ASP.NET MVC: What goes where? -

I am about to start developing a medium sized ASP.Net MVC application.
I am trying to get the design right. I intend to have the following layers:
UI layer (MVC)
Service Layer
Repository Layer
Data Access Layer
I will be using Unity as my IOC container and EF4.1 Code First for Data Access.
The app will be split into several assemblies. I have a problem deciding which assemblies I will need
and where to put the following:
Entities/Domain objects e.g. Customer, Invoice
DTOs e.g. CustomerDTO, InvoiceDTO
Service interfaces e.g. ICustomerService
Repository Interfaces e.g. ICustomerRepository
Services(Service interface implementation classes) e.g. CustomerService
Repositories (Repository Service implementation classes) e.g. CustomerRepository
ViewModels e.g. CustomerViewModel
My question is:
How do you usually split yours and why?
Edit: prompted by the #TheHurt's answer.
How would the references be between the assemblies, i.e. which assembly would be referencing which?

This is how I might tackle it:
App.UI assembly:
ViewModels go in Models area.
App.Repository assembly:
Abstract implementation of concrete repository.
Concrete implementation.
App.Services assembly:
Abstract service.
Concrete service.
Shared code.
There are a couple issues that I still struggle with. You lose the data annotations from EFCF when you cross the services boundary. So then you have to do server side validation or you have to keep your view models validation in sync with the repository entities. It feels that the more layered things are, the more DRY is violated. I suppose that is par for the course though when your view models don't map to your entities directly. You could have your view models be your DTOs and toss them into the Common assembly, but that seems to couple things too tightly if you have the need to be super flexible with your services.
If you are wanting to integrate WCF into the mix you would probably want to create data contracts that are very close to the MVC view model (or use the contracts as the view model). You probably wouldn't expose that to the world as the service would be specific to that implementation of your MVC site, spin up another service for public consumption. If you are doing a WCF service you probably want to have all of your business logic in the service, the controllers would just handle navigation logic.
Side note, I try to stay away from the "metal" as much as possible, while developing a design that will allow me to separate the code into various layers in the future. If I cannot clearly explain the various system layers to my manager with one sheet of paper, the design is more than likely too complex. Everything for the most part will look pretty in Visio if it is designed well.
As far as how things reference each other: UI would ref the Serivce (or service implementation, which may not be needed. Just keep it all in the same place.). Service refs the Repository. The repository implementation refs nothing, since it is loaded by IOC. Everything refs Common.


Dependency Inject for models

I'm sure someone has asked this before, but I'm struggling to find where.
I'm using Ninject to remove dependencies from my controllers, along with a repository design pattern.
As I understand it, one of the benefits of this approach is that I can easily whip apart my repositories and domain entities and use another assembly should I so wish. Consequently I've kept my domain entities and repositories in external assemblies and can mock all my dependencies from interfaces.
It seems that while I can use interfaces to refer to my domain entities in most places I must use references to my concrete classes when it comes to model binding. I've read that this is to do with serialization which I understand, but is the only way to avoid referring to domain entities to create separate models?
Anything I can do with Custom Model Binding?
A bit of background: I'm an experienced developer, but new to MVC.
View Models should be plain data containers with no logic and therefore shouldn't have any dependencies at all. Instead inject the repositories to your controller and have it assign the required data from the repository to the appropriate property of your view model.
The major advantage of using a dependency injection framework is IoC (Inversion of Control):
loosely coupling
more flexibility
easier testing
So what one usually does is to inject repositories through their interfaces like
public class MyController : Controller
private IPersonRepository personRepo;
public MyController(IPersonRepository personRepo)
this.personRepo = personRepo;
During testing this allows to easily inject my mock repository which returns exactly those values I want to test.
Injecting domain entities doesn't make that much sense as they are more tightly linked with the functionality in the specific class/controller and thus abstracting them further would just be an overhead rather than being a benefit. Instead, if you want to decouple your actual entity model from the controller you might take a look at the MVVM pattern, creating specialized "ViewModels".
Just think in terms of testability of your controller: "What would I want to mock out to unit test it?"
DB accesses -> the repository
External dependencies -> other BL classes, WS calls etc.
I wouldn't include domain entities here as they're normally just a data container.
Some more details would help. A bit of code perhaps?
To start with, you should avoid injecting dependencies into domain entities, but rather use domain services.
Some more info here.
Edit 001:
I think we should clarify our terminology.
There is the domain layer with all you domain entities, e.g. product, category etc.
Then there's the Data Layer with your repositories that hydrate your domain entities and then you have a Service Layer with you application services that talks to the data layer.
Finally you have a presentation layer with your views and controllers. The Controllers talk to you Aplication Service Layer. So a Product Controller talks to a Catalogue Service (e.g. GetProductBySku). The CatalogueService will have one or more repositories injected into its constructor (IProductRepository, ICategoryRepository etc.).
It's quite common in mvc to have ViewModels too. Put the ViewModels in your Application Service Layer.
So I'm not sure what you mean when you say "models" and "domain enntities" but I hope that clears up the terminology.

