Twitter API is not respecting my callback_url parameter - oauth

I've read all the threads about simiular issues on SO and elsewhere, and none of them have solved my problem.
I'm using Twython as a wrapper around the API. I've tried setting oauth_callback EVERYWHERE. Using the internal mechanism in Tython (which is done by setting callback_url on instantiation), by manually modifying the auth_url and appending the argument by before redirecting the user, etc. I've tried deleting and recreating both new twitter apps and new twitter accounts, to no avail.
Whenever I redirect the client to twitter, the correct oauth_callback is ALWAYS visible in the url along with the oauth_token, but the api always ignores this argument and overrides it with the url in the settings of my twitter app (both are under the same domain). I have tried figuring this out for several hours and I'm at a dead end. I've seen this work before and I've done it plenty of times, so I don't know what could possible be going wrong.
It's strange-- even if i set the callback to 'oob', which ought to trigger the PIN workflow rather than a callback, this argument is EVEN THEN ignored. Any ideas why?

You specify the oauth_callback value when you get a request token as specified in OAuth 1.0a. In 1.0 it you could pass it along with with the user when they go to but was changed for security reasons. You can read more about it in the /oauth/request_token docs.


Why do some websites include #_=_ at the end of a URL?

Some websites like Facebook and Ask FM use #_=_ at the end of an URL to an external website. Why?
If two large websites are doing so, surely it must mean something?
The problem is after authenticating with Facebook. The base path becomes a hash which eventually breaks the navigation.
I think this is because of facebook passing the url with some hash key. Because with or without passing redirection url facebook passing this to avoid vulnerability of attacks.
From, change in Session Redirect Behavior:
This week, we started adding a fragment #= to the redirect_uri when this field is left blank. Please ensure that your app can handle this behavior.
A solution is simply removing the hash as stated here then everything seems back to normal:
Facebook Callback appends '#_=_' to Return URL

VK Oauth: Security Error

I'm trying to authorize my standalone application. But after I click "Allow" it always redirects to and gives this as response body:
{"error":"invalid_request", "error_description":"Security Error"}
Here's the request URL (I do have correct client_id):,offline&redirect_uri=
It seems that I've tried everything:
Turning application on and off
Passing scope as bit mask
URI encoding some parameters to have correct URL
and so on
After hour of searches I've found this.
So, it means that user has an old session and must re-login in browser.
Space in state parameter causes this.
OAuth 2 RFC, sections 4.1.1 on authorization request and 4.1.2 on authorization response, recommends using state parameter to maintain state in authorization code flow, particularly to prevent CSRF.
When I set this field to CSRFTOKEN123, I got this error. Replacing (space) with : to get CSRFTOKEN123: helps.
By the way, I couldn't find any mention of state parameter on VK documentation website but VK OAuth 2 authorization system actually supports it. It couldn't be called OAuth 2 otherwise. So I find it legit to use state parameter.
The topic mentioned by author is closed now, current discussion is There are number of questions on this. All in Russian.

Box API OAuth2: multiple redirect_uris, long lasting refresh token

I have two questions about Box's Oauth2 API in a testing environment.
Is it possible to have multiple redirect_URI addresses? I'd like to use one address for production (e.g.,, one for ongoing development (http://localhost:8000/box_redirects_here) and one for automatic UI tests (http://localhost:8001/box_redirects_here). As far as I could see, the only way to do that would be to create three different Box applications - is there an easier way? BTW, both Dropbox and Google Drive do support multiple redirect URIs.
I have a set of automatic tests that I'd like to run a few times a day. The challenge I'm facing is that every time I run these tests, my refresh_token is invalidated, and I can't use it again - which means I can't run the same set of tests a few hours later without manually getting a new token. One solution would be to save the refresh token, for example in a file, so I could reuse it across testing sessions. But:
It's really cumbersome.
if different developers are running these tests from different machines with no common file system that doesn't really work.
Again, for whatever reason this doesn't seem to be an issue with Google Drive or with Dropbox.
This is not currently possible, and I agree that would be nice.
Your best option is to save the access/refresh token pair to a file or a database (in the event that there's no common filesystem.) The OAuth2 spec grants implementers wide latitude on how they issue refresh tokens, if they issue them at all (I don't think Dropbox does.) While Box's implementation makes integration testing a bit challenging, I think that it ultimately hews most closely to the spec's recommendations.
For your first question, you might be able to get close to what you want by using the redirect_uri query parameter. Although you won't be able to supply an arbitrary redirect URI, you can give one that has the same base URL as the redirect URI in your app console.
From the OAuth tutorial:
Wildcard redirect_uri values are also accepted in the request as long as the base url matches the URI registered in the application console. A registered redirect_uri of can be dynamically redirected to if passed into the request redirect_uri parameter.
For your second question, John is right - Box invalidates a refresh token after it has been used. Although this can be annoying, it's also more secure.

OAuth callback URL parameters with Doorkeeper

I'm Using OAuth2 with Doorkeeper to protect my API.
The problem is that one client had several different flows in which he redirects users to my OAuth flow.
He would like to dynamically add some parameters when redirecting the user to my OAuth flow and get these parameters back when I'm calling his callback URL. This way he will be able to tell from which flow this callback originated.
Is this possible with OAuth 2? with Doorkeeper? How?
Thanks Zólyomi István for your hint.
I set the state parameter before calling the auth endpoint and got it back in the callback. However, I found that I get back a state parameter with some apparently random string even if I don't set anything. Any idea what it is? I'd like to be sure I'm not messing up anything...
Well, using the state parameter was indeed the solution. Just adding state to the request and then getting it back when the control is returned to my code.
According to the specification:
The state parameter is used to link requests and callbacks to prevent
CSRF attacks where an attacker authorizes access to his own resources
and then tricks a users into following a edirect with the attacker's
Apparently ominauth oauth 2 assigns random value to this parameter unless it's used in order to detect CSRF attacks.

Omniauth: How to set authentication provider details at runtime

I have a rails app that is accessible from 2 domains. Facebook requires me to register a facebook app for each of these domains and gives me credentials for each. With Omniauth I can only specify one set of credentials that is set on application startup. However, I would need to supply FB with different credentials depending on the host of the request.
There are 2 problems here:
How can I change the Omniauth credentials for facebook at runtime?
How can I intercept the call to facebook, check the domain and set the credentials accordingly? A before filter will not work, as Omniauth uses Rack Middleware.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated!
Copying the answer from the comments in order to remove this question from the "Unanswered" filter:
I solved this myself now. The problem was that the fb strategy calls
back to fb a second time to get an access token. In that second call
the wrong credentials were used (the ones set in the initializer). So
I had to patch the OAuth2 strategy so that it calls through to the
rails app again, to set the runtime credentials for that second call.
In the call back, which normally only handles the response form
Omniauth, I set the credentials and return a 404 unless
request.env["omniauth.auth"] is present. That works fine but has some
side effects for apps without dynamic providers.
The problem is now, that even if an application doesn't want to set the credentials at runtime, it has to add a condition to the callback like if request.env["omniauth.auth"] to avoid the callback code being executed when it is called the first time. The solution is probably to add a parameter to the Omniauth builder like :dynamic_provider and only call through to the app if it is set.
~ answer per Nico
This question is fairly old but still relevant. Nowdays it is also possible to set provider details dynamically during OmniAuth's Setup Phase.
For example:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use do
provider :example,
setup: ->(env) do
env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:foo] = env['rack.session']['foo']
env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_options][:site] = Something.dynamic('param')
