Is the word "lexer" a synonym for the word "parser"? - parsing

The title is the question: Are the words "lexer" and "parser" synonyms, or are they different? It seems that Wikipedia uses the words interchangeably, but English is not my native language so I can't be sure.

A lexer is used to split the input up into tokens, whereas a parser is used to construct an abstract syntax tree from that sequence of tokens.
Now, you could just say that the tokens are simply characters and use a parser directly, but it is often convenient to have a parser which only needs to look ahead one token to determine what it's going to do next. Therefore, a lexer is usually used to divide up the input into tokens before the parser sees it.
A lexer is usually described using simple regular expression rules which are tested in order. There exist tools such as lex which can generate lexers automatically from such a description.
[0-9]+ Number
[A-Z]+ Identifier
+ Plus
A parser, on the other hand, is typically described by specifying a grammar. Again, there exist tools such as yacc which can generate parsers from such a description.
expr ::= expr Plus expr
| Number
| Identifier

No. Lexer breaks up input stream into "words"; parser discovers syntactic structure between such "words". For instance, given input:
velocity = path / time;
lexer output is:
velocity (identifier)
= (assignment operator)
path (identifier)
/ (binary operator)
time (identifier)
; (statement separator)
and then the parser can establish the following structure:
= (assign)
lvalue: velocity
rvalue: result of
/ (division)
dividend: contents of variable "path"
divisor: contents of variable "time"

No. A lexer breaks down the source text into tokens, whereas a parser interprets the sequence of tokens appropriately.

They're different.
A lexer takes a stream of input characters as input, and produces tokens (aka "lexemes") as output.
A parser takes tokens (lexemes) as input, and produces (for example) an abstract syntax tree representing statements.
The two are enough alike, however, that quite a few people (especially those who've never written anything like a compiler or interpreter) treat them as the same, or (more often) use "parser" when what they really mean is "lexer".

As far as I know, lexer and parser are allied in meaning but are not exact synonyms. Though many sources do use them as similar a lexer (abbreviation of lexical analyser) identifies tokens relevant to the language from the input; while parsers determine whether a stream of tokens meets the grammar of the language under consideration.


Is my lexer doing too much -- is it doing the work of the parser?

My input consists of a series of names, each on a new line. Each name consists of a firstname, optional middle initial, and lastname. The name fields are separated by tabs. Here is a sample input:
Sally M. Smith
Tom V. Jones
John Doe
Below are the rules for my Flex lexer. It works fine but I am concerned that my lexer is doing too much: it is determining that a token is a firstname or a middle initial or a lastname. Should that determination be done in the parser, not the lexer? Am I abusing the Flex state capability? What I am seeking is a critique of my lexer. I am just a beginner, how would a parsing expert create lexer rules for this input?
[a-zA-Z]+ { yylval.strval = strdup(yytext); return(FIRSTNAME); }
[A-Z]\. { yylval.strval = strdup(yytext); return(MI); }
[a-zA-Z]+ { yylval.strval = strdup(yytext); return(LASTNAME); }
\n { BEGIN INITIAL; return EOL; }
<JUNK_STATE>. { printf("JUNK: %s\n", yytext); }
You can use lexer states as you do in this question. But it's better to use them as a means to conditionally activate rules. For examples, think of handling multi-line comments or here documents or (for us silverbacks) embedded SQL.
In your question, there's no lexical difference between a given name and a family name -- they both are matched by [a-zA-Z]+, as would be middle names, if you were to extend your lexer.
Short answer: yes, lex NAME tokens and let the parser determine whether you have three NAME tokens on a line.
Yes; your lexer is parsing. The main evidence is that it's implementing identical rules in different start states. Two rules have exactly the same pattern.
The purpose of start states in the context of lexing is to modify the lexical grammar in order to shield the parser from certain differences. It works with the parser. For instance, say you had some document language in which $ shifts into math expression mode, which has different tokenizing rules. The lexer still just returns tokens in math mode; it doesn't try to parse the math expressions. It is the parser which will determine that, if the brackets are balanced, then another $ can shift out of math mode.
In your code the rules for returning a last name and first name are identical; you have used to start state to handle phrase structure syntax: the fact that the last name comes later than the first name.
Another bit of telltale evidence that the lexer is parsing is that the lexer itself is handling all of the start condition changes. In our $...$ math mode example, we might have the lexer shift into a start state when it sees the $ symbol. However, if the lexer also recognizes the end of math mode, then that is evidence it is parsing the math mode expression. The end can only be recognized by following the nested phrase structure grammar of math mode expressions. The way you would handle that would be for the lexer to expose a function lex_end_math_mode(). When the parser processes and reduces the entire math mode expression, it calls this function to tell the lexer to switch back to the lexical syntax outside of math mode. The math-mode-terminating dollar sign would likely also appear as a token visible to the parser, though the leading one might not. So that is to say, the parser parses math_mode_expr : expr '$': a math mode expression followed by a required dollar sign to end math mode. The action for that rule would include the call to lex_end_math_mode, so the lexer returns to the tokenization rules outside of math mode for scanning the next token after the closing $.
There is no right or wrong answer because it's all parsing. Every grammar that is divided into tokens and phrase structure rules could be expressed by a unified grammar which includes the rules for the token structure.
Why we often use a design which separates lexical scanning and parsing is that:
Unifying the lexical and phrase structure grammar into one will turn LL(1) into LL(k). A recursive-descent parser then needs to look k symbols ahead to make parsing decisions. For instance if you're parsing C with this holistic approach, you need to treat int as a reserved keyword. That requires four symbols of lookahead: you have to recognize i, n, t, and then if the next symbol indicates that the token has ended, you treat that as the keyword, otherwise an identifier.
Performance: lexical scanning uses efficient techniques tailored to that task, which take advantage of the restriction that the lexical grammar is regular.
Correspondence to spec: if you have a language whose specification is described in terms of a lexical grammar separate from a phrase structure grammar, then if you implement it that way, features of your code are more readily traceable to features of requirement spec. You may be able to write unit tests which separately show that the lexing and parsing obeys the spec.
Schooling: people who went through a CS program that included a course on compiler construction had separate lexing and parsing drilled into their heads, and whenever it comes up in their subsequent career, they just lean on that wisdom. They are never confronted with situations in which they recognize it as not being a good approach, and don't question it.
Whatever works in your individual situations with whatever you're parsing overrules the theory. If it's convenient for you to recognize some phrase-like fragments in the lexer, and you're able to convince yourself that it's a clean approach, then by all means do it that way.

