Mocking C++ classes with dependency injection - dependency-injection

Say you're testing class A and it has a dependency injection of B which has a dependency injection of C.So you mock B but the only constructor it has requires an injection of C, so do you have to mock C as well and inject the mocked C into the mocked B and only then inject it to A?What if you have 5 consecutive dependancies?
What are the alternatives?
I use Google Mock, so a specific answer would help as well.

Emile has the right idea, you should depend on interfaces not concrete classes. So in your example it would be something like:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class C {
int x;
class B {
virtual void doSomething() = 0;
class ConcreteB : public B{
ConcreteB(C c) : m_c(c) {}
void doSomething(){
std::cout << "HelloWorld" << std::endl;
C m_c;
class A{
A(B *b): m_b(b){}
void functionToTestWithSideEffect(){
B *m_b;
//#include <gmock/gmock.h>
int main() {
C c;
c.x = 42;
ConcreteB b(c);
A a(&b);
return 0;
In your tests you create a mock B which does not rely on any class C. Then you are only testing the interface with B. In this way you break A's dependency on C. Creating a mock B that doesn't depend on C is pretty simple:
class MockB : public B {
MOCK_METHOD0(doSomething, void());

If you change the design so that the classes depend on interfaces instead of concrete classes, you get rid of the constructor problems. Besides improving testability, it may also improve reusability and maintainability, at the cost of more code (interfaces).

In this case you should inject by pointer and not by reference, then you could pass a NULL pointer. This would work assuming you're object is indeed a mock and not a fake object, therefore it has no real dependency on the injected object.
For boost::shared_ptr you could do the following:
boost::shared_ptr<C> null_c_ptr;
MockB mock_b(null_c_ptr);


Difference between using lombok vs Inject for constructor

Two methods to inject into constructor:
#RequiredArgsConstructor (onConstructor = #_(#Inject))
public ClassA {
#NonNull private ClassB b;
Another method is using Inject:
public class ClassA {
private final ClassB b;
public ClassA(ClassB b) {
this.b = b;
Wondering any difference?
Yes, there is a lot more code in the latter :). Lombok does some magic in the compile phase and maybe the bytecode of those two are a bit different but the result bytecode should be almost the same and the and functionality exactly same.
Out of the scope: Note that - depending on the case - it might be yet more clear to inject the field directly:
private final ClassB b;
Difference with that would be that b would be injected only after constructor has been executed and for that then you would need to create method with #PostConstruct that does things that otherwise should have been done in the constructor.

How to create private variables in Dart?

