Are there any podcast channel about OSX and/or IOS programming? - ios

I'm looking for podcasts about IOS/OSX development, could you suggest some good resources ?

Check out iTunes University. iTunes U in the iTunes Store. Search for iOS Development and you'll find a lot :) mostly for free.

I am the host for a podcast on iOS development by iOS developers. The podcast is called iOhYes. You can find us on iTunes and via our website at We talk about the latest news affecting iOS developers and other discussions relevant to iOS developers.

For regular updates about iOS/MacOS/Web development, you can listen to the weekly podcast Build & Analyze hosted by Marco Arment (creator of Instapaper). It's not too technical but it's like the news of being an Apple-platform developer. Always awesome.

checkout this list of podcasts for iOS developers

I host one for beginners named Springboard if anyone is interested.


How to publish a Flutter app, created in Android Studio, in the Apple app store

I have developed a Flutter app in Android Studio (running on a Windows computer) and have successfully published it in the Google Play store. I would also like to publish the same app in Apple's app store but can't seem to find instructions on how to do this.
I do not own a Apple computer but if that is the only way forward I can look into purchasing one.
The last thing I want to do is to rewrite the app in another language (e.g. Swift).
Can't image being the first person wanting to do this but I can't find any info on the net. Can someone tell me what to do or point me in the right direction?
Well, the language won't really matter. The main step in publishing your app to the app store is making the app archive which you can do only in Xcode, for which you will need a Mac.
You have to options: purchase a Mac or rent it online. There are webs that offers this kind of service and I think this is a good option if you’re not sure if it’s worth to invest on Apple machine at this time.

Is it possible to run an iOS app store?

I would like to know that is it possible to implement and run a new app store for iOS apps? I know, iOS devices must download apps only from AppStore, but is there any way to run an independence iOS AppStore website or app?
The answer is NO. period.
3.2.2 Unacceptable
(i) Creating an interface for displaying third party apps, extensions, or plug-ins similar to the App Store or as a general-interest collection.
App Store Guidelines
Jailbreak app stores: something like Cydia. You can do pretty much anything with / on jailbroken devices.
You can easily create a website that is a subset of the official AppStore with different filters / rankings / search capabilites etc. In the end you can only support the apps available in the real AppStore since that is the only place to install apps from
Create an entire development environment and ecosystem to create apps which can be installed inside your new AppStore2.0 app. But good luck doing that complex task and good luck getting it through the apple review process.
Enter to Apple enterprise program -

Creating an SDK or API from an app to run in another app

I have been contacted by a company installing iPads in hotels, they are developing an app that has many apps with different functionality. There developer is asking for an SDK or API of our app to include in there system. i have never heard of this. Does anyone know how to go about this or if it is even possible to do?
Our app is a complex clock radio, Beautiful Clock Radio for the iPad.
Thanks Mark
Please consider the following links
Creating Static Libraries For iOS
How to build a framework or library for other developers, the
secure way?
Creating the Library
And I hope this would help you! :)

Deploying MonoTouch-App on jailbroken iPad

I am learning to create Apps for the iPad via monoTouch by now.
For testingreasons I wanted to try out my app on the physical device (I know I need a pro/enterprise-licence from xamarin, and I will buy one). As we are not sure by now, what apple-dev.-program we want to subscrbe (pro, enterprise etc.), I wanted to try the stuff out by now on my iPad2 with jailbreak.
Is it possible to build for and debug on an iPad2 with monoTouch, without certificates and provisining files? And if how? All manuals I found are for XCode or are the "normal" way to build your apps when you are already enrolled at apples dev-program.
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: I am not talking about using MonoTouch without a license. I am talking about using a paid and activated version of MonoTouch without an Apple-Developer-Subscription. Sorry for the obfuscation.
Is there no possibilty to install your bought MonoTouch and start debugging on your device without being enrolled at an paid apple-subscription?
In my opinion, developing for Cydia is pretty poorly documented--and will definitely have no documentation for MonoTouch. This question discusses how to do it from XCode. Also, checkout saurik's site, he discusses alot about Cydia on there.
You are in untested waters, but you might want to try signing with ldid and use the --nosign option in MonoTouch.

iTunes Connect statistics by iOS device

I am wondering if it's possible to get information on which iOS device (iPhone, iPad, iPod) my applications were downloaded?
Obviously no one is looking for download statistics for their apps.
I have found the answer from Apple technician that as of now there is now way to drill-down to device level in statistics. But they are looking to implement this feature.
Also the iTc Mobile app is more powerful than web based instance.
You can either by building your own iTunes Connect app or using a third party like AppFigures.
Currently there is no way of getting this information from within iTunes Connect.
I'm also looking for iOS version stats, but can't find any anywhere.
