In Jenkins, how do builds know who requested them? - jenkins

I need to pass the username of the requester of a build down to the script that is actually doing the work. Looking at the console output for a particular build, the first line is always "Started by user foo," so Jenkins is clearly keeping track of who triggered the build. So it should be possible to pass that information down to the job. The question is, how?

Please check out Jenkins Build User Vars plugin, it does what you need:
It is used to set following user build variables:
BUILD_USER – full name of user started build,
BUILD_USER_FIRST_NAME – first name of user started build,
BUILD_USER_LAST_NAME – last name of user started build,
BUILD_USER_ID – id of user started build.

The username isn't put in an easy-to-fetch environment variable, but you can get it using the xml (or json or python) api - as soon as you start a build, http://[jenkins-server]/job/[job-name]/[build-number]/api/xml is populated with details:
<shortDescription>Started by user foobar</shortDescription>

I tried to use Jenkins Build User Vars plugin and notify a HipChat room that a build was started by a certain user, but BUILD_USER variable was not available to HipChat plugin, possibly because HipChat action happened before Build User Vars plugin injects the variable.
So I installed pre-scm-buildstep plugin and added:
// Inject environment variables using Groovy
import hudson.model.*
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
def userCause = build.getCause(hudson.model.Cause$UserIdCause)
def userName = userCause?.userId ?: 'Jenkins'
def envVars = ['BUILD_USER': userName]
for (item in envVars) {
build.addAction(new ParametersAction([
new StringParameterValue(item.key, item.value)

In your Job add "Execute system Groovy script":
def yourUserName = build.causes[0].userId

I managed to get it (on Jenkins 2.58):
Of course you need to set permissions in Jenkins to be able to call these methods.
It's not always the 0th Cause object you are looking for, e.g. it may be another one if you replay another user's build (did not test this).

import os
import jenkinsapi.jenkins
#Required Environment variables example:
jenkins_inst = None
def get_jenkins_inst():
if jenkins_inst == None:
jenkins_url = os.environ['JENKINS_URL']
print("Connect to jenkins " + jenkins_url)
jenkins_inst = jenkinsapi.jenkins.Jenkins(jenkins_url)
return jenkins_inst
def get_jenkins_job():
jenkins_inst = get_jenkins_inst()
jenkins_job_name = os.environ['JOB_NAME']
print("Get jenkins job " + jenkins_job_name)
return jenkins_inst.get_job(jenkins_job_name)
def get_jenkins_user():
jenkins_job = get_jenkins_job()
jenkins_buildno = int(os.environ['BUILD_NUMBER'])
print("Get jenkins job build " + str(jenkins_buildno))
cur_build = jenkins_job.get_build(jenkins_buildno)
return cur_build.get_actions()['causes'][0]['userId']


How to trigger a different jobs in a master job

I have a job which contains a field of type string parameter (called JOB_NAME), in this string parameter, I will just fill it with another job name.
in the same job, I created "trigger/call builds on another project", in the latest, I will just provide the $JOB_NAME but it is not working.
My second question is how to fill $JOB_NAME field with some existing job using regular expresion or something else.
Can someone provide me clear steps, I am not that expert in Jenkins.
Thanks a lot
You can use Groovy Postbuild Plugin to achieve this.
Once you install the plugin, go to Post-build Actions and choose Groovy Postbuild option and add the following script to it.
Then, whenever you run your job it will ask for JOB_NAME as you have defined it as a parameter in your job and whatever project name you will enter, it will trigger that job in the downstream.
import hudson.model.*
import jenkins.model.*
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
def jobPattern ="JOB_NAME")
def matchedJobs = Jenkins.instance.items.findAll { job -> =~ /$jobPattern/
matchedJobs.each { job ->
println "Triggering ${} in the down stream...."
job.scheduleBuild(1, new Cause.UpstreamCause(build), new ParametersAction([ new StringParameterValue("PROPERTY1", "PROPERTY1VALUE"),new StringParameterValue("PROPERTY2", "PROPERTY2VALUE")]))

