instantiate a MenuItem - blackberry

I have the following problem with a blackberry demo class:
MenuItem locatorItem = new MenuItem(new StringProvider("Location Search"), 0x230020, 0);
locatorItem.setCommand(new Command(new CommandHandler()
I am using Eclipse and a BlackBerry simulator to get this demo running and I get the 'Cannot instantiate the type MenuItem' error. I don't know why and there's no suggestion to solve it.
I imported 'net.rim.device.api.ui.MenuItem;'.

I think you're using the wrong type of MenuItem. net.rim.device.api.ui.MenuItem you are using is specific to the Blackberry.
If this is a J2ME Application/Midlet, just create a javax.microedition.lcdui.Command. They are turned into menu items on the blackberry.
If you're also usingnet.rim.device.api.ui.Screen or any other net.rim classes in the application, this is the way menu items are usually created:
function doSomething() {
// Your Code Here
// In the function building your screen
MenuItem somethingMi = new MenuItem() {
private MenuItem() { super("Do Something",100001, 5); }
public void run() { doSomething() };


Xamarin.Forms Bluetooth Interface choices

I am attempting to write dependency injection methods, with an interface, so that I would be able to really have a single user interface for both Android and UWP.
Processing and testing one feature at a time. The schema is working, but my problem is that on the UWP side, most functions are asynchrone, while they are not on Android.
So my question is, should I "fake" async functions on the android side, and if yes, how?
Here is my example:
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace XamarinBTArduinoLed
public interface IBlueTooth
// as a first test, I will try to get a list of paired devices in both Android and UWP
List<string> PairedDevices();
This works with Android, but for UWP, it would need to be
public interface IBlueTooth
// as a first test, I will try to get a list of paired devices in both Android and UWP
Task<List<string>> PairedDevices();
Which does not work for my current Android implementation. So, how should I modify this, to "fake" an asynchrone method, assuming it would be the best choice? Or is there any other way I am not thinking about?
[assembly: Xamarin.Forms.Dependency(typeof(XamarinBTArduinoLed.Droid.BlueToothInterface))]
namespace XamarinBTArduinoLed.Droid
public class BlueToothInterface : IBlueTooth
public List<string> PairedDevices()
List<string> BTItems = new List<string>();
BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.DefaultAdapter;
if (adapter == null) throw new Exception("No BlueTooth Adapter Found.");
if (!adapter.IsEnabled)
//if (!adapter.IsEnabled)
// throw new Exception("BlueTooth adapter is NOT enabled.");
foreach (var item in adapter.BondedDevices)
BTItems.Add(item.Name + " - " + item.Type.ToString());
return BTItems;
I found what seems to be the best way to go:
-1- I changed the interface to get a Task returned:
public interface IBlueTooth
// as a first test, I will try to get a list of paired devices in both Android and UWP
Task<List<string>> PairedDevices();
-2- I modified the Android implementation accordingly:
public Task<List<string>> PairedDevices()
List<string> BTItems = new List<string>();
BluetoothAdapter adapter = BluetoothAdapter.DefaultAdapter;
if (adapter == null) throw new Exception("No BlueTooth Adapter Found.");
if (!adapter.IsEnabled)
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
foreach (var item in adapter.BondedDevices)
return BTItems;
return t;
-3- I implemented INotifyPropertyChanged to display in XAML
This is now working perfectly, I get my list of USB/Serial devices from both Android and Windows UWP. Will certainly take a while to create the whole process for both platforms, but at least it looks like I am on a good start.
Don't hesitate if you have any comments, recommendations,maybe a better way.....

