iPad local data storage limit - ipad

Can anyone tell me what is the maximum size that can be download from the web
and can be stored locally.

The limit is 5 MB.
See also this S.O. post.
You could also have a look at this if you are interested in going beyond that limit.
EDIT: after your comment I see you are not referring to local web storage. Local web storage is a new possibility offered by HTML5 to store key-value pairs. This has got the limitation I was mentioning.
As to your case, I don't think that there is some restrictive limit on the amount of data you can download and store locally (in your Documents directory) in order to access it later. You can check this, where answers range from a minimum of 2GB of flash space to no limit at all. So you can be safe.
If you are referring to the limit in the total amount of data you can download over 3G connections (also called over-the-air download), this is 20MB. You are only allowed to download a larger file when using Wi-Fi.


store more than 10 MB offline data on Edge Mobile 15

I wrote a HTML5 web app (kind-of enterprise PWA) that needs to store a substantial amount of data offline (my users are aware of this).
The web app works fine in all major browsers (including Desktop, Android and iOS), however I'm experiencing problems on phones like the Lumia 640 (Edge 15 browser on Windows 10 Mobile).
It's hard to tell what the exact problem is, due to the lack of debugging capabilities of that browser. The app works fine when emulating a Lumia 650 in Edge Desktop, though.
I guess the problem is that I'm exceeding the "hard" storage limits described here, since I usually store about 25 mb of JSON data and that phone has 8 GB of storage AFAIK (meaning that I hit the 10 MB limit).
Is there a way to allow a single domain to store such a large amount of data in Edge Mobile? The page linked above mentions that those "limits are removed for UWP apps using JavaScript" - I don't really know what that means.
Or is there an alternative way for a web application to store very large JSON objects in Edge Mobile?
I think I'm running into the same boundaries, though for me the quota limit seems more like 5MB. For instance running the Browser Storage Abuser app at https://demo.agektmr.com/storage/ I can store 1 5MB file, 9 500KB files, etc and then things start failing.
My device has 8GB storage, so maybe it's storing things in UTF16 which explains why the size appears half of what they document.
What's strange is I've tried the same on an emulator instance with a 10GB partition and I see the same limits. From that table it seems like I should be able to store twice as much.

What is the maximum database size (50 MB or 100 MB or 150MB ) that can be saved in local datastore in ios by using Parse API

I need to store maximum data in local Datastore by using Parse API in iOS HYDRIDE APPLICATION. Can any one tell me how much (Maximum) of data is store in local datastore according to Parse API.
Thank you,
Think about Parse as a business. How does Parse make money? Off of queries and API request limits. If you go over a threshold of API request per second they charge you fees right? Thats how they make money, so more the better to them. So essentially you surpass their 30 per second then you may be subject to fees. Just remember your app can be as large as 2GB, but don't neglect your core audience and force them to download a 2GB app when you can update information as necessary. However, with that being said, any device, computer, regardless of its capacity, has limitations when memory and disk space is taken into consideration. Parse is an online resource, you should use it for that. PFQueryTableViewController is a powerful tool for Parse related executions, you should take advantage of that.
You can also set limits to queries with Parse, which is a good thing for those that like free stuff.
Also, here is a reference to your same question worth reviewing:
What is the maximum stoarge limit for parse local data store in android

iPhone/iPad's Document Directory usage limit

I am working on an application where I have to store approximately 200 photos captured from camera in Documents directory. I know that there has to be some limit on the usage of Documents Directory, and if used in excess it may result in Low Memory Situations.Can you people tell me what is the max usage limit, if any. What are the different scenarios to be considered while doing the same?
No there is no limit. Limit is your device's available disk space. People will tell that there is 2GB limit but that is wrong. That is the app's size limit.
No it will not result in low memory situations if used in excess considering you are handling your objects properly like you do in any app.

Core data storage limit, Cache Limit, RAM limit on iphone

I am making a some complex app, in which every detail is imp. i have some questions
1. how much storage limit we have, if we plan to save big files on core data/cache.
2. Whats the RAM limit on iphone? Actually searching for some table that can give detailed info about IOS devices on this. Because i need to handle memory warnings and defend App crashes.
3. Its better to save images in cache or core data, assume you have a lot of images approx. 200-250.
1) I am not aware of any storage limit. Obviously, you will never get 64GB or more - since no device is larger ;-). My wife's facebook app consumes >5GB at the moment... I suppose they did something wrong. The only important point is to fail gracefully (show a dialog, clean some space, ...) if the storage is full.
2) The RAM limit varies depending on the iPhone model and the currently running applications. Also there are some iPods with less memory in market. 30MB should be pretty safe. Total physical memory of the device can be retrieved as described here while retrival of the available RAM can be derived from that question.
3) Maybe this is a good starting point. I would always write image data to the file system and just store the file name inside the database, as suggested here.

Storing pictures in iCloud

I'm currently working on a concept for a new iPhone app, the would involve some very basic profile system.
Since all the other data will be stored in iCloud, I was wondering if it would be possible to store pictures in the cloud too.
I see that the storage per app is only 1MB, so this seems extremely low to store pictures.
The 1 MB limit is for Key-Value storage only (and KV storage is inappropriate for images for other reasons, too). If you use the Documents in the Cloud APIs, your app can store a large number of large files, limited only by how much space the user has (or hasn't) paid for. (Though it's wise to use that space judiciously and efficiently, as your potential customers won't be happy if your app alone causes them to blow the storage limits on their account.)