I want to create a private variable but I cannot.
Here is my code:
void main() {
var b = new B();
class A {
int _private = 0;
testA() {
print('int value: $_private');
_private = 5;
class B extends A {
String _private;
testB() {
_private = 'Hello';
print('String value: $_private');
print('String value: $_private');
When I run this code, I get the following result:
String value: Hello
int value: Hello
Breaking on exception: type 'int' is not a subtype of type 'String' of 'value'.
Also I not get any error or warnings when editing this source code.
How can I create a private variable in Dart?
From Dart documentation:
Unlike Java, Dart doesn’t have the keywords public, protected, and private. If an identifier starts with an underscore _, it’s private to its library.
Libraries not only provide APIs, but are a unit of privacy: identifiers that start with an underscore _ are visible only inside the library.
A few words about libraries:
Every Dart app is a library, even if it doesn’t use a library directive. The import and library directives can help you create a modular and shareable code base.
You may have heard of the part directive, which allows you to split a library into multiple Dart files.
Dart documentation "libraries-and-visibility"
Privacy in Dart exists at the library, rather than the class level.
If you were to put class A into a separate library file (eg, other.dart), such as:
library other;
class A {
int _private = 0;
testA() {
print('int value: $_private'); // 0
_private = 5;
print('int value: $_private'); // 5
and then import it into your main app, such as:
import 'other.dart';
void main() {
var b = new B();
class B extends A {
String _private;
testB() {
_private = 'Hello';
print('String value: $_private'); // Hello
print('String value: $_private'); // Hello
You get the expected output:
String value: Hello
int value: 0
int value: 5
String value: Hello
In dart '_' is used before the variable name to declare it as private. Unlike other programming languages, here private doesn't mean it is available only to the class it is in, private means it is accessible in the library it is in and not accessible to other libraries. A library can consists of multiple dart files as well using part and part of. For more information on Dart libraries, check this.
The top answer as of now is definitely correct.
I'll try to go into more detail in this answer.
I'll answer the question, but lead with this: That's just not how Dart is intended to be written, partly because library-private members make it easier to define operators like ==. (Private variables of a second object couldn't be seen for the comparison.)
Now that we've got that out of the way, I'll start out by showing you how it's meant to be done (library-private instead of class-private), and then show you how to make a variable class-private if you still really want that. Here we go.
If one class has no business seeing variables on another class, you might ask yourself whether they really belong in the same library:
//This should be in a separate library from main() for the reason stated in the main method below.
class MyClass {
//Library private variable
int _val = 0;
int get val => _val;
set val(int v) => _val = (v < 0) ? _val : v;
MyClass.fromVal(int val) : _val = val;
void main() {
MyClass mc = MyClass.fromVal(1);
mc.val = -1;
print(mc.val); //1
mc._val = 6;
print(mc.val); //6
That should be good. However if you really want private class data:
Though you technically aren't allowed to create private variables, you could emulate it using the following closure technique. (HOWEVER, you should CAREFULLY consider whether you really need it and whether there is a better, more Dart-like way to do what you're trying to accomplish!)
//A "workaround" that you should THINK TWICE before using because:
//1. The syntax is verbose.
//2. Both closure variables and any methods needing to access
// the closure variables must be defined inside a base constructor.
//3. Those methods require typedefs to ensure correct signatures.
typedef int IntGetter();
typedef void IntSetter(int value);
class MyClass {
IntGetter getVal;
IntSetter setVal;
MyClass.base() {
//Closure variable
int _val = 0;
//Methods defined within constructor closure
getVal = ()=>_val;
setVal = (int v) => _val = (v < 0) ? _val : v;
factory MyClass.fromVal(int val) {
MyClass result = MyClass.base();
return result;
void main() {
MyClass mc = MyClass.fromVal(1);
mc.setVal(-1); //Fails
//On the upside, you can't access _val
//mc._val = 6; //Doesn't compile.
So yeah. Just be careful and try to follow the language's best-practices and you should be fine.
Apparently there's a new typedef syntax that's preferred for Dart 2. If you're using Dart 2 you should use that. Or, even better, use inline function types.
If you use the second, it will be less verbose, but the other problems remain.

Custom constructor in Luabind

I'm using Luabind to bind a C++ API to Lua. I have some objects that cannot be created directly, but rather must be created on another thread. I'm currently handling this by defining a "static" member called create that yields until the object is created:
luabind::def("create", &someCreateMethod, luabind::yield)
This works, but has the disadvantage of complicating the client API. For these classes, you cannot create them normally (e.g. local f = Foo()), but instead need to do local f = Foo.create().
Is it possible to define a Luabind constructor that doesn't actually call the C++ constructor, but instead another function that returns the constructed object (and can yield in the meantime)? I've tried defining bindings for __init and __call (the latter under a scope, to define it on the class, not its instances), but I didn't have success with either approach.
Constructors in Luabind must be actual C++ class constructors. So you'll just have to deal with the slight API weirdness.
If all you're interested in is the ability to use Foo as a constructor method, then you can do this. Register your C++ class Foo as FooLua to Lua. Then, register this someCreateMethod, not as a member of FooLua, but as just a Lua free function called Foo. Thus, as far as the user is concerned, Foo is a constructor for the Lua class Foo.
Now, this will inhibit your ability to give Foo other static properties, like members and so forth. But you could accomplish that by using some direct Lua API coding. You can create an empty table Foo and create a metatable for it that forwards __index and __newindex calls to FooLua. Similarly, you can override this metatable's __call to forward the construction to Foo.create.
While luabind doesn't provide a straight-forward way of defining custom constructors, it is in fact possible with a bit of a hack:
template<typename T,auto TCnstrct,typename ...TArgs>
static void custom_constructor(luabind::argument const &self_, TArgs... args)
using holder_type = luabind::detail::value_holder<T>;
luabind::detail::object_rep* self = luabind::touserdata<luabind::detail::object_rep>(self_);
void* storage = self->allocate(sizeof(holder_type));
self->set_instance(new (storage) holder_type(nullptr,TCnstrct(std::forward<TArgs>(args)...)));
template<typename T,auto TCnstrct,typename ...TArgs>
static void define_custom_constructor(lua_State *l)
auto *registry = luabind::detail::class_registry::get_registry(l);
auto *crep = registry->find_class(typeid(T));
auto fn = luabind::make_function(l,&custom_constructor<T,TCnstrct,TArgs...>);
auto o = luabind::object{luabind::from_stack(l,-1)};
This will allow you to use any free function as a constructor after the class definition:
static void define_vector_class(lua_State *l)
auto modMath = luabind::module_(l,"math");
struct Vector
float x,y,z;
auto defVec = luabind::class_<Vector>("Vector");
// Define custom constructor taking three float arguments
define_custom_constructor<Vector,[](float x,float y,float z) -> Vector {
Vector v;
v.x = x;
v.y = y;
v.z = z;
return v;
},float,float,float>(l); // Constructor parameter types have to be specified in template parameter list as well
Tested with the deboostified version of luabind (, but it should work with the regular version as well.