structureMap in a multiTier application

I have a mvc app having three layers
1. dataAccess layer (class library)
2. business layer (class library)
3. web layer ( mvc project)
and also have a domain project (class library for poco)
I am doing the structureMap mappings in my Application_start of the MVC project, but to map the TYPES in dataAccesslayer (for eg. personRepository with IPersonReository) i need the reference of the DAL in my web layer, which i dont think is correct.
What are your suggestions
As a pragmatic approach what you are doing may be okay if you can keep the discipline and never use the DAL from the Web Layer. However, once the reference is there, this can be surprisingly hard to do - and what about other developers on the project?
A better option is to split the web layer into two layers:
The Application Bootstrapping layer. This is the real web project, but apart from bootstrapping the container and implementing the Views (.aspx pages) there should be nothing else. This is what we call a Humble Executable. It will contain references to all other projects in order to compose them (via the DI container), but otherwise it doesn't do anything. We call this the Register Resolve Release pattern.
An Application Model layer. This project would contain all of your application logic (as opposed to domain logic): View Models and Controllers. It needs no reference to the DAL, but will get implementations injected into it by the DI container.
There is nothing wrong in having a reference to the DAL in your web project as long as you are not directly making calls to that assembly. But if you are uncomfortable with that approach, you can use a Registry in your Business layer and there register types for the DAL. Since the Web layer would anyway need to have a reference to the Business layer, you can use that registry from the Business layer in Web's App start
Here is some sample code
The registry class in your Bsns layer
public class BusinessRegistry:Registry
public BusinessRegistry()
and in the Application start method
var container = new Container(x => x.AddRegistry(new BusinessRegistry()));
Like others have said, a reference to your DAL project is not the end of the world unless you use it incorrectly (or maybe at all in your web project). I prefer to have an Infrastructure project contains all things related to cross-cutting concerns. Among other things, this includes my Logging and IoC Container.

ASP.NET MVC - Where does the Authentication Layer go?

I have an MVC solution setup like this, with three 'projects'.
Web (MVC Project, Views, Controllers, ViewModels)
Models (Domain Objects)
Persistence (nHibernate Mapping, SessionFactory)
I need to begin building the repositories, and was going to start with the Authentication Model. Basically following the default MVC template, have an IMembershipService and an IFormsAuthenticationService and related classes (using custom code, not built in authentication providers).
My question is ...where should this go? My Repositories will need access to both my Domain objects and my Persistence Layer. However I keep reading that any kind of 'coupling' means it is a bad design. So I am hesitant to create a fourth project for the Repositories/Services that references the Models/Persistence ...but I can't really find any other way to do it logically.
This is very subjective.
Do what makes sense to you and your team.
I throw them in with the rest of my Repositories. I mean a User is pretty central to any application right? Does a User own anything? If so then isn't he an root?
Repositories are part of the domain.
Tension will always exist between reducing assembly references and minimizing number of projects. That is, you can make each assembly reference fewer dependencies by breaking up functionality into more fine-grained assemblies; however, excessive division of a project into many assemblies requires more effort to manage.
Another point worth mentioning is that authentication has a couple sides to it. One is managing the model around Users, Roles, Permissions, etc. - this is a domain concern. The other is interfacing with the context of execution (whether this is an ASP.Net app, WinForms, etc.) - this is an infrastructure concern. Consequently, I end up with a small service in my MVC project or WinForms project that performs functions like setting Forms Authentication cookies, or setting the current thread principal, etc.
The Separated interface pattern says that your models and repository interfaces should be in a seperate assembly, apart from the GUI and the actual repository implementation. This is to be able to switch implementations later on and to be able to simplify testing.
I would have no problem with putting the interfaces along with the repository interfaces and the actual implementation in the mvc project or the repository project. It's quite easy to move stuff later on if you use a IoC container.

ASP.NET MVC Three Tier - what's everyone else doing?

When I start work on a new web application I tend to reach for the same tried & tested architecture of ASP.NET MVC, BLL (consisting of a set of services that contain all business logic) and a DAL (consisting of a set of repositories that facilitate the unit of work pattern over something like EF/*Linq to SQL*).
The controllers talk only to services, the services only to repositories and other services. At the service layer are where models are defined and these are used as input/output to/from the controllers.
My question is: what are others doing? I'm interested in knowing if people are doing anything different in the context of an ASP.NET MVC web application. For instance, there are concepts like CQRS and Domain Events. Is anyone using these to solve a problem with the method I've described above?
This question is mainly a source of attempting to discover what I don't know I don't know. I hope it's not too vague, but I think it's important to see what others are doing to evaluate your own methods.
We're basically doing what you're doing, except that we consider our repository interfaces to be services (they are defined in the business layer), and therefore our controllers often access them directly. An IoC container takes care of injecting the correct repository implementation via constructor injection. So the data layer depends on the business layer, and is in charge of implementing the repositories, while the business layer just assumes that all the repositories it has defined will be available at runtime.
We've further divided our product up into different modules of functionality. Some of the modules depend on one another (for example, everything depends on our core functionality, and most of the other modules depend on the web portal module), but keeping them in separate dlls helps us to avoid making these modules be too tightly coupled. The system can therefore only load the DLLs for the modules that a given client has paid for. We plan to use an event bus with events defined in the core module to allow the modules to communicate via a publish/subscribe model.
I am using CQRS with MVC. Its nice. You still use the MVC pattern, but in the controller I use the command pattern for the write, and just pure NHibernate Linq for the read... also some SolrNet for the read. :-)

ASP.NET MVC application architecture "guidelines"

I'm looking for some feedback on my ASP.NET MVC based CMS application architecture.
Domain Model - depends on nothing but the System classes to define types. For now, mostly anemic.
Repository Layer - abstracted data access, only called by the services layer
Services Layer - performs business logic on domain models. Exposes view models to the controllers.
ViewModelMapper - service that translates back and forth between view models and domain models
Controllers - super thin "traffic cop" style functionality that interacts with the service layer and only talks in terms of view models, never domain models
My domain model is mostly used as data transfer (DTO) objects and has minimal logic at the moment. I'm finding this is nice because it depends on nothing (not even classes in the services layer).
The services layer is a bit tricky... I only want the controllers to have access to viewmodels for ease of GUI programming. However, some of the services need to talk to each other. For example, I have an eventing service that notifies other listener services when content is tagged, when blog posts are created, etc. Currently, the methods that take domain models as inputs or return them are marked internal so they can't be used by the controllers.
Sounds like overkill? Not enough abstraction? I'm mainly doing this as a learning exercise in being strict about architecture, not for an actual product, so please no feedback along the lines of "right depends on what you want to do".
Overall, the design looks good to me.
There are a few more items I might do:
Validations - have a 2 step validation -
Step 1 : the domain-level classes enforce their own validity (via attributes or any other mechanism).
Step 2: The repository ensures that the object is valid in the context of the repository
Dependency Injection - use a DI framework to inject dependencies. It will be useful for unit testing. Also, If the service layer where you need to call across services, check if this article on Aggregate Service is useful:
ViewModels - might be tempting to re-use, but wait & watch before you finally decide