lex/yacc: why do lexers have to include a parser's header file?

I'm trying to learn a little more about compiler construction, so I've been toying with flexc++ and bisonc++; for this question I'll refer to flex/bison however.
In bison, one uses the %token declaration to define token names, for example
%token INTEGER
and so forth. When bison is used on the grammar specification file, a header file is generated which has some define directives for each token:
#define INTEGER 258
#define VARIABLE 259
Finally, the lexer includes the header file by returning the right code for each token:
#include ""
[a-z] {
// some code
return VARIABLE;
[1-9][0-9]* {
// some code
return INTEGER;
So the parser defines the tokens, then the lexer has to use that information to know which integer codes to return for each token.
Is this not totally bizarre? Normally, the compiler pipeline goes lexer -> parser -> code generator. Why on earth should the lexer have to include information from the parser? The lexer should define the tokens, then flex creates a header file with all the integer codes. The parser then includes that header file. These dependencies would reflect the usual order of the compiler pipeline. What am I missing?
As with many things, it's just a historical accident. It certainly would have been possible for the token declarations to have been produced by lex (but see below). Or it would have been possible to force the user to write their own declarations.
It is more convenient for yacc/bison to produce the token numberings, though, because:
The terminals need to be parsed by yacc because they are explicit elements in the grammar productions. In lex, on the other hand, they are part of the unparsed actions and lex can generate code without any explicit knowledge about token values; and
yacc (and bison) produce parse tables which are indexed by terminal and non-terminal numbers; the logic of the tables require that terminals and non-terminals have distinct codes. lex has no way of knowing what the non-terminals are, so it can't generate appropriate codes.
The second argument is a bit weak, because in practice bison-generated parsers renumber token ids to fit them into the id-numbering scheme. Even so, this is only possible if bison is in charge of the actual numbers. (The reason for the renumbering is to make the id value contiguous; by another historical accident, it's normal to reserve codes 0 through 255 for single-character tokens, and 0 for EOF; however, not all the 8-bit codes are actually used by most scanners.)
In the lexer, the tokens are only present in the return value: they are part of the target language (ie. C++), and lex itself knows nothing about them.
In the parser, on the other hand, tokens are part of the definition language: you write them in the actual parser definition, and not just in the target language. So yacc has to know about these tokens.
The ordering of the phases is not necessarily reflected in the architecture of the compiler. The scanner is the first phase and the parser the second, so in a sense data flows from the scanner to the parser, but in a typical Bison/Flex-generated compiler it is the parser that controls everything, and it is the parser that calls the lexer as a helper subroutine when it needs a new token as input in the parsing process.

What type of parser is needed for this grammar?