Warning: View is not in Window Hierarchy in Xamarin.Forms

I am doing a Xamarin project, Forms and I have integrated Xam.Plugins.Messaging to send SMS from my app. For this I have created a custom renderer in my iOS project with below code:
AppDelegate smsObj = new AppDelegate();
bool a= smsObj.ShowAndSendSMS(new string[] { "123" }, "Hi there");
And in my AppDelegate, I have the code as below:
public bool ShowAndSendSMS(string[] recipients, string body)
UIViewController sms = new UIViewController();
if (MFMessageComposeViewController.CanSendText)
MFMessageComposeViewController message = new MFMessageComposeViewController();
message.Finished += (sender, e) => {
message.DismissViewController(true, null);
message.Body = body;
message.Recipients = recipients;
sms.PresentModalViewController(message, false);
return true;
The problem I am facing is on my first-time app launch, the functionality to share SMS doesn't work and the debug log gives me warning like "Attempt to present on whose view is not in the window hierarchy!"
However, if I restart the app, the same functionality works like a charm. Any ideas from where i have made mistake?
I think the problem is with the fact that you're newing up an AppDelegate and calling the ShowAndSendSMS from there. iOS is going to new up that AppDelegate for you upon app startup, and you should always use that, as opposed to creating a new instance of AppDelegate (at least I've never seen a situation that called for a multi-AppDelegate-instance pattern). So, try this:
Create a helper class in your project like this (I don't really like the word "helper", but that's beside the point; name it something fitting for your project):
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
public class SmsHelper
public bool ShowAndSendSMS(string[] recipients, string body)
if (MFMessageComposeViewController.CanSendText)
UIViewController sms = new UIViewController();
MFMessageComposeViewController message = new MFMessageComposeViewController();
message.Finished += (sender, e) => {
message.DismissViewController(true, null);
message.Body = body;
message.Recipients = recipients;
sms.PresentModalViewController(message, false);
return true;
And then change your page renderer to consume it like this:
public class SMS_Ios: PageRenderer
private readonly TaskScheduler uiScheduler = TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext();
protected override void OnElementChanged(VisualElementChangedEventArgs e)
SmsHelper smsObj = new SmsHelper();
bool a = smsObj.ShowAndSendSMS(new string[] {"123"}, "Hi there");
And finally, remove ShowAndSendSMS from your AppDelegate.cs, since you'll be using your SMS helper going forward.
Let me know if that works for you.
If you have already installed the Xam.Plugins.Messaging package in the PCL and your platforms. You can just use the API from it in PCL to implement that without any special codes in your iOS platform.
You can just use the APIs of Xam.Plugins.Messaging in the PCL, like this:
// Send Sms
var smsMessenger = CrossMessaging.Current.SmsMessenger;
if (smsMessenger.CanSendSms)
smsMessenger.SendSms("+27213894839493", "Well hello there from Xam.Messaging.Plugin");
Reference: Messaging Plugin for Xamarin and Windows.

MvvmCross Android Dialog bind programmatically

I want to use the Android.Dialog (Cross.UI) in my MvvmCross project. My first approach was to use AutoViews. As this feature is still fairly young, the alternative was to implement the dialog in touch and Droid platforms.
For now i'm just doing this for Droid and I need to programmatically bind the properties of the ViewModel to the elements of the Dialog.
My View and ViewModel code is the following:
public class DialogConfigurationView : MvxBindingDialogActivityView<DialogConfigurationViewModel>
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle)
Root = new RootElement()
new Section("Private Configuration")
new EntryElement("Name:"),
new EntryElement("Description:"),
new BooleanElement("Active?")
public class DialogConfigurationViewModel : MvxViewModel
public ConfigurationSet Configuration
get { return _configuration; }
if (_configuration != value)
_configuration = value;
RaisePropertyChanged(() => Configuration);
private ConfigurationSet _configuration;
My goal is to have a twoway bind the EntryElement("Name:") with the property ViewModel.Configuration.Name.
Can anyone help me with this? Can this be done?
I don't know if there are any monodroid.dialog mvvmcross samples floating around which don't use autoviews!
However.... the basic syntac for binding should be the same as MonoTouch.Dialog - e.g. something like:
new Section("Contact Info")
new StringElement("ID", ViewModel.Customer.ID ?? string.Empty),
new EntryElement("Name", "Name").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.Name'}}"),
new EntryElement("Website", "Website").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.Website'}}"),
new EntryElement("Primary Phone", "Phone").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.PrimaryPhone'}}"),
new Section("Primary Address")
new EntryElement("Address").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.PrimaryAddress.Street1'}}"),
new EntryElement("Address2").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.PrimaryAddress.Street2'}}"),
new EntryElement("City").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.PrimaryAddress.City'}}"),
new EntryElement("State").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.PrimaryAddress.State'}}"),
new EntryElement("Zip").Bind(this, "{'Value':{'Path':'Customer.PrimaryAddress.Zip'}}"),
Note that in MvvmCross bindings for MonoTouch and MonoDroid, the default binding for things like text edit boxes is generally TwoWay by default.
If you do get a sample running, then please feel free to post it to a gist or to a repo - or to blog about it - looks like we could do with some samples to work from!

