How to implement text to speech functionality in iPad? - ipad

Is there any 3rd party API which will provide text to speech facility??

The CMU Flite (Festival Lite) speech synthesis library has been ported to iOS and appears to be used in many iPhone and iPad apps in the App store.

Yes. Follow this link for your reference. You can use this as you require. There is iPhone sample in there, but it is easy to convert it to iPad.
And there is also other way with google api using following way. But it has certain limitation like 100 chars and also you have to look for commercial usage conditions.
This you can load in UIWebView passing your text.
Hope it helps.



I see documentation for strategy that has a setDistanceType of DISTANCE_TYPE_EARSHOT (which is what I'd like). Now, for iOS this doesn't seem to be available.
If we set the discoveryMediums to use Audio, does this do the same thing? Wondering why there is no equivalent for iOS.
Yes, audio on iOS is the same as earshot on Android. Sorry for the confusion. We may add the earshot concept on iOS for consistency across platforms.

iOS - Speech to text, dictation

I have to develop an app which allows user to speech text, but there are some APIs in the iOS SDK which allow that? Or even third part libs? I have only one problem : the app is in italian language, so a third part lib has to support italian language.
As of iOS 10 (which isn't released at the time of writing), there is a new speech recognition API. It supports over 50 languages and dialects.
If you are looking for a solution, I'd strongly recommend this over a third party library... Apple will keep it up to date, support it, and improve it. You have none of those guarantees with a third party library.
Any UITextField or UITextArea can be dictated using the built-in dictation feature (in devices that support it of course).
An API is not available and you cannot use Siri directly for that.
As of this post there is no way of doing this using native iOS SDK. However, you have the IBM Bluemix Speech-to-Text service available to you for free:

Adding text to speech functionality to iOS app

I'd like to implement such functionality in my app, and AFAIK, the only choice is to use a third-party library, so I've been looking for possible options. I've found that OpenEars seems to be one of the best free and open-source libraries for that purpose, and it works offline, but it only supports English language and I'd want to offer multilanguage text to speech, at least for English, Portuguese, Spanish and French.
I've read that, for multilanguage support, Google TTS performs well, but it only works online... and I'm not sure if a limit of calls exists, does it? Where could I find detailed info about using Google TTS in iOS?
And finally, I've also read a lot of references to Flite or Festival Lite... but it doesn't seem to support multilanguage either. Does somebody know a free, open-source TTS library for iOS that supports several languages and, preferably, works offline?
Just another question. The app I'm working on may have a commercial version and it is intended to be submitted to the Apple Store. Could the use of any TTS third-party library be a problem?
Thanks a lot
iOS 7 has AVSpeechSynthesizer that can do text-to-speech out-of-the-box without the need of any external frameworks.
For more on this, visit this link.
There is two API's which supports these languages:
But both are online and paid.
OpenEars is a offline text-to-speech and speech-to-text opensource library. But I don't know whether it supports other languages other than English.
Could the use of any TTS third-party library be a problem?
Answer: No, there is no problem with this.
Update (on 27 Aug 2013):
OpenEars now supports Spanish as well as English. (Check the below comment from Halle)

Off-line using of online maps

Does somebody know soft for better using online maps in off-line mode?
Because, you know, now you have to do several printscreens and then glue them.
But I'm pretty sure that there is tool at least for gluing overlapping images
MapsWithMe provides free offline maps for iPhone, iPad and Android. iOS version is available at the AppStore. Android is in beta, just ask for it at
in Russia, there are Yandex maps and the collection of cache maps ( which you can load in your cell phone. Unfortunately, as I know, there is only Russian interface.

Can I publish iPhone / iPad apps using anything other than the Apple SDK?

Is is possible to use RealBasic/Java/Ruby or any other languages to publish to the iPhone/iPad, or am I locked into Apple's tools only? It would be good to see examples of where this has been done.
Something like for Ruby maybe? For Html/Javascript you have Nimblekit, PhoneGap, Titanium etc. There are a growing number of frameworks out there now that offer similar features and capabilities.
Some time ago Apple removed restriction on usage of foreign tools. However, anyway you will need a gate to translate your language calls into native Obejctive C function calls.
Check MonoTouch - seems to be a good option