I have a grammar that I do not know what type of parser I need in order to parse it other than I do not believe the grammar is LL(1). I am thinking I need a parser with backtracking or LL(*) of some sort. The grammar I have came up with (which may need some rewriting) is:
S: Rules
Rules: Rule | Rule Rules
Rule: id '=' Ids
Ids: id | Ids id
The language I am trying to generate looks something like this:
abc = def g hi jk lm
xy = aaa bbb ccc ddd eee fff jjj kkk
foo = bar ha ha
Zero or more Rule that contain a left identifier followed by an equal sign followed by one or more identifers. The part that I think I will have a problem writing a parser for is that the grammar allows any amount of id in a Rule and that the only way to tell when a new Rule starts is when it finds id =, which would require backtracking.
Does anyone know the classification of this grammar and the best method of parsing, for a hand written parser?
The grammar that generates an identifier followed by an equals sign followed by a finite sequence of identifiers is regular. This means that strings in the language can be parsed using a DFA or regular expression. No need for fancy nondeterministic or LL(*) parsers.
To see that the language is regular, let Id = U {a : a ∈ Γ}, where Γ ⊂ Σ is the set of symbols that can occur in identifiers. The language you are trying to generate is denoted by the regular expression
Id+ =( Id+)* Id+
Setting Γ = {a, b, ..., z}, examples of strings in the language of the regular expression are:
look = i am in a regular language
hey = that means i can be recognized by a dfa
cool = or even a regular expression
There is no need to parse your language using powerful parsing techniques. This is one case where parsing using regular expressions or DFA is both appropriate and optimal.
Call the above regular expression R. To parse R*, generate a DFA recognizing the language of R*. To do this, generate an NFA recognizing the language of R* using the algorithm obtainable from Kleene's theorem. Then convert the NFA into a DFA using the subset construction. The resultant DFA will recognize all strings in R*. Given a representation of the constructed DFA in your implementation language, the required actions - for instance,
Add the last identifier parsed to the right-hand side of the current declaration statement being parsed
Add the last declaration statement parsed to a list of parsed declarations, and use the last identifier parsed to begin parsing a new declaration statement
can be encoded into the states of the DFA. In reality, using Kleene's theorem and the subset construction is probably unnecessary for such a simple language. That is, you can probably just write a parser with the above two actions without implementing an automaton. Given a more complicated regular langauge (for instance, the lexical structure of a programming langauge), the conversion would be the best option.

Does the recognition of numbers belong in the scanner or in the parser?

When you look at the EBNF description of a language, you often see a definition for integers and real numbers:
integer ::= digit digit* // Accepts numbers with a 0 prefix
real ::= integer "." integer (('e'|'E') integer)?
(Definitions were made on the fly, I have probably made a mistake in them).
Although they appear in the context-free grammar, numbers are often recognized in the lexical analysis phase. Are they included in the language definition to make it more complete and it is up to the implementer to realize that they should actually be in the scanner?
Many common parser generator tools -- such as ANTLR, Lex/YACC -- separate parsing into two phases: first, the input string is tokenized. Second, the tokens are combined into productions to create a concrete syntax tree.
However, there are alternative techniques that do not require tokenization: check out backtracking recursive-descent parsers. For such a parser, tokens are defined in a similar way to non-tokens. pyparsing is a parser generator for such parsers.
The advantage of the two-step technique is that it usually produces more efficient parsers -- with tokens, there's a lot less string manipulation, string searching, and backtracking.
According to "The Definitive ANTLR Reference" (Terence Parr),
The only difference between [lexers and parsers] is that the parser recognizes grammatical structure in a stream of tokens while the lexer recognizes structure in a stream of characters.
The grammar syntax needs to be complete to be precise, so of course it includes details as to the precise format of identifiers and the spelling of operators.
Yes, the compiler engineer decides but generally it is pretty obvious. You want the lexer to handle all the character-level detail efficiently.
There's a longer answer at Is it a Lexer's Job to Parse Numbers and Strings?

Practical difference between parser rules and lexer rules in ANTLR?

I understand the theory behind separating parser rules and lexer rules in theory, but what are the practical differences between these two statements in ANTLR:
my_rule: ... ;
MY_RULE: ... ;
Do they result in different AST trees? Different performance? Potential ambiguities?
... what are the practical differences between these two statements in ANTLR ...
MY_RULE will be used to tokenize your input source. It represents a fundamental building block of your language.
my_rule is called from the parser, it consists of zero or more other parser rules or tokens produced by the lexer.
That's the difference.
Do they result in different AST trees? Different performance? ...
The parser builds the AST using tokens produced by the lexer, so the questions make no sense (to me). A lexer merely "feeds" the parser a 1 dimensional stream of tokens.
This post may be helpful:
The lexer is responsible for the first step, and it's only job is to
create a "token stream" from text. It is not responsible for
understanding the semantics of your language, it is only interested in
understanding the syntax of your language.
For example, syntax is the rule that an identifier must only use
characters, numbers and underscores - as long as it doesn't start with
a number. The responsibility of the lexer is to understand this rule.
In this case, the lexer would accept the sequence of characters
"asd_123" but reject the characters "12dsadsa" (assuming that there
isn't another rule in which this text is valid). When seeing the valid
text example, it may emit a token into the token stream such as
Note that I said "identifier" which is the general term for things
like variable names, function names, namespace names, etc. The parser
would be the thing that would understand the context in which that
identifier appears, so that it would then further specify that token
as being a certain thing's name.
(sidenote: the token is just a unique name given to an element of the
token stream. The lexeme is the text that the token was matched from.
I write the lexeme in parentheses next to the token. For example,
NUMBER(123). In this case, this is a NUMBER token with a lexeme of
'123'. However, with some tokens, such as operators, I omit the lexeme
since it's redundant. For example, I would write SEMICOLON for the
semicolon token, not SEMICOLON( ; )).
From ANTLR - When to use Parser Rules vs Lexer Rules?
