencing the dependency as such in my BuildConfig.groovy:
dependencies {
compile 'tgt:jaxb-utils:1.0'
The referenced jar file is successfully pulled down from the Artifactory repo - I can find the jar file on my local file system in the Ivy cache. When I run any grails targets (grails compile, grails run-app, grails run-tests), it works fine - meaning my code that imports the classes from the jar has no problems. When I run grails war, the referenced jar file is packed into the constructed war.
However, and here is the crux of this post - the project build path does not reference this jar file by default or convention, so my java or groovy code that imports the classes from the jar file reports a unable to resolve class ... error.
One solution is to simply add the jar file to the lib folder and update the build path accordingly, or modify the build path to reference the jar file in the Ivy cache folder. However, I'd have to do this for any/all dependencies pulled down in this way. Any jars in the lib folder will get saved to the team source code repository, and that seems like wasted space since the grails commands work fine with just the dependency reference in BuildConfig.groovy.
Am I just being too idealistic (ie - difficult) here, or is there a better way to clean up the unable to resolve class ... errors in my IDE without having to manually add the dependent jar files to my lib folder and update my build path? Ideas?
Eclipse / STS / GGTS : If you have Grails plugin installed, you can do the following :
Right click on your project -> Grails Tools -> Refresh dependencies (or shortcut "Alt+G, R")

How can I include a dependant jar in a multi project grails / gradle build?

I have the following setup within my project...
A multi project gradle build for a SOA style project, wired together using rabbitmq and spring integration.
Contains a number of grails projects as well as plain java / groovy projects to represent the services.
Alongside each of the service projects are a project (jar) containing all of the public interfaces (and messages) for the service that can be proxied using spring integration.
The projects are related to each other using gradle dependencies and then I generate IntelliJ projects files using the gradle idea plugin.
What I want to do is:
Include the interfaces jar in the grails project so that I can use spring integration there to proxy my calls into the services via rabbitmq.
When I run the grails app have this intefaces jar built and included within grails.
When I run the grails app from IntelliJ have it compile the latest version of the interfaces and include them in the grails project.
When I build the entire project from gradle, have gradle correctly associate the interfaces jar with the grails app.
Ideally I would love to be able to do this just using dependency declaration within gradle, but this is probably a pipe dream...
What are my options?
Add a task into the grails build lifecycle within gradle to build any dependant jars and copy them into the grails lib folder?
Hook into the grails build lifecycle by using Events.groovy or similar to call out to grails to build and package the dependant jars. This would cover both the IntelliJ and command line routes.
Build the interfaces as a grails plugin? I had discounted this as they also need to be used from non-grails projects.
Any help / advice would be appreciated.
Turns out all I needed to do was add the following and then the grails plugin deals with the dependencies for me...
compile project(':dependent-project')
Works nicely for run-app and war...
A partial solution to the problem would be to use both Gradle and Grails maven plug-ins. I have a similar situation where I am building jars that are dependencies of the Grails project.
The approach I've chosen is to install the java artifacts into the local .m2/repo and then declare the dependency under grails/conf/BuildConfig.groovy using the mavenLocal() repo.
What I hadn't considered was to hook gradle into the events lifecycle (interesting idea, btw) and instead defined a gradle project that wraps the grails app (executes test-app, run-app, etc). The gradle wrapper for my grails app has a dependency on the other component's install task so it always checks to see if it needs to be rebuilt.
I'm an Eclipse user so I can't comment on the Intellij part of your question but the above works for me so I hope it gives you some ideas?
My solution for the moment is to:
Use the grails / gradle plugin to build the grails projects.
Use this plugin to run my grails apps, ie. gradle grails-run-app.
Hook into the grails-run-app task in gradle (which is created on the fly) to call a task which builds and copies the dependencies into the lib directory.
This doesn't help a whole load with IntelliJ at the moment but I will run my gradle tasks as IntelliJ run configurations.
My build.gradle is as follows (dependent-project is being jarred and put in lib in this example):
import org.grails.gradle.plugin.GrailsTask
buildscript {
repositories {
mavenRepo name: "grails", url: ''
dependencies {
classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:1.1.1-SNAPSHOT"
repositories {
mavenRepo name: "grails", url: ''
ext {
version = "1.0"
grailsVersion = "2.2.0.RC2"
grailsTaskPrefix = "grails-"
apply plugin: "grails"
dependencies {
['dependencies', 'resources', 'core', 'test', 'hibernate', 'plugin-datasource', 'plugin-domain-class', 'plugin-tomcat', 'plugin-services'].each { plugin ->
compile "org.grails:grails-$plugin:2.2.0.RC2"
bootstrap "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.5"
// Get hold of the grails-run-app task (which is created on the fly) and add a dependency to the copyDependencies task
project.gradle.afterProject { p, ex ->
if (p == project) {
project.tasks.addRule("Grails dependencies") { String name ->
if (name.startsWith(grailsTaskPrefix)) {
// Build and copy any dependent jar files...
task copyDependencies(type: Sync) {
from project(':dependent-project').configurations.archives.allArtifacts.files
into "$projectDir/lib"

