Get data from user test on device to mac - ios

I'm doing some user tests of my new iOS app and store some test data in a plist. When I do that in the simulator it is easy to get that file for further analysis on my mac, but how can I easily get it from a real device? This will only be used during testing and will not be part of the final version.
Possible ways I have read about but not tried (in hope to get some directions here first):
E-mail attachment
Enable file transfer to iTunes
Jailbreak (but don't want to)
Currently what I am doing is to NSLog it and copy and paste from Xcode into Excel, but this requires that the device is tethered to my mac.
Any experience or advice on easiest way to get this done?

I sometimes use iPhone Explorer to do this, because the plist file I want is not in my Documents folder. I use it to navigate to the files associated with my app on the device. Just connect your device to your laptop, run iPhone Explorer and then use it to locate the plist file you want and drag and drop it wherever you want.

You can save data from Organizer. Just click on your device and it'll show in right pane. Files from documents folder and possibly other folders can be saved.


How to access Xcode database from iPhone app

This is my first iPhone app. I'm using Xcode 7.3.
In the app I used this tutorial to create an sql database using the app (when the user gives permission by pressing a button, it creates the .db file).
Now I would like to know how I can download the database from the app.
Here is why:
The app will be downloaded on someone's device (not via the app store). It is supposed to collect data from a wearable device and store it in the database.
However I don't know how to access that data later on when I have the user's phone. Apparently the db lives in
I read that one method is "jailbreaking." But I have never done that and this is not my phone I'm dealing with, it's a client's, so I don't feel comfortable hacking it. Is there another way? Possibly through the terminal (this is how I did it with the android app, using adb)?
Or is there another way I can go about saving the database so that it is accessible/retrievable?
The first answer is correct but incomplete :
Once you have download the Container, the extension is .xcappdata, so you need to right-click on it and select show the package.
Then browse into /library/Application support/ to find your database in .sqlite
You can try to connect the device to your Mac, then in XCode, go to Window, Devices, select your device and app bundle and click "Download Container...".
To see the database, you could use SQLite.

iOS File Retrieval - NSDocumentDirectory

I am working on a library with a very verbose logger module that, on iOS, writes xml logs to NSDocumentDirectory in a consistent file tree. I want to come up with a way for the user of this library to easily access these logs.
I know it is simple to programatically retrieve files from this directory, but is it possible to access this directory on an iOS physical device in any way from outside Xcode to retrieve these logs? I feel like I have seen it somewhere before, something in the manner of extracting the .ipa file and going into the package contents, but I could be wrong.
This (Browse the files created on a device by the IOS application I'm developing, on workstation?) is how to do it with Xcode on a device, but I have to assume that there is some way we can create that gets the logs off of a device for a user.
is it possible to access this directory on an iOS physical device in any way from outside Xcode to retrieve these logs?
It is possible to expose the Documents directory by enabling iTunes file sharing. When file sharing is enabled through this method, the contents of Documents directory would be visible to the user in iTunes, which can also be exported. The documents would also be visible for export through some third party desktop apps like iExplorer.
Here is the link to Apple documentation. You may also refer this thread to understand how this is done.
If you're using a simulator (apparently your task doesn't seem to need te real device) you are in luck.
You should go to a folder similar to this one:
Once there, with finder, you'll get the "documents" folder of the simulator and the app you're trying to retrieve your logs from.
You might say: I don't know which 2 RANDOM_HASHES should I go to.
Yes, you're right. If you have MANY simulators installed and or being used, it might be tricky to discover which one is the one you're trying to debug.
The same thing with your APP, your app will live in another RANDOM_HASH folder, and you should browse them, one by one, and then discover your documents folder.
Someone needed to solve this "mess" and created a Xcode Alcatraz Extension that leads you to the exact live simulator and APP you're debugging in any given moment, and then you don't need to guess which 2 random_hash paths you need to navigate to.
If Xcode + Alcartaz plugin extension manager is somewhat out of your reach, you might need to google it. It's not a difficult process.
PS: That magical Alcatraz Extension is named "XCodeWay" (in case you are brave enough to install Alcatraz onto your copy of XCode).
EDIT: Useful link to get Alcatraz: Follow its easy instructions and you're done.
EDIT2: If Xcode cannot be used, then the last question in this other thread might come in handy: Browse the files created on a device by the IOS application I'm developing, on workstation?
(Still, an external application in your users machine will be needed )

Get database from crashed iOS app

I develop an iOS app and I send it to any beta tester. After 2 month app has a crash and now it doesn't work .
I need to get any information about log or better I need database. How can I get it ? I can connect to my Mac, but I don't know how to access to db data (if is it possible).
It's very important get database information.
Thank you.
In your device, you can access support directories only for applications compiled for development.
Connect your device to your computer. Having launched xcode, open 'Organizer' window (Window->Organizer). On the left hand side of the menu you will have your device displayed. Under your device, select 'Applications'. All the dev applications will be available there. Select the application you are interested in and click 'Download' at the bottom of the window. What happens - the support directories are downloaded. They are stored in bundle with extension '.xcappdata'. 'ctrl' click on the file and menu will give you an option 'Show Package Contents'. You will find there your sql database file.
You can either use XCode Organizer to download the application directory from the device, or if the tester is remote ask them to install a program like iExplore that lets you simply copy application directories off of the device to send to you.

Debugging & accessing NSDocumentsDirectory in real device

I have my apps using NSDocumentsDirectory for saving the downloads & offline data on device. From debugging point of view, I was debugging as usual on simulator & was trying to access the path for these downloads & I was able to do that. I have my doubts as :
I am not able to access the location /var/mobile/Applications/SOME-HEX-CODED-PATH/Documents/ via terminal that was shown in the NSDocumentsDirectory paths during debugging on device. Whereas in iOS Simulator I am able to open , read/ write at that location.
I am not able to browse through the /var/mobile directory as it is not listed in the finder, not even as hidden directory.
Is that directory is mounted on runtime ?
Please clarify.
I am not sure to fully understand your question. You want to access, from your laptop, the filesystem of your device?
You are not supposed to do that on a regular device at least. If you want to browse your documents directory do it through the organiser (Window/Organiser) and then "devices" tab and select your device and your app. You will be able to see your sandboxed filesystem in the bottom part and downloaded its content.

Check files in Documents, Library or tmp directory on iOS device

I am making on an app and want to get access to the directories that system create automatically when app installed on device. Of course when I use simulator I can find these directories without any problems, but how to open them on device. Maybe via iTunes or maybe Xcode has access to these directories.
The folders are below:
Why I need it:
Because after my app restore some products (iOS simulator does not support StoreKit) I have few records in the tmp folder in SQLite database.
#neilco , it's not necessary to use 3d party tools for this. In Xcode, go to organizer, select the connected device, "applications" tab, select desired application and hit "export" button below. This will export you app to your mac, so you can see your depicted folder structure, files' contents etc.
Take a look at using iExplorer as this allows you to views the folder structure of apps on a device.
