Trying to shorten over 90 urls over several folders - url

I have over 90 urls set out in the following format:
Each of these URLs will be printed on paper for a user to input into their address bar. The problem at the moment is they are too long and therefore I need make these URLs as short as possible.
However, what would be the best method for doing so?
Would sub folders be the best thing here, such as ""?
I don't want to use a url shortening service as they still need to be related to my domain name. Additional domain names forwarding on to the pages are also out of the question due to the quantity of urls.

Without knowing what technology you are working with (apache/php,, JSP, etc) all I can suggest is investigating Url Rewriting. Here is a codeproject example of a rewriter for ASP.Net.

There's a handful of mechanisms that come to mind quickly. One is to host your own url-shortening service for your own domain: and so forth. Writing one for your own users shouldn't be too much work, especially since you could even write a quick script to submit all the URLs for shortening and replace them all without ever making a pretty interface for a human.
If you want something even cheaper, but more work on the part of your server admins, you could use the standard 'rewriting' services in web servers:
Apache mod_rewrite guide
RewriteRule ^/xsdf$ folder1/folder2/page.html [R]
RewriteRule ^/qwer$ folder2/folder3/page.html [R]
RewriteRule ^/polz$ folder7/folder6/page.html [R]
nginx HttpRewriteModule.
rewrite ^/xsdf$ folder1/folder2/page.html redirect;
rewrite ^/qwer$ folder2/folder3/page.html redirect;
rewrite ^/polz$ folder7/folder6/page.html redirect;
Updating these rewrite rules involves editing the server config files, or dropping new ones in place. The other mechanism would be outside the range of the web server itself, so it might be easier or harder for long-term maintenance depending upon which your team would rather work with in the future.


performance rewrite rules vs routes.maproute

I'm helping a client with a web application upgrade, this includes a task that needs to route 100's of outdated bookmarks to new urls.
In reviewing the following links it seems clear cut that I should be updating the routing table and not putting in rewrite rules in web.config to deal with the outdated bookmarks:
When to use routes vs. rewrite rules?
From a curiosity standpoint, it would be a material performance hit to have 100 - 250 rewrite rules in web.config as oppose to entries within routes.maproute that directly handles the mapping? Right?
Either way, all of the rules will need to be executed before any of the actual routes are hit. So, the amount of performance that is used for either approach would be similar.
I suspect that the IIS rewrite module will be slightly faster because it happens before .NET even becomes involved in the request. However, the actual performance will depend on whether you use partial URL matches (fastest) vs case-sensitive complete URL matches (fast) vs case-insensitive complete URL matches (not-so-fast) vs using regular expressions (slow). Note that not all of these options are available in IIS rewrite.
Also, from a maintenance standpoint it makes much more sense to use IIS rewrite than mapping routes for obsolete URLs. Then you can keep these old URLs out of your application's configuration.
The only exception is if you want to handle the user edge cases where the browser doesn't respect an HTTP 301, and you want to make a user-friendly redirect page that ensures the user will know about the updated URL and update their bookmarks. The IIS rewrite module just sends a 301 response and assumes that the client will respect it (which isn't always the case).

How some websites doesn't show up page extension in the address bar?