How do I create a Grails skeleton project for plugin development?

I am working with a (sort of) framework built on top of Grails. This framework is a set of Grails plugins that add functionality to the Grails app (e.g. user authentication). This framework is a bit of a pain to setup, as it requires around 64 lines of site specific configuration in the apps's Config.groovy file.
I want to develop my addons to this app as plugins. That is, the Grails app would really just be a set of installed plugins and some configuration files.
I have created a local Maven style repository to hold all of my plugins. Thus, I can add plugin dependencies to the BuildConfig.groovy file and they will be installed automatically (side question: is it possible to specify the install order?).
So my question is, how do I create skeleton project for developing my plugins that would:
Include the base configuration for my application (the aforementioned 64 lines)
Allow me to do a grails package-plugin to package only the plugin's code
You can use the post-installation hooks mechanism:
Not really an ideal setup for me, but the following works:
Create the "base" application: cd ~/GrailsDev/ && grails create-app my-app
Configure my-app as desired/required
Create your dependent plugin: cd ~/GrailsDev/ && grails create-plugin my-app-plugin
Add the new plugin to the app by editing "~/GrailsDev/my-app/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy" and appending the line: grails.plugin.location.'my-app-plugin' = "../my-app-plugin"
You can now run the my-app Grails application and the plugin will be included. When your plugin is fully developed, you can do grails package-plugin from within the "~/GrailsDev/my-app-plugin" directory to package your plugin.
use gradle. you can specify the order and package your plugin alone.
e.g. include the required plugins as git modules (for easy versioning) and gradle modules (for building your plugin) in your plugin project.
this setup will serve your requirements well I suppose.
IntelliJ does have a template for gradle-backed grails applications and plugins.

How to deploy grails app with private plugin to cloud

I've created a private plugin for domain objects that are shared between two grails applications. I'm able to use the plugin successfully in my local environment as I've set the path to it via the BuildConfig file. For example, I have the following directories:
myPlugin/ (myPlugin is a grails plugin project dir)
In: appOne/grails-app/conf/BuildConfig.groovy:
grails.plugin.location.compileMyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
My question is, what is the proper/best way to handle "packaging" this plugin with my app release so I can deploy it to a cloud service where it won't be available for download? I imagine there is a way to have grails do this for you but I'm unsure. (I'm very new to grails)
When you create you .war file for deployment, grails simply includes your plugin. So you have nothing special to do.
If your project is build in the cloud, you might try to specify a file path as local repository:
repositories {
localRepo "../myPlugin"
Just drop your zipped plugin in this folder and grails will find it.
I ended up doing the following to resolve this in Grails 2.1.0:
1) In the Grails Plugin Project:
grails package-plugin Produces the file
2) Copy plugin to my application's lib directory (appOne/lib/
3) In BuildConfig.groovy
Remove: grails.plugin.location.compilemyPlugin = "../myPlugin"
This was/is used during development to prevent the rebuild-reinstall process
when updating files included in the plugin.
plugins {..... compile ':grails-myPlugin:0.1' }
4) Test by cleaning appOne and re-run which will install/re-install the plugin via the lib directory
5) Commit all changes and add the plugin zip file to appOne and push. The cloud provider,
Heroku in this case, can then resolve the dependency.
Your build script should first package the plugin, then install the plugin into your Grails application. At least, that is how I have to do it. If you try and have both your plugin specified in the BuildConfig dependencies and as an inline plugin, Grails tends to complain about that.