Do C++ Templates play nicely with VCL classes?

I'm trying to use C++ Template 'mixins' to create some new VCL components with shared additional functionality. Example...
template <class T> class Mixin : public T
typedef T inherited;
// ...additional methods
Mixin(TComponent *owner) : inherited(owner)
// .. do stuff here
Used like this:
class MyLabel : public Mixin<TLabel>
class MyEdit : public Mixin<TEdit>
Now, everything compiles fine, and the mixin stuff seems to work - until I try and save the component to a stream using TStream->WriteComponent, where the inherited properties (eg TLabel.Width/Height/etc.) don't get written. This is even with a 'null' mixin like the one shown above.
My code works fine when just deriving classes directly from TForm, TEdit, etc - and the class is correctly registered with the streaming system.
The quick/simple answer is: no; when dealing with a template, the compiler won't generate the proper descriptors to make streaming working. However, since this has come up before, I peeked under the cover to find out what's missing. And what I found is that it's almost there. So here's a little more information.
Upfront the compiler will never treat a template-based type as a Delphi. For example, do something like this:
void testing()
__classid(Mixin<Stdctrls::TLabel>); // Error Here
... and you'll see the error
"Error E2242 test.cpp 53: __classid requires Delphi style class type (i.e. class marked __declspec(delphiclass) or derived from System::TObject) in function testing()"
This basically says the compiler does not consider this type/class as compatible with Delphi-classes [i.e. those that derive from TObject]. Internally there's just a flag on the symbol that says whether the type is delphi-compatible or not. And I noticed that I could trick the compiler into marking the type as delphi-style if I forced it to walk up the hierarchy.. which is something it has to do if I create an instance of the object. So, with this hack the error goes away:
void testing()
typedef Mixin<Stdctrls::TLabel> __ttype;
std::auto_ptr<__ttype> c2(new __ttype(0));
__classid(Mixin<Stdctrls::TLabel>); // No more errors here
But much nicer was actually to use the __declspec(delphiclass) directly on the template, as in:
template <class T>
class __declspec(delphiclass) Mixin : public T {
int i;
typedef T inherited;
__fastcall Mixin(TComponent *owner) : inherited(owner) {};
So now that the compiler treats the type as a delphi-style class without hacks, I peeked a little more and found the issue you're probably running into: Delphi classes have the TTypeData.PropCount field - - which is a sum of the class' properties, including those of its base classes. Due to the way the various pieces of information are computed, the compiler writes out a '0' for that field when a template is involved:(
You can see this by printing out the PropCount, as in:
#include <Stdctrls.hpp>
#include <cstdio>
#include <memory>
#include <utilcls.h>
class TCppComp : public Classes::TComponent {
int i;
__fastcall TCppComp(TComponent* owner): Classes::TComponent(owner) {};
__property int AAAA = {read=i, write=i};
template <class T>
class __declspec(delphiclass) Mixin : public T {
int i;
typedef T inherited;
__fastcall Mixin(TComponent *owner) : inherited(owner) {};
typedef Mixin<TCppComp> TMixinComp;
void showProps(TClass meta) {
PTypeInfo pInfo = PTypeInfo(meta->ClassInfo());
int Count = GetPropList(pInfo, tkAny, NULL);
TAPtr<PPropInfo> List(new PPropInfo[Count]);
std::printf("Class: %s - Total Props:%d\n",
AnsiString(pInfo->Name).c_str(), Count);
GetPropList(pInfo, tkAny, *(reinterpret_cast<PPropList*>(&List)));
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
AnsiString propName(List[i]->Name);
std::printf("\t%s\n", propName.c_str());
void test() {
int main() {
return 0;
When run the above prints:
Class: TCppComp - Total Props:3
Class: #%Mixin$8TCppComp% - Total Props:0
IOW, Mixin shows up with '0' published properties while its base type has 3:(
I suspect the streaming system relies on this count and that's why inherited properties are not being written out in your setup.
I considered tweaking the generated descriptors at runtime but since we write them to _TEXT it's bound to trigger DEP.
I'll look at the logic that computes the PropCount to see if there's some way to get it to compute the correct number. If time allows, please do open a QC for this: now that I've peek underneath, I believe it would not require much effort to get this working as expected.
PS: In my sample I even had the Mixin publish a property and the compiler generated the correct descriptor for that property; however, the total count was still zero.