Its just a question out of curiosity.
I have seen a lot of websites that doesn't show the page types/extensions in the address bar.For example, the stackoverflow's Ask Question page has the address instead of something like
Do they use something to hide that page extension?Or why I do not see the page extension?
I think its a nice think for page security.
using .htaccess file, you can do that
something similar here Remove .php extension with .htaccess
All the .htaccess answers that you have seen apply to traditional PHP applications because they are all uploaded as normal files to the document root of a webserver. This means that each PHP file is "browsable" directly, assuming you haven't prevented this at your webserver configuration.
StackOverflow (which is a .NET application) and other modern applications use a URL mapping paradigm - not only does this help with "clean" URLs, but also because cool URIs don't change. It really doesn't have anything to do with security.
So it is most likely that each URL is mapped to a function, this function returns a response that is sent to the browser.
PHP frameworks offer the same - Laravel routing, symfony routing and zend framework routing are all examples of this mapping paradigm.
A .htaccess (hypertext access) file is a directory-level configuration file supported by several web servers, that allows for decentralized management of web server configuration. They are placed inside the web tree, and are able to override a subset of the server's global configuration for the directory that they are in, and all sub-directories.
htaccess file
Rewrite Guides
More htaccess tips and tricks
Rewrite Url
Servers often use .htaccess to rewrite long, overly comprehensive URLs to shorter and more memorable ones.
Authorization, authentication
A .htaccess file is often used to specify security restrictions for a directory, hence the filename "access". The .htaccess file is often accompanied by a .htpasswd file which stores valid usernames and their passwords
Given three links above these will explain you in better way.
this is done by using the .htaccess file to configure the details of a website
RewriteEngine on
Rewrite Base /
RewriteRule ([a-z]+)/?$ index.php?menu=$1 [NC,L]
this example rewrites a URL which looks like this into
for more details please search stackoverflow / google

How do I serve multiple rails apps on one domain (and sub)?

This is kind of weird but I'd like to serve multiple websites on the same domain. If possible, we want to avoid subdomains to keep urls simple for our users - no need for them to know it's two separate apps. This is purely for keeping the code bases separate. Any ideas?
For example:
Rails App 1 (Refinery CMS) serves:
Rails App 2 (our real App) serves:
We use ruby 1.9.2, ruby on rails, refinery cms, apache and passenger.
If you're using Passenger, check out the Deploying to a sub URI portion of the manual - it's quite simple to set up an app on a sub-URI. You may need to set config.action_controller.relative_url_root in your app configuration, as well.
Edit: I misread the question; not one app per URI, but one app serving some (but not all) endpoints. This is actually moderately easy to do with some basic rewrites, as well.
Deploy your Rails app to, let's say, /railsapp (but without setting relative_url_root). Now, in .htaccess:
RewriteRule ^account/(.*)$ railsapp/account/$1 [L]
This will internally remap /account/* to /railsapp/account/*, so as long as you set up a rewrite per path your Rails app handles, it should work fine.
Subdomains make it easier (thus why most sites have, but you could probably use rewrite rules with name based virtual host routing. How exactly to do that I'm not sure. More of a Apache rewrite question for SuperUser.
A word of warning if you are using SSL you might have issues arise.
You could set it up to first hit one app where you expect most URLs would work and if it 404s you could instruct it to try the other app next, though this will be slower than routing per route but it will work without having to hardcode a route for every page that is created on say, Refinery CMS.
Currently I'm also working on a same kind of CMS. In my case also I need multiple sub domains, like
here is what I did
in rails 3 (if you are on rails3) you can get the sub domain by using request object. (If you are on rails 2.x you can use sub domain_fu plugin)
In my case I have used a before filter to get the sub domain, after that I load the site according to the sub domain
For development use the following public domain ""
this was very useful for me
let users have their domains forwarded to your subdomain (with masking)
ex : -->
hope this helps

Mapping multiple domain names to different resources in a Rails app

The rails app I have allows users to manage holiday homes. Each property has it's own
"website/homepage" within my app and a user can tweak the content, it works well,
quite pleased so far. Typical rails approach to the resources so the URLs to a particular property look like this for the "homepage" of a particular property.
Requirement is to map a domain name e.g. and have it resolve (rewrite?) to localhost:3000/properties/1/
like so also... -> localhost:3000/properties/1/full_details
The next user adds a property and I register a new name on their behalf and I'd like to do this of course.. -> localhost:3000/properties/2/
Is this possible/advisable/doable in the same rails app? So far solutions have ranged from "why would you do that" to variations on "use mod_proxy / mod_rewrite / virtual_host config". In case it matters the app runs under apache and passenger on my server.
I don't want to pre-empt an answer but most people so far seem to point to apache configuration and most say what I'm attempting is not impossible / inadvisable. Really hope someone could at least point me in the right direction as I've been head scratching all morning. Out of my comfort zone here and I'm hoping I can launch my app and haven't spent six weeks building a white elephant! Unless I can do this URL thing, it's dead!
This is what you want. Don't mess with apache for that. It doesn't scale to hundreds of domains and it's prone to breakage.
Within Rails, you should think of the requests coming just to a URI, without a host name section. That is, instead of localhost:3000/properties/1/full_details you need to think of /properties/1/full_details. The localhost:3000 part is just to get the request to Mongrel during the development process.
So what you really want is to take the request as it is received by the HTTPd (Apache, in your case) and extract some information to construct the request which is given to Rails.
mod_rewrite, which is an Apache module, is the sane way to do this.
You need to ensure that the same virtual host which runs your Rails application accepts requests for all the domain names you're using.
Then you can use mod_rewrite to do something like this:
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www.)?chalet-yeti\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /properties/1/$1 [L]
This will take every request to the host (or and hand them to Rails as "/properties/1/$1" (where the $1 is any additional path, like full_details).
You'll need a block like that for each of your domains, but that's just two lines in your Apache configuration. Unless you're doing hundreds of domains, it should be tolerable, right?

