Remove BlackBerry PIMListListener - blackberry

How do i remove or clear the PIMListListeners for a BlackBerryContactList?
I added a Listener like so:
BlackBerryContactList contactList = (BlackBerryContactList)PIM.getInstance().openPIMList(PIM.CONTACT_LIST, PIM.READ_WRITE);
contactList.addListener(new ContactsChangeListener());
So now when i start my app it adds another new listener

You'll probably just need to reboot the device to clear them out.
To keep this from happening again, store a reference to your ContactsChangeListener, and then in your app's onClose() method add a removeListener() call so when the user ends your app it gets cleaned up.


Does BrowserWindow.fromId return windows that have been destroyed?

When I create a BrowserWindow in Electron and do operations on it, I've been habitually checking if the window is destroyed:
const window = new BrowserWindow(opts);
// ... later
const window = getMyWindow();
if (window && !window.isDestroyed()) {
// do something on the window
The reasoning is that if the user closes the window, the window variable would still be set since I haven't explicitly nulled it out, but the actual Window that my BrowserWindow wraps would be invalid, and that is presumably what isDestroyed() is checking.
Are there times when it is not necessary to do the check?
Specifically, does BrowserWindow.fromId(windowId); return windows that are destroyed? If fromId gives me a window, can I safely not check isDestroyed(), or do I still need to?
Did a quick test and if you close the BrowserWindow by clicking the X or by calling window.close(), BrowserWindow.fromId(myWindowId) returns null.
So, if you fetch the window via BrowserWindow.fromId, you do not need to check if it's destroyed. If you don't use fromId and simply store and get the window from a variable, then you should still check isDestroyed().
That being said, I'm not sure if there are other cases where calling isDestroyed() is redundant.

Delete Data from Web SQL database whenever phonegap Application's exit event occurs

I have two Questions:
What is the exit event of phone-gap Application? I haven't find it yet.
How to Delete Data from All the tables whenever exit event occurs? and insert it back from the web service whenever the deviceready() event of phonegap occurs.
Thanks in advance.
I think you are looking for the pause event. The documentation reads like this:
The pause event fires when the native platform puts the application into the background, typically when the user switches to a different application.
You can attach a handler to this event like this:
document.addEventListener("pause", onPause, false);
Now the onPause method will be called everytime your app is going to the background and you can drop your tables there somewhat like this:
function onPause() {
db.transaction(function (tx) {
tx.executeSql("DROP TABLE foo",[],
function(tx,results){console.log("Successfully Dropped")},
function(tx,error){console.log("Could not delete")}
Assuming the db variable holds your WebSQL database and you're trying to drop the table named foo.

How to stop execution of for loop in middle in ios

Hi in my application i have two types of syncs. 1.Auto sync 2.Manual Sync. In both the syncs i am downloding a bunch of files from server. If I choose auto sync all files will get download.
Code is like this
for(int i=0;i<filescount;i++)
[self downloadfiles];
-(void)download files
//Here i am creating `NSInvocationOperation`.
Based on totalreceiveddata I am updating progress bar. Now the issue is if it autosync it is working fine.While downloading files using autosync and in middle if i click manual sync that time [self downloadfiles]; method will get called but the issue is synchingfilescount is not updating immediately it's completeing the autosyncfiles download and synchingfilescount become 0 due to this reason totalreceiveddata become 0 and progress bar is disappearing. After complete this opertiona again synchingfilecount becomes 4 but i cannot able to see the progress bar due to above situation. Please any one help me how can I come out from this situation.
Ok, if I understand your question correctly, it sounds like you need to create some flags so that you can manage the flow of your code. You can do this by making a boolean property and setting it as you need in the completion block of these sync methods. That way you can call a method or only execute a method after the call is complete.

IOS:CS193p fall2013 assignment2 task2:add a button to let user to restart the game

I am learning the course CS193P(IOS develop) on itunes and I just started assignment2. I got stuck on the task that asks me to restart the game.
A little bit background on the project: I am writing code for the newly added action method for the restart button in my CardGameViewController. I have two private properties: game and deck. I use lazy initialization in the CardGameViewController to initialize them when user first touch a button(flip a card).(The original project that the professor went over in the lecture is just some cards on the UI and user can flip them around and match them,without the restart function, which is the one I am asked to add in the homework.)
In order for the user to restart the game, I think I need to reinitialize the two properties I mentioned above and update the UI. I tried the following code but the program crashed when I touch the button I just added:
- (IBAction)touchRestartButton:(UIButton *)sender
{ = nil;
self.theDeck = nil;
// Maybe I also need to initialize the two properties again here using some code which I cannot figure out right now....
[self updateUI];
Can anyone explain to me how to reinitialize a property in objective-c?(I also tried [ release], but the complier prevented me to do this because it says it is in ARC mode)
Or is there any other way to finish this restarting game task?

Delete a row from VerticalFieldManager

I am trying to establish a PIM listener that will update a MainScreen where all the contacts of the phone are listed.
What I am doing is the following:
I am loading for one time only a form called ContactsForm and I am storing it into the RuntimeStore
I created a PIMListListener to listen for all the changes that will occur in the address book.
When a contact is added, I am adding it to the contactsForm successfully
When a contact is removed, I am facing a big problem deleting it :S!!!
I am getting this exeption: "IllegalArgumentException"; this exception's text is : UiEngine accessed without holding the event lock. I know such errors and I know how to resolve them. So I used the following code:
UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() {
synchronized(UiApplication.getEventLock()) {
This should resolve the problem. But I keep getting this error again and again. How to resolve this?
Listeners, like the PIMListListener, do not receive their callbacks in the same Application context as your UiApplication. So, in your code, UiApplication.getUiApplication() doesn't really work the way you'd expect it to.
The best thing to do would be to store a reference to your UiApplication in a place where the callback can reach it (during initialization of the UiApplication, perhaps), and then replace UiApplication.getUiApplication().invokeLater(...) with myUiApp.invokeLater(...), where myUiApp is the reference to your UiApplication which you stored earlier.