Get parameters of Jenkins build by job name and build id

I am using Jenkins Pipeline plugin and I need to get all parameters of particular build by its id and job name from other job.
So, basically i need something like this.
def job = JobRegistry.getJobByName(jobName)
def build = job.getBuild(buildId)
Map parameters = build.getParameters()
println parameters['SOME_PARAMETER']
I figured it out.
I can retrieve parameters like this
def parameters = Jenkins.instance.getAllItems(Job)
.find {job -> job.fullName == jobName }
println parameters.getParameter('SOME_PARAMETER').value
I suggest you to review "Pipeline Syntax" in a pipeline job, at bottom of Pipeline plugin, and you can see Global Variable Reference, like docker/pipeline/env/etc.
So what you need, JOB_NAME / BUILD_ID is given in "env" list

How to programmatically trigger a specific jenkins build managed via github-organization?

I am using the github-organization plugin to manage jenkins jobs from github but I discovered that Jenkins API does not report these builds.
In fact the API list the entire organization as a single job.
How can I build a specific repository and branch using the API?
To be clear, I am looking for some groovy code to add inside the Jenkinsfile
stage 'test-downstream'
node {
def job = build job: 'some-job'
Now, the problem is that Jenkins is seeing the entire organization as a single job!
If I use Jenkins API to retrieve the jobs, it will return only the organization, and not all the repositories and jobs inside it.
I suspect that's because the way this plugin was implemented and I suppose that I need to give some extra parameters in order to specify which repository and branch I want to build inside the organization.... building an organization does not make much sense.
The question is vague, but I am guessing “API” in this context means the REST API to trigger builds. You can use for example
curl -X POST -u user:apitoken http://jenkins/job/yourorg/job/yourrepo/job/master/build
The following code trigger job via System Groovy build step. Please note that system groovy always run on master so passing info from previous build steps might be tricky.
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.model.*
import java.util.concurrent.*
def run_job(job_name) {
def currentBuild = Thread.currentThread().executable
def jenkins = jenkins.model.Jenkins.getInstance();
def job = jenkins.getItemByFullName(job_name);
if (job == null)
throw new hudson.AbortException("Cannot find job:" + job_name);
def params =[
new StringParameterValue('PARAMETER1', "invoke 1 param1"),
new StringParameterValue('PARAMETER2', ",invoke 1 param2")
def paramsAction = new ParametersAction(params)
def cause = new hudson.model.Cause.UpstreamCause(currentBuild)
def causeAction = new hudson.model.CauseAction(cause)
def future_build = job.scheduleBuild2(0,causeAction,paramsAction);
def running_build = future_build.waitForStart()
return running_build

Access build parameters in Extended Choice Parameter - in promotion step?