How do you see the client-side URL in ColdFusion?

Let's say, on a ColdFusion site, that the user has navigated to
The server-side code typically used to tell you what URL the user is at, looks like:
however, "cgi.script_name" automatically includes the default cfm file for that folder- eg, that code, when parsed and expanded, is going to show us ""
So, whether the user is visiting sub1/index.cfm or sub1/, the "cgi.script_name" var is going to include that "index.cfm".
The question is, how does one figure out which URL the user actually visited? This question is mostly for SEO-purposes- It's often preferable to 301 redirect "/index.cfm" to "/" to make sure there's only one URL for any piece of content- Since this is mostly for the benefit of spiders, javascript isn't an appropriate solution in this case. Also, assume one does not have access to isapi_rewrite or mod_rewrite- The question is how to achieve this within ColdFusion, specifically.
I suppose this won't be possible.
If the client requests "GET /", it will be translated by the web server to "GET /{whatever-default-file-exists-fist}" before ColdFusion even gets invoked. (This is necessary for the web server to know that ColdFusion has to be invoked in the first place!)
From ColdFusion's (or any application server's) perspective, the client requested "GET /index.cfm", and that's what you see in #CGI#.
As you've pointed out yourself, it would be possible to make a distinction by using a URL-rewriting tool. Since you specifically excluded that path, I can only say that you're out of luck here.
Not sure that it is possible using CF only, but you can make the trick using webserver's URL rewriting -- if you're using them, of course.
For Apache it can look this way. Say, we're using following mod_rewrite rule:
RewriteRule ^page/([0-9]+)/?$
index.cfm?page=$1&noindex=yes [L]
Now when we're trying to access URL CGI shows:
QUERY_STRING page=10&noindex=yes
See the idea? Think same thing is possible when using IIS.
Hope this helps.
I do not think this is possible in CF. From my understanding, the webserver (Apache, IIS, etc) determines what default page to show, and requests it from CF. Therefore, CF does not know what the actual called page is.
Sergii is right that you could use URL rewrting to do this. If that is not available to you, you could use the fact that a specific page is given precedence in the list of default pages.
Let's assume that default.htm is the first page in the list of default pages. Write a generic default.htm that automatically forwards to index.cfm (or whatever). If you can adjust the list of defaults, you can have CF do a 301 redirect. If not, you can do a meta-refresh, or JS redirect, or somesuch in an HTML file.
I think this is possible.
Using GetHttpRequestData you will have access to all the HTTP headers.
Then the GET header in that should tell you what file the browser is requesting.
<cfdump var="#GetHttpRequestData()#">
to see exactly what you have available to use.
Note - I don't have Coldfusion to hand to verify this.
Edit: Having done some more research it appears that GetHttpRequestData doesn't include the GET header. So this method probably won't work.
I am sure there is a way however - try dumping the CGI scope and see what you have.
If you are able to install ISAPI_rewrite (Assuming you're on IIS) -
It will insert a variable x-rewrite-url into the GetHttpRequestData() result structure which will either have / or /index.cfm depending on which URL was visited.
