Omniauth: How to set authentication provider details at runtime - ruby-on-rails

I have a rails app that is accessible from 2 domains. Facebook requires me to register a facebook app for each of these domains and gives me credentials for each. With Omniauth I can only specify one set of credentials that is set on application startup. However, I would need to supply FB with different credentials depending on the host of the request.
There are 2 problems here:
How can I change the Omniauth credentials for facebook at runtime?
How can I intercept the call to facebook, check the domain and set the credentials accordingly? A before filter will not work, as Omniauth uses Rack Middleware.
Any suggestions are highly appreciated!

Copying the answer from the comments in order to remove this question from the "Unanswered" filter:
I solved this myself now. The problem was that the fb strategy calls
back to fb a second time to get an access token. In that second call
the wrong credentials were used (the ones set in the initializer). So
I had to patch the OAuth2 strategy so that it calls through to the
rails app again, to set the runtime credentials for that second call.
In the call back, which normally only handles the response form
Omniauth, I set the credentials and return a 404 unless
request.env["omniauth.auth"] is present. That works fine but has some
side effects for apps without dynamic providers.
The problem is now, that even if an application doesn't want to set the credentials at runtime, it has to add a condition to the callback like if request.env["omniauth.auth"] to avoid the callback code being executed when it is called the first time. The solution is probably to add a parameter to the Omniauth builder like :dynamic_provider and only call through to the app if it is set.
~ answer per Nico

This question is fairly old but still relevant. Nowdays it is also possible to set provider details dynamically during OmniAuth's Setup Phase.
For example:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use do
provider :example,
setup: ->(env) do
env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:foo] = env['rack.session']['foo']
env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_options][:site] = Something.dynamic('param')


How to add additional custom criteria for authorization or token creation in Spring Oauth?

We have implemented Spring Oauth authorization+resource server that can be used for external applications.
Now we would like to add custom checks before some oauth calls returns in the authorization server, most importantly for the authorization code but also before allowing returning a token sometimes.
An example use case might be that which users that are allowed to login for a specific client_id might vary and if not allowed this should generate a redirect back with an error.
So for example a user might trigger a login from a third-party app, redirected to our authorization server and shown a login page, however after login it is discovered (through our business logic) that this specific user is not allowed to authorize access to that specific app/client id.
What is the best way to achive this result in a way that is consistent error handling in Spring oauth?
Also, a related question is also how to resolve the client details before the login screen shown so more specific client details can be shown when logging in?
We could parse the client_id parameter manually but maybe there is a more elegant way to hook into Spring oauth to solve this?
(sorry for dual question but its sort of related and the first question is the most important one)

Can't understand scheme of creating API with Devise, RocketPants, Doorkeeper

I was developing website and decided to separate back-end(rails) and front-end(angularjs). All went good until I tried to implement authenticating over JSON. I've found tons of material on how to implement it with devise, or with doorkeeper, but I can't understand how to put it together. (API is implemented with RocketPants)
From what I've realized, from front-end I should send login and pass on init, getting back authtoken (step 1). Then on every call I should send authtoken with other data (step 2)
On step 1: Doorkeeper redirects_to sign_in page. Should I modify controller in way that it should come to controller, which would handle authentication (by using warden.authenticate!) ? And how does Doorkeeper know that I'm logged in since that moment? (for giving me authtoken)
On step 2: Authtokens are individual per user and per application, which uses API, right? So I should somehow specify, from which application request comes, shouldn't I? "
Note: Backend is going to be API only, so everything should be handled by JSON requests. But how I modify available applications then? One more custom controller over Doorkeeper?
Thanks in advance, I hope, I'm not the only one with such questions =)

Using a Custom Single Sign On Authentication Service with Spring Security Core Plugin

