Using jquery mobile framework with MVC3 - jquery-mobile

I have the problem with url link in my MVC application when I use jquery mobile libraries
here is my header reference
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
if I go it works fine but if I click any link button within my application it starts appending # and then url look like
The only time it happens when I use jquery mobile framework

Jquery mobile wraps all links so that it will send and ajax request by default. If you don't want this behaviour add rel="external" attribute to your a tag like below.
Multi-page link
You can read the documentation for more detailed information

If you don't want # in ur url and want clean URL then you can use target attribute of anchor tag. You can use anchor tag using Below 2 technieqs in MVC
1) Direct in Anchor Tag
if you use jQueryMobile then you can also give data-role="button" to give anchor tag look like button
2) Using HTML Helper
#Html.ActionLink("Log Off", "LogOff", "Account", null, new { target = "_self" })
In above both case we set target="_self" attribute of anchor tag nothing else. Let me know will it work for you or not.


Is it possible to get the html produced by a script

I have a URL from a third party site which should be the source of a script tag, something like this:
<script src="<%= #url %>"></script>
The above code shows a webform.
I would like to get the html code resulted by that code and store into a variable, something like this :
html_code = get_html('<script src="<%= #url %>"></script>')
Is that possible using Ruby/Rails (maybe using nokogiri) ?
If you're using jQuery in the browser and that code shows up in a well defined location, for example a <div> with a specific id then you can just grab it using your browser's JavaScript console:
That will show the raw HTML of that element presuming it dumps its content in an element with the ID the_id. You can use whatever CSS selector works.
Where that HTML goes in your document is impossible to tell from your example. A <script> can add any elements it wants anywhere in your document. You'll have to look around to see where it goes.
Load the page into a browser and then do View/Source in the browser. This will let you view the generated web page and you can find what URL was put into the <script> tag.

redirect to a page using bootstrap angular js button as opposed to url.action

How do I convert the following url.action link to a boot strapped button.
<a data-ng-href="#Url.Action("Create", "Profile")" target="_self">Create New </a>**strong text**
This button upon click needs to redirect the current page to Create Action and Profile Controller.
I am trying to bootstrap and angularize a legacy mvc 4 app.
You can give an anchor tag a class of button which makes it look like a button but it can still contain a href. The alternative is in the controller to have a function to change the path using angulars $location service, eg:
$scope.setLocation = function(url) {
in the html:
<div class="button" ng-click="setLocation('path/to/location');

How to ensure that all the non-origin href links open in a new tab?

I have a html content stored in backend, which may have certain anchor tags with href links, when rendering them I build a custom NodeValidator and then bind the value using a angular.dart decorator. Some of the href links points to outside my domain, I want to make sure that target='_blank' is added as attribute to such anchor tags so that browsers open the link in a new tab. Can this be taken care of by some UriPolicy or custom NodeValidator?

jQuery mobile force full reload when link clicked

I have a "normal" link in my jqm page like this:
<a href="">
And if I click it it won't properly refresh taking into account the attribute value and loading everything that's needed for it dynamically based on the attribute value. I understand that this is due to the fact that jqm tries to do an ajax call like mentioned here:
When you use pageChange an Ajax request will be made to that url and it will be
loaded only the content inside the div with data-role="page". So everything you
have out of this element will be ignored (JS and CSS).
So, I found out in the docs that I should use $.mobile.ajaxEnabled=false; or rel=external on links or target=_blank on the link.
Strange thing though for me is that only when I set the target=_blank property to my links will this truly happen. So, am wondering if someone had this kind of a problem and how did you solve it? The thing is, I would like to refrain myself form using target=_blank as it opens a new tab in my browser (as expected, but this is not nice from users' POV).
jqm version I use is 1.2
This question now at the top of google search results, so figured I'd answer:
Use the data-ajax attribute and set it to false to force reload upon clicking a link:
use it like:
<a href="/" data-ajax="false">
<img id="mainLogo" src="logo.svg" width="215" />
And then your link will force reload the page!
Linking without Ajax
Links that point to other domains or that have rel="external",
data-ajax="false" or target attributes will not be loaded with Ajax.
Instead, these links will cause a full page refresh with no animated
transition. Both attributes (rel="external" and data-ajax="false")
have the same effect, but a different semantic meaning: rel="external"
should be used when linking to another site or domain, while
data-ajax="false" is useful for simply opting a page within your
domain from being loaded via Ajax. Because of security restrictions,
the framework always opts links to external domains out of the Ajax
Parts taken from
Make function for the onclick event of the link.See the below code example.Hope this helps!
<script type="text/javascript">
function loadPage(url){
document.location.href = url;
<a href="#" onClick="loadPage('');">

tweet button inside jquery template

I want to integrate tweet button inside a jquery template. Am trying the 'tweet button with javascript' (link). But my html template shows only link, it does not show the button. I tried the anchor tag outside the jquery-templ script. Then it is working fine. I am confused why this is not working inside jquery-tmpl.
code look like follows:
<script type="text/x-jquery-tmpl">
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s) [0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src="";fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,"script","twitter-wjs");</script>
Any suggestions?
Because the closing </script> tag is not parsed correctly by the browser.
You could write </scr{{= ""}}ipt> instead...
The point is, that browsers don't understand nesting of <script> tags, so whenever it parses a </script>, it closes the outermost script tag. Therefore, the closing </script> tag is matched to the template script.
You can trick the browser into ignoring the script tag, by adding the {{= ""}}, which will be used by the template engine to generate an empty string. </scr{{= ""}}ipt> will result in </script>, after templating.