Is it possible to call my appication from the native application in Blackberry.?

I want to know that is it possible to call my application from the native app. like Reminder,phone call etc. in Blackberry.
It yes then please give me sort description about how it is possible.
yes ,it is possible.
you can add your menu item in native application,and on run method pass the argument to perform your task.
to add menu item use it.
AdressBookMenuItem menuItem = new AdressBookMenuItem(0);
ApplicationMenuItemRepository repository =ApplicationMenuItemRepository.getInstance();
long id=ApplicationMenuItemRepository.MENUITEM_CALENDAR;
and for open your app
class AdressBookMenuItem extends ApplicationMenuItem {
Message mess;
public AdressBookMenuItem(int order) {
public AdressBookMenuItem(Object context, int order) {
super(context, order);
public Object run(Object mess)
public String toString() {
return "MENU Item name";

C#: Excel 2007 Addin, How to Hook Windows Activate and Deactivate Events

I am writing an Excel 2007 Addin. using VS2008 and .net 3.5, C#.
I catched Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application's WindowActivate and WindowDeActivate events.
It was surprised to know that WindowActivate and Deactivate only triggers when i switch between two Excel Windows. if i switch to notepad, i expect Deactivate to be triggered, but its not happening. same way from notepad if i switch to excel window, i expect Activate to be triggered but its not happening. It looks like the behaviour indicates windows are MDI-Child windows.
Now what i want to do is get HWnd of Excel's Mainwindow and hook Window Activate and Deactivates using dllimport features.
Can anyone guide to me on this.
I solved similar problem when writing Excel addin. No dll import is needed. I solved this issue using System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow class.
At first, I made my own class inherited from NativeWindow class and declared two events Activated and Deactivate in it and finaly overrided WndProc() method to rise these events when message WM_ACTIVATE is passed to the WndProc method. According to "Message" parameter WParm is Excel window activated or deactivated.
public class ExcelWindow: NativeWindow
public const int WM_ACTIVATED = 0x0006;
public ExcelWindow():base(){}
public event EventHandler Activated;
public event EventHandler Deactivate;
//catching windows messages
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m)
if (m.Msg== WM_ACTIVATED)
if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == 1)
//raise activated event
if (Activated!=null)
Activated(this, new EventArgs());
else if (m.WParam.ToInt32() == 0)
//raise deactivated event
if (Deactivate!=null)
Deactivate(this, new EventArgs());
base.WndProc(ref m);
Then I made in my addin class field "ExcelWindow myExcelWindow" and added following code to OnConnection method of my addin:
ExcelWindow myExcelWindow;
void Extensibility.IDTExtensibility2.OnConnection(object application, Extensibility.ext_ConnectMode ConnectMode, object AddInInst, ref Array custom)
excel = application as Excel.Application;
myExcelWindow = new ExcelWindow();
myExcelWindow.AssignHandle(new IntPtr(excel.Hwnd));
myExcelWindow.Activated += new EventHandler(myExcelWindow_Activated);
myExcelWindow.Deactivate += new EventHandler(myExcelWindow_Deactivate);
//addin code here
void myExcelWindow_Activated(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do some stuff here
void myExcelWindow_Deactivate(object sender, EventArgs e)
//do some stuff here
I hope this will help you.
Finally I found one solution..that works only Activate/Deactivate.
This is not the perfect way to do it. But I did not find any good alternative.
This method uses polling. I have to call following function in each 10 ms interval to check focus in/out.
public static bool ApplicationIsActivated()
var activatedHandle = GetForegroundWindow();
if (activatedHandle == IntPtr.Zero)
return false; // No window is currently activated
var procId = Process.GetCurrentProcess().Id;
int activeProcId;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(activatedHandle, out activeProcId);
return activeProcId == procId;
