Amazon S3 Multipart Upload with plupload and Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails

Amazon has multipart upload functionality where you can send a file in chunks and get it assembled on S3. This allows for some nice resume like functionality for uploading to S3. From another question i got this nice link: Rails 3 & Plupload
My question is does anyone have any examples where they used the plupload chunking feature with the Amazon multipart feature? Ideally with carrierwave & fog.
I can see it doing the following:
Generate Unique ID for the upload with plupload,
can we do an event when the plupload
Attaching an ajax request to
the chunk completed with the ID
Having ajax controller method on the
server which uploads to s3 using the
when all are complete fire a
controller action to reassemble
There is supposedly some PHP code which does some combining, but not with S3 and i can't stand to read PHP.

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How to implement AWS S3 Multipart Upload with Rails and Active Storage?

I'm using vanilla Rails Active Storage file upload with multiple:true option. The files are stored on S3. The setup is working well. However, I was thinking for very large files it would be beneficial to implement Multipart Upload for optimal speed and reliability.
I found a description of AWS S3 multipart upload here:
I also found a Ruby specific page:
However, I couldn't find any reference on how to implement this feature with Rails and Active Storage.
I would like to receive some direction on how best to go about implementing multipart upload without ripping out Active Storage if possible.
In case somebody is looking for an answer on this. Active Storage will support multipart upload starting from Rails 6.1. Active Storage direct upload automatically switches to multipart for large files. No settings changes are required.
You can customise the threshold for what is considered a large file. The default is 100MB, and you can change the default by adding this to your storage.yml under the amazon settings:
multipart_threshold: <%= 250.megabytes %>

Is it possible to upload directly without touching my server?

Is it possible to use carrier wave to upload directly to amazon's S3 without using my server?
What i mean is, I don't want the images first going to my ec2 instance, and then uploaded to s3. I believe there is a way to upload directly to S3 to save my server's resources from having to process/stream the file.
I am just looking into carierwave, does it support nice html5 uploads where the user can just drag and drop the file on the web page?
If you want to upload directly to S3 from the browser you must do it with Javascript.
Heroku provides a nice tutorial :
Once uploaded, you can pass the finale S3 public URL of the image in a hidden field and download it server-side with carrierwave for further manipulation (resizing, ...)

Receive video files through http on my rails JSON api

So here's the thing. I believe my case is pretty particular at this point, and some help from the experts it's highly advisable.
I have an API built on Rails (3.2.6) and what I want to able to do is receive a video file (mostly .mp4, .avi) and upload it to s3 through a Process Queue (Using Resque).
Now I'm kind of lost on how to do this. To my understanding, I would be receiving a byte[] (Array of bytes) through the request which is the video and send that as a param to my Resque job in order to upload it (Resque Job params can only be strings, not objects)?
Has anyone had any experience doing this sort of procedure. We're pretty much trying to mimic the create_video method. Where a Video object can be created either by sending the direct file in the request or the link the file....
Any suggestions?
Try using the CarrierWave gem. You should allow someone to HTTP POST the file data to your API, and then save that file data on the backend and upload it to S3 using CarrierWave.

how to get bytes loaded to server using rails paperclip gem?

i am using paperclip gem to upload images on the server side, i need to get updated with the bytes loaded on server through the upload process.
my aim is to update the progress bar accordingly. how do I do this?
You can only do this by using a Flash-based uploading tool which has direct access to the file and the upload stream. Just integrate it with Paperclip (and there are a ton of examples on google showing how to)
I would recommend one of these:

How to generate an S3 Access policy in Ruby on Rails

Server side is Rails.
Client side is Flash, users will upload directly to S3
I need a flexible way to generate S3 policy files, base64 encode them, and then distribute the resulting signed policy to the client.
Is there a good library/gem for this, or do I need to roll my own?
I'll be using paperclip to store the file, as per:
I've had a look at:
These look like they'll help me get bits done, but I can't tell if they'll help me generate flexible policies.
EDIT: Going to give the "Generate an upload signature..." bit here a shot:
Here is a sample project for how to do this using Rails 3, Flash/Silverlight/GoogleGears/BrowserPlus and jQuery-based Plupload to upload directly to S3:
