Good KML library on iOS - ios

Would anyone know a good and easy-to-use library on iOS to parse KML in order to get all the polygons described in the file?

This appears to be a promising one:
Just researching myself.

You may find the KMLViewer example in the iOS sample code helpful:

This one seems to work well for me:
The sample app lets you enter a URL to some KML, and it will display it.
It is free to use under the MIT license (which includes commercial use).


How to implement AVCam for Swift

Hello I have found two links about AVCam
The first link has demo files that work perfectly, but its in Object-C - can someone show me documentation on converting Object-C to Swift?
The second link I have downloaded the files but it will not run in my 4s - can someone tell me why?
I would like to have a swift version so I can easily adopt it into my swift build + thanks again SO!
if you have a working objc version why not just import it with a bridging header? there is no one document about converting obj-c to swift, if you really want to convert it you are going to need to do it line by line.
also what exactly are you trying to do? get a live camera feed displayed? these docs have been ported to swift and would suit that purpose but you would need to get the input port first.
Update: how to import obj-c headers, a newer way to create them that isnt quite as talked about yet is to just create any normal .m file or objective c file then select yes to creating a briding header, it configures everything for you.
That being said it may be worth while to play around with the basics a bit more and maybe follow a few guides before attempting to implement this type of feature if you are having issues with following the links.
Here is a random application creation guide that should teach you alot. i would recommend following and reading through stuff like this until you have a bit more of a footing and can come up with more of an exact question. no one here is going to rewrite the apple program for you and your questions are extremely broad.

Looking for an IOS version of ShowcaseView

I'm looking for a library similar to
I want to be able to implement forced tutorials on new users who open my application for the first time. Does anyone know where I can find a library that helps make this easy?
You ca try
This is a quite similar iOS implementation of the ShowcaseView for Android (

BlackBerry Jabber/XMPP basic library

I am looking for a simple BlackBerry Jabber/XMPP basic library. Please tell me where i can find a good free open source library
This one, maybe: I haven't tried it myself. I can't tell if it's good. Sorry.

Getting text from image on ios (image processing)

I am thinking of making an application that requires extracting TEXT from an image. I haven't done any thing similar and I don't want to implement the whole stuff on my own. Is there any known library or open source code (supported for ios, objective-C) which can help me in extracting the text from the image. A basic source code will also do (I will try to modify it as per my need).
Kindly let me know if some one has any idea on this.
One of the main open source libraries used to do OCR on iOS is a google-sponsored open source project called tesseract.
Here is some info on compiling tesseract for use in iOS apps:
The same guy has a nice sample project on github demonstrating how a simple client might use the compiled library:

CPAN/gem-like repository for Objective-C and Cocoa?

Is there any centralized repository of useful Objective-C / Cocoa libraries as there is for Perl, Ruby, Python, etc.?
In building my first iPhone app, I'm finding myself implementing some very basic functions that would be just a quick "gem install" away in Ruby.
There's a project for that! It's called CocoaPods!
Unfortunately not :(
There are some very useful sites however. I find one of the best is as it contains lots of useful information about many of the more obscure classes usually including snippets of code to do some really cool things :)
Maybe we (the cocoa community) should look into building something like this!
Oh and I just remembered this site which is also very good for starting out with cocoa.
Daniel mentioned
More specifically, check out
"This page is for tracking re-usable Cocoa classes that can be mixed, matched, and dropped fairly easily into existing Cocoa projects to add useful functionality."
I'd be interested in what kind of "basic functions" you're having to implement. There's actually quite a lot already there in the provided libraries, and I wonder if you're just not finding functionality that's already there...
There's a new index of reusable code for Mac OS and iOS: Cocoa Objects
I might be confused or missing something here... But doesn't apple provide all the Foundation / Cocoa / AppKit / CoreAudio / Qtkit / etc libraries that should provide all of the very basic functions you are looking for?
Other than what xcode comes with or is on the apple dev site, there are no centralized repo's for Cocoa.
Google Code also has some objective C things up. It depends on what you are looking for...
Also see GitHub, many useful Objective-C projects, especially re iPhone. See activerecord & cocoaoniguruma, for instance.
Google has Google toolbox for mac which got me started unit testing my iPhone application which was the main thing I found missing.
