Get user latitude and longitude using myLocation from google map blackberry api - blackberry

Is it possible to extract users current latitude and longitude using google map api for blackberry? If so how?

For newer Blackberry devices at least, you can do this with Google Maps JavaScript API v3. See


How to locate Venue Map using eventbrite Api in other app

I'm trying to integrate eventbrite's events in my app. I want to locate Event's venue map and not able to fetch venue map's image from any eventbrite's api.
Anyone have idea?
Eventbrite uses the venue's latitude and longitude to call the Google Maps API and get the map, thus it's not stored by EB and cannot be retrieved via the API. You can call the Google Maps API and retrieve it yourself though.

Getting location coordinates from Address

The user will be prompted enter his address in a textfield and in the backend I want to get the location coordinates of the address.
I’m using geocoding service from google but not any of their APIs. I read somewhere in their document that “use of the geocoder for any purpose other than obtaining locations that will be displayed using the google maps APIs is a violation of the Terms of Service”.
And this is how HTTP request I use
Can I do this? I’m confused because I'm not showing any map at all but I want to get the coordinates. Will this be violating their terms?
Unfortunately, yes, I think you'd be breaking Google's rules here. See also this answer.
You could still use iOS' built-in forward-geocoding engine. See here for the docs.
Google Maps terms are very restrictive. However, it looks like they do allow showing results without Google Maps (Geocoding API Policies):
You can display Geocoding API results on a Google Map, or without a
map. If you want to display Geocoding API results on a map, then these
results must be displayed on a Google Map. It is prohibited to use
Geocoding API data on a map that is not a Google map.
So you can't display Google Geocoding API results on "non-Google" maps.
Nevertheless, please remember that you still can't cache (only lat/long on the end-use device for 30 days) and store results.
Fortunately, there are many geocoding services that are based on open data. For example, we at Geoapify allow our customers to store and even redistribute data. Try our Geocoding API, and maybe you find that it's a worthy alternative to the geocoding service from Google.

ios sdk Google map geocoding from a address to get exact latitude longitude

I just want to find the location from an address entered in a textfield in Google Maps Application I have.
I am using the Google API for geocode but it returning array of results I just want to pick best matched result as google apps.
I am using this
The JSON you are getting is just one address with its different attributes. You can just parse "formatted_address" : JSON object to get the human readable address.

Share user location to Google+ API

After Google Latitude retirement I got a question is there any way to share user device location to Google+ thought Google API?
I'm trying to implement "Share Location" feature which Android devices have out-of-the-box. (
Currently there is no way to set a user's location in Google+, there is however a very primitive way to read a user's location, as mentioned here:
Future of Google Location History API
There is no replacement or workaround for the current Google Latitude API functionality.

Impementation of google map in blackberry

I have to develop an application which involves implementation of google map in blackberry.
u can use Static google map api.. Follow the link
Google Static Maps API
