to hide the block the desktop during my startup program launch - startup

i am develop a application based on log in and log out for my students. when my user logged in, the start up application will be load. during the start up!
My Question : all my desktop icon and other application should be disabled when my start up application load.Any one suggested me i really owe to you guys.

What language are you using? Here is an example of C#:
How to hide desktop icons programatically?
anyway you can use the windows API with C# or C++ don't know about java. Try and see if it works.


Is there other way to get the Microsoft Edge DevTools Preview without Microsoft store?

I always debug the WebView control with VS, I refer to the this official document Debug a WebView control in a UWP App.
Recently, I found there is a best way to debug the WebView control by using the
Microsoft Edge DevTools Preview App.
The problem is that it seems the only way to install the tools is Microsoft Store. Unfortunately the Miscrosoft Store is blocked on my machine, I want to know is there any other way to get the Microsoft Edge DevTools Preview tool? Any help would be appreciated, thank you in advance.
I found this article which seems to show a way of doing this.
I cannot state if it definitely works yet as I have to wait for my IT to department to decide if it can be allowed.
Steps are:
Download the file ending in appxbundle (to it's own directory not just "downloads")
Open Powershell as Admin
Execute something like Add-AppxPackage -Path "C:\Users\WindowsReport\Downloads\ee2546d7-f0e5-4aa2-be54-032299162322" (change path to the download directory you used earlier)
If you get errors you may need to download additional files from the same place you got the appxbundle file

How do I demo an electron app on the web

Is there a way to easily distribute an app as a static site?
I don't need all the functionality, I just want to allow the client to view the latest updates.
-- edit --
Perhaps a better way to ask the question is; "How do I build a web app that can be hosted online and run on electron with minimum rewriting" - similar to the Slack app that works the same way on web or electron app.
As long as your main use of Electron is to create a 'native browser wrapper' for a web-app this is entirely possible.
You will have to implement a check if your application is running inside a browser or inside Electron and wrap your electron specific code in it:
if (window && window.process && process.versions['electron']) {
const {BrowserWindow} = require('electron').remote
You'll probably have to step through your application and disable Electron specific functionality at multiple places.
You have other options to do a long distance demo of an Electron app
Electron is basically a shell to run node.js apps on the desktop. This means if you want to move it to the web, you have to give up all the Electron APIs that access the local system and you're left with a basic node.js app, which is most likely not desirable.
To demo your desktop app to an off-site client, you can either make a presentation with screenshots detailing the current user flow, or compile a sandboxed demo version of your app and send it over to them.
Screen presentation
This is your quickest and easiest solution if your client just wants to be kept in the loop and see some eye candy. You can just record how the app works with some example data, add some written or audio explanation to it, and let them enjoy the smooth ride.
Build a demo
If your client wants to actually have a hands-on demo with the app, you need to have some form of basic code distribution. The cleanest way to do this would be to tie up all loose ends in your current app flows, block all unfinished roads in it and compile it for whatever platform your client requested the demo for.
Take a look at the electron-packager and electron-builder docs to get an idea how to build an .exe, .dmg or whatever file from your Electron app, then send that file to them with some basic instructions.

Intraweb - web application - users sessions

Today I started to write my first web application and I can't pass one step.
Everything works almost fine... I can connect to the server and open website. Problem is when I open browser and type the same address on the second pc, then I get te same data as on the first one.
Application has two forms, first is for login, and second one is for receiving data.
When I login on the first pc and second form shows up, and then I open browser and put the address of the server on the second pc, I see the second form after login from first pc.
What I should do in this case? I tried to find the solution in the net, but I couldn't :(
If you are using any Delphi IDE after XE3 (including) and using the IntraWeb edition that comes with Delphi you must upgrade in order to have it working correctly. It is free, and more information can be obtained here:|
After upgrading (if this is your case) I suggest you to take a look at one of the IntraWeb demos, here:
There is a demo named Features that shows you exactly how to create a multi form application. To be honest, I work with IntraWeb for a long time and I've never seen that. Unless you are using some global var to hold your "current" active form. Have in mind that IntraWeb is a fully multithreaded application and global vars should not be used, unless you have some mechanism protecting concurrent access (but you should get rid of them and use ServerController properties instead).
Thnks for your quick reply.
I work with Delphi from some time, but I never used Intraweb, I worked with ComPort and IP works for I/O devices. I have XE7 and I upgraded Intraweb to 14.0.52.
I can't find a good file exchange server to put my application for sharing with you. If I find somethin I will post it below.
You can check the code and other settings of my simply project. I put the web application inside the link below, it is without the .exe file.
Thanks for your help.

Where is the start up page defined in mono for android

I need to change the start up page for my monodriod app? how can i change it to a different activity
See "Launchable from Application Chooser".

Delphi, TWebBrowser and IE8 -> application freeze on closedown

In our applications, we display a webpage in a TWebBrowser component.
After installing IE8, some of our application started to stop responding on closedown.
We have found the following to be true:
It only freezes if the webpage have been shown
Which application that freeze, depends on what url is shown. If we switch url between two applications, the working application freeze, and the other close down normaly.
Have anybody experienced something similar?
One url that freeze the application:
One url that does not freeze the application:
** UPDATE **
We have now found a pattern, a pattern thats kind of strange, but it's no less a pattern...
When the page that we display contains images, and the images is scaled, our application freezes. For now, we will just remove or rescale images.
Long shot: did you put OleInitialze OleUinitialze in your app?
Sounds like there may be a thread deadlocking. I would run SysInternals Process Explorer on your application when it is deadlocked. Add a reference to the Microsoft symbols (Options -> Configure symbols). Now double-click the process, and choose the Threads tab. Look through IE's threads and see if you can figure out if one is deadlocking and why, especially from the stack.
I recommend doing this in Process Explorer instead of the Delphi debugger since Process Explorer understands the Microsoft symbols.