When promoting a build, I want to expose some choices of how/what to promote. To do this properly, I need some info about the build which I am promoting, and I'd really like to use the Extended Choice Parameter to do this.
How can I access a build's parameters in an Extended Choice Parameter block in a build promotion step? For example, say the build I want to promote was built with a parameter myvar="1,2,5", and I want to let the build promoter select 1, 2, 5, or some combination. How can I access that particular build's myvar value, in an extended choice parameter, in a promotion process?
I can auto-populate these with available Git branches for a certain repo, with global environment variables, but I haven't seen the groovy magic I need to access info about the build I'm (about to) promote.
This was not obvious to me, but I found that environment variables such as PROMOTED_URL, PROMOTED_JOB_NAME, etc, were not available until the promotion steps were in progress. I need this information exposed when the promotion parameters are being populated via Extended Choice Parameter's Groovy Script fields. I accomplished it by peeking into the thread name:
import jenkins.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.*
import hudson.model.*
def jenkins = Jenkins.instance
def thread = Thread.currentThread().toString()
def (jobName,buildNumber) = thread.replaceAll(/.*GET \/job\/(.*)\/promotion\/.*/, '$1').split('/')
def job = jenkins.getJob(jobName)
def build = job.getBuild(buildNumber)
return build.getBuildVariables()["SOME_BUILD_PARAM"]
What do I use this for? Say I can select certain targets to build but not others, when building. I want to be able to promote only some subset of those that were actually built, so the parameter can't just hold a default value. Pretty narrow edge-case, I'll grant, but sometimes it seems like my entire life, as far as Jenkins is concerned, is dealing with some edge-case or another. If there is a more elegant way, I am all ears!
building on the #courtlandj solution (with the latest hudson API):
import hudson.model.*
def paramToLookup = "SOME_BUILD_VARIABLE_NAME"
// you can of course parse the jobName from the currentThread
// but that is a case-by-case basis depending on how you name them
// build numbers are strictly numeric - and more predictable to parse with regex
def jobName = "some-jenkins-full-job-name"
int buildNumber = 0
// Similar approach to courtlandj to get THIS build number (of page being viewed):
def thisPromotionInfo = Thread.currentThread().toString()
// groovy regex that gets the promotion digits (\d)
def buildRegex = /.*\/(\d+)\/promotion\/.*/
def matcher = ( thisPromotionInfo =~ buildRegex )
if (matcher.matches()) {
buildNumber = matcher[0][1].toInteger()
} else {
return "unable to identify buildNumber in Extended Choice Parameter (see Jenkins Config)"
// borrowed slightly from here:
try {
def job = Hudson.instance.getItemByFullName(jobName)
def build = job.getBuildByNumber(buildNumber)
return build.getProperties()["buildVariableResolver"].resolve(paramToLookup).toString()
} catch(Exception ex) {
return ex.toString()
relevant links I borrowed from:!topic/jenkinsci-users/cHClVbjuSN4

Call a jenkins job by using a variable for build the name

I try to launch a job from a parametrized trigger and I would compute the name from a given variable.
Is it possible to set in field :
Build Triggers Projects to build
a value like this
Unfortunately, this isn't possible with the Build Triggers. I looked for a solution for this "higher order build job" that would allow you to create a dynamic build name with a one of the parameterized build plugins, but I couldn't find one.
However, using the Groovy Postbuild Plugin, you can do a lot of powerful things. Below is a script that can be modified to do what you want. In particular, notice that it gets environmental variables using build.buildVariables.get("MY_ENV_VAR"). The environmental variable TARGET_BUILD_JOB specifies the name of the build job to build. In your case, you would want to build TARGET_BUILD_JOB using these two environmental variables:
The script is commented so that if you're not familiar with Groovy, which is based off Java, it should hopefully make sense!
import hudson.model.*
import hudson.model.queue.*
import hudson.model.labels.*
import org.jvnet.jenkins.plugins.nodelabelparameter.*
def failBuild(msg)
throw new RuntimeException("[GROOVY] User message, exiting with error: " + msg)
// Get the current build job
def thr = Thread.currentThread()
def build = thr?.executable
// Get the parameters for the current build job
// For ?:, see "Elvis Operator" (
def currentParameters = build.getAction(ParametersAction.class)?.getParameters() ?:
failBuild("There are no parameters to pass down.")
def nodeName = build.getBuiltOnStr()
def newParameters = new ArrayList(currentParameters); newParameters << new NodeParameterValue("param_NODE",
"Target node -- the node of the previous job", nodeName)
// Retrieve information about the target build job
def targetJobName = build.buildVariables.get("TARGET_BUILD_JOB")
def targetJobObject = Hudson.instance.getItem(targetJobName) ?:
failBuild("Could not find a build job with the name $targetJobName. (Are you sure the spelling is correct?)")
println("$targetJobObject, $targetJobName")
def buildNumber = targetJobObject.getNextBuildNumber()
// Add information about downstream job to log
def jobUrl = targetJobObject.getAbsoluteUrl()
println("Starting downstream job $targetJobName ($jobUrl)" + "\n")
println("======= DOWNSTREAM PARAMETERS =======")
// Start the downstream build job if this build job was successful
boolean targetBuildQueued = targetJobObject.scheduleBuild(5,
new Cause.UpstreamCause(build),
new ParametersAction(newParameters)
if (targetBuildQueued)
println("Build started successfully")
println("Console (wait a few seconds before clicking): $jobUrl/$buildNumber/console")
failBuild("Could not start target build job")
