XEP-0166: Jingle protocol implementation for voice/video chat in iOS - ios

I have already implemented chat with text message using XMPP framework for iOS. But, now I want to implement voice/video chat using XMPP framework in iOS. So, anybody know about how to implement XEP-0166: Jingle Protocol with available XMPP framework in iOS/Objective-C? Thanks in advance.

Refer This book regarding XMPPFramework. In this book all things are described regarding all fetchers provided by XMPP like one to one messaging, file sharing, voice call, video call and etc.
In this book how to send stanzas to server and client are described in detail.
hope this book will help u.


Video call and chat using WebRTC and Pubnub in native iOS Swift

I'm working on a doctor-patient appointment app on native iOS Swift project. Here I want to implement a live video call with chat using WebRTC and PubNub signaling server. I'm totally new to it. I don't know how to implement this. I have seen some of the Objective-C codes but still I didn't understand. Please help if any of you implement the same in swift.
Highly recommend you reach out to a service such as Vonage (https://www.vonage.com) who can provide HIPAA compliant WebRTC video service for you.
Once you have a set of keys on Vonage, you can use PubNub to move the video session details around the channel in question.
Traditionally I use a JSON object model that looks like this:
channel: "UUID of medical session"
messageID: "MessageID on your platform"
messageType: "videoInvite"
sender: "Hilaj"
sessionDetails: "session JWT and/or session token"
timestamp: "1597347054"
This means you can send text based messages as well as video invites in the same channel and write the event to logs.
I have implemented this in Swift (and previously in Objective C) but it is completely proprietary.
You are going to have to download the Google WebRTC framework.
Taking a quick look at PubNub, it looks like it just does signalling. You are still going to need an actual WebRTC server (eg, Janus). There are others and I'm not really sure which ones support PubNub.

iOS - XMPP with WebRTC for realtime video call or chat

I have searched the whole web but did not get any document for passing the XMPP IQ to WebRTC. Also I see is the XMPP Jingle class, but cannot find any document for integrate this.
Can someone help me with setting up a two-way video call using XMPP and WebRTC? By providing a working sample of Objective-C code?
I have tried:
Checking https://github.com/YK-Unit/AppRTCDemo and many other Github projects.
Are you want to support different platforms to get live video streaming?
So, i have a very good experience with https://www.nanocosmos.de/ library.
It's supports iOS, Android and Web. Has demo applications and trial period.
About documentation:
XMPP Framework: https://github.com/robbiehanson/XMPPFramework/wiki/IntroToFramework
It's very good documented.
WebRTC Native Code:
It's contains all information about WebRTC.

messageUI.framework useful in sending pictures?

Can one use messageUI.framework in swift to send photos to someone the way snapchat does? I've done it using parse, but looking for a different way.
You can not use messageUI.framework for sending the photos.
if you want snapchat functionality you should use XMPP.
This is iOS framework for XMPP
https://github.com/robbiehanson/XMPPFramework also, you should require XMPP server
For XMPP server please, check openfire and ejabberd

IOS - chat application using XMPP Protocol

I am going to start an IOS application. In which I am going to implement the
one to one chat
one to many chat
with using the XMPP protocol.
I have searched over the internet. I have seen that "Xabber" (open source) did what I want. But It is available only in android.
I am new to this domain. So can anyone give some samples to do that functionality in IOS?

what mechanisms used by Whatsapp and Viber for Chatting and messaging

I am searching some thing about Whatsapp and Viber.
They are providing Free calls ans SMS and Chatting functionality over VOIP.
Can any one identify what kind of Mechanisms are used by both application .
Means For Chat what kind of protocols are used and other details. and any other code which may be usefull to create chat applications like these.
please provide some details.
Whatsapp uses a custom XMPP server, Viber uses their own SIP voip server.
There are some opensource libraries for XMPP.
