what mechanisms used by Whatsapp and Viber for Chatting and messaging - ios

I am searching some thing about Whatsapp and Viber.
They are providing Free calls ans SMS and Chatting functionality over VOIP.
Can any one identify what kind of Mechanisms are used by both application .
Means For Chat what kind of protocols are used and other details. and any other code which may be usefull to create chat applications like these.
please provide some details.

Whatsapp uses a custom XMPP server, Viber uses their own SIP voip server.
There are some opensource libraries for XMPP.


Socket.io vs xmpp for a mobile chat app

I have to build a realtime chat app in iOS, which can later also have voice and video calling. I want to use a scalable and light weight solution integrated with the backend, making sure that the solution also supports calling in the future.
I'm not too sure if socket.io supports voice and video calls; Should I use that or xmpp? Or any other similar solution?
As it was written above socket.io is a chat server implementation using Websockets, while XMPP is a protocol.
I'd recommend using an XMPP chat server in this case.
For audio/video calls implementation you will need to implement signaling via XMPP to establish connection between the devices before the call.
Also for audio/video chat implementation you will need STUN/TURN/ICE server and you will need to add client-side implementation for passing media streams from peer-to-peer if you choose WebRTC peer-to-peer option.
There is an easier way as well. You can use a ready XMPP based server and SDK to build your app. For example, ConnectyCube provides such service.
They have a ready backend and SDKs you can use for building chat and audio/video chat apps. Also they already have a TURN server, so you do not need to worry about this part too.

Connecting Twilio SMS to my phone via XMPP

I'd like to interact with my customers via texting/messaging on a phone app, but not use my personal phone number. Although this seems like a common need, haven't found a solution for that yet.
Twilio SMS services are amazing. I'd like to take advantage of those services as well as utilize a familiar iMessage like interface for interaction with in and out SMS/MMS messages.
Was wondering if I could avoid re-inventing the wheel by using a standard XMPP iOS app with a standard XMPP chat server and only build an intermediate service that would translate between Twilio SMS and XMPP.
I've got to assume that other's have already solved this problem. I'd would love to hear your input on using this approach or hearing how you've solved this.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
I am not an expert in XMPP I'm afraid. However, a bit of Googling turned up the following links:
SMS over XMPP with Twilio
Multi channel chat with Twilio and Google App Engine
Cloudpipes Twilio XMPP integration
Perhaps one of those might help?
This XMPP component connects Twilio SMS and voice to XMPP: https://wiki.soprani.ca/TwilioSetup
I posted an Android SMS app called Owl SMS, that allows you to do what you wanted, keep your personal SMS (from your mobile phone number) separate from your business SMS. At this time, it only does text, I haven't added MMS.

Registering with phone number

I am working on an app that will require registering (or verifying?) with phone number just like WhatsApp or Telegram or many messaging apps do. Something like this:
Is it possible to do something like that with Parse.com? Or what would be the best option to implement this service?
Thank you!
Yes, it would be possible with Parse as your backend. You'd need a third party SMS service to send the txt. Parse is partnered with Twilio for sending SMS messages. See here. There are many other SMS API services available as well if you just google search it.

XEP-0166: Jingle protocol implementation for voice/video chat in iOS

I have already implemented chat with text message using XMPP framework for iOS. But, now I want to implement voice/video chat using XMPP framework in iOS. So, anybody know about how to implement XEP-0166: Jingle Protocol with available XMPP framework in iOS/Objective-C? Thanks in advance.
Refer This book regarding XMPPFramework. In this book all things are described regarding all fetchers provided by XMPP like one to one messaging, file sharing, voice call, video call and etc.
In this book how to send stanzas to server and client are described in detail.
hope this book will help u.

Customized sip server to be used with doubang's idoubs

I wish to use a VOIP SIP service for video and audio calls. After researching this I found out that doubang is a flexible framework for voip client.
I want to build an app which requires to connect to a customized SIP server for the communication (registration will be the process where user will be provided with an unique identifier with which user can communicate with others through the sip server). My question is can doubang's idoubs voip client communicate with other users using my sip server or it will use its own resource for that.
I am in need of all features like voice call, video call, Instant Messaging, SMS.
Is there any other framework which satisfies my needs?
You could consider linphone a multi-platform opens-source SIP client that is available on iOS among others.
Kamailio (http://www.kamailio.org/w/)... tried and tested ...
