Where is the start up page defined in mono for android - xamarin.android

I need to change the start up page for my monodriod app? how can i change it to a different activity

See "Launchable from Application Chooser".


Meteor deploy to a device: how to configure the starting url?

My app have two parts, 'localhost:8000/' is the default, i.e., web part.
Another part is 'localhost:8000/mobile', which is for the mobile use case.
Now I am ready to deploy the 'mobile' app to ios device, but I don't want the ios app starts with localhost:8000/. I want it start with localhost:8000/mobile
I have tried point to /mobile dynamically like this(in the starting code):
if Meteor.isCordova(){
This works logically. However, every time I open the app, it load the default page('/'), and then reload the page('/mobile').
Is it possible to accomplish this via some configuration?
i.e. is it possible to configure the "starting url" for deployed mobile app?
You are currently doing a conditional routing (via redirection).
You could try instead a conditional rendering: you would have a single starting page, and you would render a different layout depending on the result of Meteor.isCordova

to hide the block the desktop during my startup program launch

i am develop a application based on log in and log out for my students. when my user logged in, the start up application will be load. during the start up!
My Question : all my desktop icon and other application should be disabled when my start up application load.Any one suggested me i really owe to you guys.
What language are you using? Here is an example of C#:
How to hide desktop icons programatically?
anyway you can use the windows API with C# or C++ don't know about java. Try and see if it works.

How to access Webview in appium python for iOS hybrid apps

Tried with
handle = self.driver.window_handles[0]
on emulator, but no luck. I am not able to access / manipulate the elements in the page. I don't even know if i got switched to web view.
Any suggestions on how to use web views on iOS with appium (python) ?
driver.window_handles[0]is probably the current window - try inspecting window_handles to see what other windows are available. On iOS, the app that I test just has window handles like '1', '2', etc, and switching to the last element of window_handles usually does the trick.
Please use the below code to switch to WebView , if you are using appium 1.0

Display options.xul programmatically

I have an xul overlay based Firefox Add-on that works. It has inline options defined in content/options.xul and they display/function correctly when the user goes to Firefox->Add-ons->Extensions->{The Name of My Extension}->Options
The question, can I a create a button on my Add-on that will launch my options either by taking the user to Firefox->Add-ons->Extensions->{The Name of My Extension}->Options with one click or by launching a dialog based on options.xul?
Right now I am maintaining a separate options.html and options.js that gets and sets the same settings that options.xul handles when the user navigates there via the Firefox button but I would much rather dump options.html and options.js and only maintain my main.js and options.xul.
Any comments or code examples will be greatly appreciated.
This is easiest to do via a global function BrowserOpenAddonsMgr() defined in the browser window, like this:
BrowserOpenAddonsMgr("addons://detail/" + encodeURIComponent(addonID));
This function takes care of focusing the existing add-ons tab if there is one or opening a new tab. It will not scroll down to the options however which is an issue if the add-on has a lengthy description. Starting with Firefox 12 this can be solved by adding "/preferences" to the view identifier:
BrowserOpenAddonsMgr("addons://detail/" + encodeURIComponent(addonID) + "/preferences");
With older Firefox versions you are out of luck (and you shouldn't use this suffix there, it won't work). The other issue is that there can be a lengthy "loading" phase where the add-ons manager fetches metadata for all extensions.

How to load Html in Browser field for Blackberry Os version i

public BrowserFieldDemoScreen()
BrowserField mybroBrowserField=new BrowserField();
<html><body><h1>hello world! This blackbery apps
</h1></body></html>", "http://localhost");
I'm new in Blackberry application development, I have load html in browser and I have write code for that it works perfectly for more than OS version 5.
But I have create app for model number 8900 not working giveing some uncaught Exception. Please tell me what I have to change so that it should work on version also,
You cannot use BrowserField class below Blackberry OS 5.0
Before running application go through sdk docs.
The BlackBerry Facebook SDK was written to use embedded browser functionality, before (5.0) BrowserField was available. I believe that code is free to use and modify to your needs.
see the project here
Look in the sample code (scroll down the page) at his LoginScreen class.
You should be able to modify that class to serve your purposes. This particular class, of course, has a hardcoded URL that points to Facebook. You will obviously change that to accept whatever URLs you like, and remove other references to facebook classes you don't need. You will definitely need more than just the LoginScreen class, but all its dependencies should be available on that site.
Post a comment if there's any problems getting this to work. I have some other legacy code that does this successfully, but I'm not free to post it ... but quickly looking at the Baskoro code I linked to appears like it does basically the same thing.