Inject dependencies in methods or in the constructor?

Dependency injection seems to be a good thing. In general, should dependencies be injected at the methods that require them, or should they be injected in the contructor of the class?
See the samples below to demonstrate the two ways to inject the same dependency.
//Inject the dependency into the methods that require ImportantClass
Class Something {
public Something()
public void A()
//do something without x
public void B(ImportantClass x)
//do something with x
public void C(ImportantClass x)
//do something with x
//Inject the dependency into the constructor once
Class Something {
private ImportantClass _x
public Something(ImportantClass x)
this._x = x;
public void A()
//do something without x
public void B()
//do something with this._x
public void C()
//do something with this._x
The major benefit of constructor injection is that it allows your fields to be marked final. For example:
class Foo {
private final Bar _bar;
Foo(Bar bar) {
The following page has a great list of the pro's and con's: Guice Best Practices:
Method injection
+ Isn't field injection
+ Only thing that works for some strange edge cases
Constructor injection
+ Fields can be final!
+ Injection cannot possibly have been skipped
+ Easy to see dependencies at a glance
+ It's what the idea of construction is all about
- No optional injections
- Useless when DI library can't do instantiation itself
- Subclasses need to "know about" the injections needed by their superclasses
- Less convenient for tests that only "care about" one of the parameters
If you inject during the methods than you are not differentiating the behavioral abstraction from the concrete dependencies. This is a big no no :). You want to depend on abstractions so you are not coupled with the dependencies of your classes dependencies . . .
Since your constructor would not be there in any interface that your concrete class supports than you are not coupling to that dependency. But the method calls would have that issue.
Here is a good article on this tiopic:
By not injecting the dependency at each method you then force each caller to know or retrieve the dependency.
Also from a tooling standpoint there are many frameworks available (at least in .NET) that enable or make constructor injection much easier to do. This should not sway the decision but makes it much more attractive.
Good luck.
Another method is to user a setter for the dependency. Sometimes this is combined with constructor injection. This can be useful if you want to change which implementation you are using later without having to recreate the instance.
public interface IFoo
void Do();
public class DefaultFoo : IFoo
public void Do()
public class UsesFoo
private IFoo foo;
public IFoo Foo
set { = value; }
public UsesFoo()
this.Foo = new DefaultFoo();
public UsesFoo( IFoo foo )
this.Foo = foo;
public void DoFoo()
Crazy Bob Lee says use constructor injection whenever possible. Only use method injection when you don't have control over instantiation (like in a servlet).
