Rhomobile: rake run:iphone, uuidgen error - rhomobile

When I run command rake run:iphone I get this error:
cd C:/InstantRhodes/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rhodes-3.0.1
rake aborted!
No such file or directory - uuidgen
How can fix this?

You can only build to iPhone with a Mac and XCode.
Straight from the developers: http://groups.google.com/group/rhomobile/browse_thread/thread/977221a90b2dc8a9/057abafb9873b866?lnk=gst&q=uuidgen#057abafb9873b866


Rails console not launching [I'm in the directory]

Rails C and Rails S not working when in the correct directory.
have tried:
$ bundle exec rake rails:update:bin
this returns the following error:
bundler: command not found: rails:update:bin
Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`
I have ran:
Bundle Install
this still returns the same error
Have changed directories (higher and lower), repeated steps and attempted commends for same result.
I was running rails server, when i stopped the server and tried to restart server, the error appeared, so I'm thinking this has something to do with a physical location change (potentially the bin file), which is consistent as when I try and run a bin/rails command, i'm receiving an error of:
bundler: command not found: rails:update:bin
Install missing gem executables with `bundle install`
I have tried to rake the bin folder as below:
rake rails:update:bin
however I am receiving this error:
rake aborted!
Don't know how to build task 'rails:update:bin' (see --tasks)
Finally, I have checked the physical location and there is a .bin file, however this folder is empty and it's not in a .gitignore directory.
Ancillary information
Rails version: 5.1.4
ruby version: 2.3.4
Server: heroku
OS. Ubuntu 16.04 (via virtualbox).
I have not upgraded rails, this is a fresh install
I am at a loss.
rails update:bin or rake update:bin These are the right ways that execute a rake task.

Command 'rake test' is not working

I use Windows 7 (because I'm so lasy for installing Linux), and Ruby on Rails like a framework that I learn. I tried to write a command rake test in terminal, but
I get an error:
rake aborted!
Errno::EACCES: Permission denied # unlink_internal
What it means? How to solve that problem and continue my studying?
Try running the below command
rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
before running
rake test


I can't find a solution for this but here is a screenshot of the error.
This is what the error looks like when I go to the page localhost:3000
Stop your server at the command line, and run this:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
Looks like you've written a migration, but haven't migrated your database yet.
Run console:
bundle exec rake db:migrate
you might be in wrong directory ? i was running rails server from wrong folder when i got this error.
prepare the migration for test using this command.
rake test:prepare
It should work now.

heroku : run rake db:migrate error

Running `rake db:migrate` attached to terminal... failed
! Multiple apps in folder and no app specified.
! Specify app with --app APP.
I get the above error in my terminal when I try to run rake db:migrate can anyone please help?
As the error clearly states, you need to specify which app you wish to run the command for. If you are inside of the project directory, you shouldn't need to specify the app. If you are outside of your projects folder run the command like so:
heroku run rake db:migrate --app <your-app-name>
I've had this problem crop up where it wasn't related to heroku at at. If you really want to see, open up your .git/config file
For example, I was with staging and found I had the 2nd remote. Deleting this from my .git/config file fixed everything.
[remote "staging"]
url = git#heroku.com:site-stage.git
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/staging/*

Ruby on Rails Rake assets:precompile error - Command failed with status (1) - CScript Error: Execution of the Windows Script Host failed

Okay so time after time we've all seen question about Rake assets:precompile error. I've tried multiple methods, I looked at the following SO question Ruby on Rails Rake assets:precompile error and tried multiple methods of even doing the following: config.assets.compile = true and then running rake assets:precompile --trace RAILS_ENV=production. However I noticed that when I tried to do the following:
rake assets:precompile RAILS_ENV=production I got the following error:
rake aborted!
CScript Error: Execution of the Windows Script Host failed. (0x800A0007)
C:\Users\home\Desktop>cd MIUK_Portal
C:\Users\home\Desktop\MIUK_Portal>rake assets:precompile
RAILS_ENV=production C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/ruby.exe
C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/rake assets:precompile:all
RAILS_ENV=production RAILS_GROUPS=assets rake aborted! 795: unexpected
token at
'C:\Users\home\AppData\Local\Temp\execjs20121221-5484-1atk9yx.js(2, 3)
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Out of memory
' (in
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile:primary (See full trace by running
task with --trace) rake aborted! Command failed with status (1):
[C:/RailsInstaller/Ruby1.9.3/bin/ruby.exe C...]
Tasks: TOP => assets:precompile (See full trace by running task with
Has anyone encountered this issue? How do you overcome this?
Okay apparently from looking at the error it clearly is stating that
:\Users\home\AppData\Local\Temp\execjs20121221-5484-1atk9yx.js(2, 3)
Microsoft JScript runtime error: Out of memory
So I'm now wondering how to resolve this? Any ideas? Further to this I noticed that someone did encounter the similar issue: CS Script issue but this was unresolved:
So I am asking if anyone out there has had the same issue.
This was what I did, and it worked for me. I installed node.js first in my system, and then ran the following command bundle exec rake assets:precompile.
I was able to solve this issue by transferring the project into a Linux environment (Ubuntu) and running the bundle exec rake assets:precompile. It appeared to work, I believe this sort of issue is something to do with windows. If starting any kind of development to do with RoR stick to Linux.