I'm working on a Grails application and want to integrate with a custom single-sign-on service (not CAS, but similar). I'm struggling to find all the pieces that I need to customize to make this happen. Can someone explain to me a general outline as to what I need to use to accomplish this? I've read the documentation on the plugin, but it assumes I know which beans to override and where to put all the needed files.
I've block-quoted what I think needs to be done based on my research below each point.
Order of Operations
1- The user requests secure content (everything is secure in the application for now)
I believe this setting is in the Config.groovy file:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.rejectIfNoRule = true
grails.plugins.springsecurity.securityConfigType = "InterceptUrlMap"
grails.plugins.springsecurity.interceptUrlMap = [
2- Spring Security checks to see if the user has a specific value set in a cookie provided by the authentication service
I'm guessing I need to create an authentication filter, but I don't know where to put it or what it should look like.
If they don't, the user is redirected to this custom SSO service, they login, once authenticated, the user is redirected back to my application (with a new cookie set)
3- Spring security checks for the cookie value and validates it against the custom service (via HTTP POST)
From some research, I think that I need to use PreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter, but I haven't been able to find any examples of how to do this.
4- The custom service returns a series of name/value pairs, a user then needs to be created in the local application database (or the timestamp of "lastLoggedIn" is updated if they user's data is already in the database)
I believe this is done in the same PreAuthenticatedProcessingFilter as number 3 or in a GrailsUserDetailsService
5- The user's authentication is cached in the session for a period of time (6-8 hours) so that re-validation against the SSO service doesn't need to occur every time the user requests a new resource.
I'm not sure if this is something that's done inherently or if I need to add code to do this (and also set the session timeout)

OmniAuth dynamic client options site within the strategy

I have a rails app set up as an OAuth2 provider (using Doorkeeper). The app uses a different subdomain per user account (or an entirely different domain through a cname record)
On the provider side, everything is working as expected.
I also have a second app that is a client making use of the first app's exposed API. I have a version of the client working but only with a hard coded site url in the OmniAuth strategy.
The question is, how can I dynamically set the strategy url on a per request basis.
For anyone interested, the solution is in the use of dynamic providers:
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :mystrategy, ENV["OAUTH_ID"], ENV["OAUTH_SECRET"],
:setup => lambda{|env|
env['omniauth.strategy'].options[:client_options].site = env['rack.session']['oauth_site']
One option is don't do it that way.
I have a similar app and ran into the same issue. However after thinking about it for a moment I realised that I didn't want to send them to a strategy provider URL on the user account's subdomain because the request wasn't yet fully authenticated (it hasn't been processed by the rails app yet).
Also for the first time a user logs in the user account subdomain hadn't yet been set up, so it would have been impossible to route there.
So instead, I have the strategy callback URL set to the main website. After the signin request is processed, session set up and everything, then I redirect the client onto their user subdomain. Takes out a whole load of pain.

Twitter API is not respecting my callback_url parameter

I've read all the threads about simiular issues on SO and elsewhere, and none of them have solved my problem.
I'm using Twython as a wrapper around the API. I've tried setting oauth_callback EVERYWHERE. Using the internal mechanism in Tython (which is done by setting callback_url on instantiation), by manually modifying the auth_url and appending the argument by before redirecting the user, etc. I've tried deleting and recreating both new twitter apps and new twitter accounts, to no avail.
Whenever I redirect the client to twitter, the correct oauth_callback is ALWAYS visible in the url along with the oauth_token, but the api always ignores this argument and overrides it with the url in the settings of my twitter app (both are under the same domain). I have tried figuring this out for several hours and I'm at a dead end. I've seen this work before and I've done it plenty of times, so I don't know what could possible be going wrong.
It's strange-- even if i set the callback to 'oob', which ought to trigger the PIN workflow rather than a callback, this argument is EVEN THEN ignored. Any ideas why?
You specify the oauth_callback value when you get a request token as specified in OAuth 1.0a. In 1.0 it you could pass it along with with the user when they go to but was changed for security reasons. You can read more about it in the /oauth/request_token docs.
