Missing extension when save image on paperclip - ruby-on-rails

image = PortfolioFileItem.find(107)
img_source = "http://s3.amazonaws.com/test/portfolio_file_items_final/original/1.jpg"
image save DONE but missing extensionof image. this is sample image name saved:
Please help me solved problem. thanks

To add an extension to paperclip add this line after has_attached_file as an option
:path => ":rails_root/public/:attachment/:id/:style/:basename.:extension"
You can customize this path to fit your needs however you must have the .:extension at the end, the :extension is one of many values that can be used for interpolation.
See this blog post for more information.

If the actual file does not have an extension originally you can detect extension and add it before saving
def before_save
tempfile = data.queued_for_write[:original]
unless tempfile.nil?
extension = File.extname(tempfile.original_filename)
if !extension || extension == ''
mime = tempfile.content_type
ext = Rack::Mime::MIME_TYPES.invert[mime]
self.data.instance_write :file_name, "#{tempfile.original_filename}#{ext}"


Rails - compressing CSV files

I'm trying to attach a zipped CSV file to an e-mail without any joy. I've tried following http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/ActiveSupport/Gzip.html:
class UserExportProcessor
#queue = :user_export_queue
def self.perform(person_id, collection_ids)
person = Person.unscoped.find(person_id)
collection = Person.unscoped.where(id: [49522, 70789])
file = ActiveSupport::Gzip.compress(collection.to_csv)
PersonMailer.people_export(person, file).deliver
This sends an attachment - still as a CSV file - filled with symbols (no letters or numbers).
When I try and remove the compression:
class UserExportProcessor
#queue = :user_export_queue
def self.perform(person_id, collection_ids)
person = Person.unscoped.find(person_id)
collection = Person.unscoped.where(id: [49522, 70789])
PersonMailer.people_export(person, collection.to_csv).deliver
The system e-mails the CSV file as it should and the CSV is properly formed. What am I doing wrong? Do I need to make a new file out of the compressed data? I've tried various approaches with no joy..
Thanks in advance
EDIT: I'm trying
class UserExportProcessor
require 'zip'
#queue = :user_export_queue
def self.perform(person_id, collection_ids)
person = Person.unscoped.find(person_id)
collection = Person.unscoped.where(id: [49522, 70789])
file = Zip::ZipFile.open("files.zip", Zip::ZipFile::CREATE) { |zipfile|
puts zipfile.get_output_stream(collection.to_csv)
PersonMailer.people_export(person, file).deliver
However this fails with:
Errno::ENAMETOOLONG: File name too long - /Users/mark/projects/bla/Role,Title,First Name,Last Name,Address 1,Address 2,Address 3,City,Postcode,Country,Email,Telephone,Mobile,Job Title,Company,Area of work,Department,Regions,Account Manager,Sales Coordinator,Production Studios,Production Partners,Genres,Last login,Created date
Is there any way for me to set the file name with the above approach?
The mistake probably happens in the code of PersonMailer.people_export (which you didn't include). So this is my best guess: you probably add the attachment and do not properly define the mime-type.
Make sure you set the correct file extension when you add the attachment:
something along this line should work:
attachments['archive.zip'] = ActiveSupport::Gzip.compress(collection.to_csv)

Post image from Rails

I've got a Base64 encoded image coming in to my application. I want to re-post that image somewhere else, but it's setting the content-type to multipart/form-data at the destination. How do I upload this image?
file_name = permitted_params[:file_name]
file_contents = permitted_params[:file_contents]
file = Tempfile.new( file_name )
file.write( Base64.decode64( file_contents ) )
raw_response = RestClient.put(
{ 'upload' => file, :content_type => 'image/jpeg' },
:headers => {:content_type => 'image/jpeg'}
I needed to use RestClient because I needed to pass it through to another server (hence the 'url' in the PUT).
My problem was in decoding the image I wasn't stripping out the
then with this code:
raw_response = RestClient.put(url,
{:content_type => imageContentType})
I was able to get it to put the image and set the correct content-type. The answer below did help though, because I tried it to make sure the image was being decoded properly and it wasn't.
It is quite simple to do. First, you need to decode base64 encoded file. You will get binary file representation. Next use send_data from ActionController to send binary data. Also I have set a filename so it will be delivered to the user.
require 'base64'
class SomeController < ApplicationController
def some_action
file_name = permitted_params[:file_name]
file_base64_contents = permitted_params[:file_contents]
file_binary_contents = Base64.decode64(file_base64_contents)
# https://apidock.com/rails/ActionController/Streaming/send_data
send_data file_binary_contents, filename: file_name
I'll suggest you to update this implementation with error handling to improve security of your app. One more thing, don't use RestClient. Why do you need it here? Rails gives you all needed things for HTTP communication from controller.
If you have any questions about this please ask. Good luck.

How can I programmatically generate a PDF and save it on S3 using Carrierwave?

I am trying to generate a PDF using PDFKit
html = '<b>test</b>'
kit = PDFKit.new(html, :page_size => 'Letter')
pdf = kit.to_pdf
this works fine, and I can save the data to disk if I want to.
I have a simple model :
class Attachment < ActiveRecord::Base
mount_uploader :file, FileUploader, mount_on: :filename
when I do :
a = Attachment.new
a.file = pdf
I receive the following error :
ArgumentError: string contains null byte
I prefer not to have to save the PDF to disk before uploading because I'll be using Heroku.
As the gist by William is not working for me, here is what I did to resolve the problem:
html = '<html><head></head><body>foo!</body></html>'
file = PDFKit.new html
file.to_pdf.gsub(/\0/, '')
The idea comes from the answer to this question. Side effects may apply.

write stream to paperclip

I want to store received email attachment with usage of paperclip. From email I get part.body and I have no idea how to put it to paperclip'ed model. For now I create temporary file and write port.body to it, store this file to paperclip, and delete file. Here is how I do it with temporary file:
l_file = File.open(l_path, "w+b", 0644)
oAsset = Asset.new(
:email_id => email.id,
:asset => l_file,
:header => h,
:original_file_name => o,
:hash => h)
:asset is my 'has_attached_file' field. Is there a way to omit file creation and to do something like: :asset => part.body in Asset.new ?
This is how I would do it, assuming your using the mail gem to read the email. you'll need the whole email 'part', not just part.body
file = StringIO.new(part.body) #mimic a real upload file
file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type } #add attr's that paperclip needs
file.original_filename = part.filename #assign filename in way that paperclip likes
file.content_type = part.mime_type # you could set this manually aswell if needed e.g 'application/pdf'
now just use the file object to save to the Paperclip association.
a = Asset.new
a.asset = file
Hope this helps.
Barlow's answer is good, but it is effectively monkey-patching the StringIO class. In my case I was working with Mechanize::Download#body_io and I didn't want to possibly pollute the class leading to unexpected bugs popping up far away in the app. So I define the methods on the instances metaclass like so:
original_filename = "whatever.pdf" # Set local variables for the closure below
content_type = "application/pdf"
file = StringIO.new(part.body)
metaclass = class << file; self; end
metaclass.class_eval do
define_method(:original_filename) { original_filename }
define_method(:content_type) { content_type }
I like gtd's answer a lot, but it can be simpler.
file = StringIO.new(part.body)
class << file
define_method(:original_filename) { "whatever.pdf" }
define_method(:content_type) { "application/pdf" }
There's not really a need to extract the "metaclass" into a local variable, just append some class to the object.
From ruby 1.9, you can use StringIO and define_singleton_method :
def attachment_from_string(string, original_filename, content_type)
StringIO.new(string).tap do |file|
file.define_singleton_method(:original_filename) { original_filename }
file.define_singleton_method(:content_type) { content_type }
This would have been better as a comment on David-Barlow's answer but I don't have enough reputation points yet...
But, as others mentioned I didn't love the monkey-patching. Instead, I just created a new class that inherited from StringIO, like so:
class TempFile < StringIO
attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type
For posterity, here is the best answer. Put the top part in vendor/paperclip/data_uri_adapter.rb and the bottom part in config/initializers/paperclip.rb.
This requires a data URI scheme stream, but these days that seems pretty common. Simply set your paperclip'd variable to a string with the stream data, and the code takes care of the rest.
I used a similar technique to pull down images into paperclip
this should work, but is obvs untested:
io = part.body
def io.original_filename; part.original_file_name || 'unknown-file-name'; end
asset = Asset.new(:email=>email)
asset.asset = io
When we are assigning the IO directly to the paperclip instance, it needs to have a .original_file_name to it, so that's what we're doing in the second line.

Uploading a file through Paperclip or Carrierwave from a Mail attachment

If I have a mail object, eg:
mail = Mail.new do
from "jim#gmail.com"
to "jane#yahoo.com"
subject "Example"
text_part do
body "Blarg"
add_file "/some/file/or/some_such.jpg"
If I were to receive the above mail in my application
received_mail = mail.encoded
How would I pass the attachment on to CarrierWave/Paperclip (not fussed about which, I'll use whichever one handles this best)? I've tried a few different methods, but I keep running in to various stumbling blocks - has anyone got a working solution for it?
My current attempt is:
mail.attachments.each do |attachment|
self.attachments << Attachment.new(:file => Tempfile.new(attachment.filename) {|f| f.write(attachment.decoded)})
This doesn't appear to work - any tips?
I know that when I tried to take mail attachments and use them with paperclip, I also ran into some problems. The problem as I remember it was that paperclip expected certain attributes on the File object passed to it.
I solved it like this:
mail.attachments.each do |attachment|
file = StringIO.new(attachment.decoded)
file.class.class_eval { attr_accessor :original_filename, :content_type }
file.original_filename = attachment.filename
file.content_type = attachment.mime_type
#Then you attach it where you want it
self.attachments << Attachment.new(:file => file)
