Is there a way to return image profile with image magick command identify or some other command?
For example I have an image kitchen.jpg. This image has profile Euroscale Coated v2. I can see that by running identify -verbose kitchen.jpg.
signature: ff8c7f0b6159ca8b63507c0a0eac0af64d639b19e871e13163fb53746a4c4ddd
Profile-exif: 4869 bytes
Profile-icc: 557164 bytes
Euroscale Coated v2
Profile-iptc: 7 bytes
Profile-xmp: 7501 bytes
verbose: true
I tried identify -verbose wohnbereih_original.tif | grep 'Profile-icc' and it returns Profile-icc: 557164 bytes but than I don't now how to return next line.
Try this
identify -verbose wohnbereih_original.tif | grep -A 2 'Profile-icc'
Try This
identify -format %[profile:icc] wohnbereih_original.tif
I did my research how to detect / identify ICC profile with imagemagick and reached this question.
Then, I found out
identify -format %[profile:icc] wohnbereih_original.tif
will available in imagemagick since version (ref:
For previous versions,
identify -verbose wohnbereih_original.tif | grep -A 2 'Profile-icc'
is a lifesaver.
I'm running
$ cat /etc/os-release
PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"
I'm also running ImageMagick 6.9.
I'd like to convert a PDF image into WebP. AFAIK, out of the box, ImageMagick on Linux cannot convert to WebP, so I sudo apt-get install webp which installs cwebp.
cwebp allows to specify the -q parameter, and ImageMagick allows to specify the -quality parameter.
When I run $ cwebp -q 90 image.png -o image.webp, it takes cwebp around 8 seconds to convert it. If I run convert image.png -quality 90 image.webp, it takes ImageMagick around 30 seconds to convert it. It seems like the -quality parameter is not passed through to cwebp. It also may be the case that convert attempts to run a lossless conversion, which in cwebp is achieved with an explicit -lossless flag.
I run the test commands for a 10 MB test png image.
I would like to achieve 8 second conversion times with convert command. How can I do it?
I realize you want imagemagick, but if you are able to consider alternatives, libvips can do pdf -> webp quickly at the command line, and without any configuring.
For example, with this PDF (Audi R8 brochure) on my 2015 laptop, I see:
$ time convert -density 600 r8.pdf[3] -quality 90 x.webp
real 0m36.699s
user 0m23.787s
sys 0m1.628s
$ vipsheader x.webp
x.webp: 9921x4961 uchar, 3 bands, srgb, webpload
Which I think is broadly in line with the times you are seeing.
With libvips, I see:
$ time vips copy r8.pdf[dpi=600,page=3] x.webp[Q=90]
real 0m7.195s
user 0m6.861s
sys 0m0.505s
$ vipsheader x.webp
x.webp: 9921x4961 uchar, 3 bands, srgb, webpload
The same result, but within your 8s time budget.
You can set a lot of other webp options if you want more control over compression.
It turns out, that the delegates are invoked using the rules in /etc/ImageMagick-6/delegates.xml.
It lists a bunch of rules on how to convert between different types of images.
For my case, the png->webp conversion, I needed the string:
<delegate decode="png" encode="webp" command=""cwebp" -quiet %Q "%i" -o "%o""/>
While in this file I don't know the -quaility parameter value, and there seems to be no way to capture it.
However, if you wish to keep the value of the -q parameter for cwebp, you have the option of hard-coding the -q $YOUR_VALUE right into the command inside the delegate tag.
This solution is still slower than invoking cwebp directly, since ImageMagick can take up to 8 seconds before invoking the delegate.
I have a directory of images and need to merge those images horizontally in groups of two, then save the output of each to a new image file:
Using Imagemagick via command line, is there a way to loop through every other image in a directory and run magick convert image-1.jpeg image-2.jpeg +append image-combined-*.jpg?
So the result would be combined pairs of images:
image-1.jpeg image-2.jpeg -> image-combined-1.jpg
image-3.jpeg image-4.jpeg -> image-combined-2.jpg
image-5.jpeg image-6.jpeg -> image-combined-3.jpg
Get them all appended succinctly and in parallel with GNU Parallel and actually use all those lovely CPU cores you paid Intel for!
parallel -N2 convert {1} {2} +append combined-{#}.jpeg ::: *jpeg
-N2 says to take two files at a time
{1} and {2} are the first two parameters
{#} is the sequential job number, and
::: demarcates the start of the parameters
If your CPU has 8 cores, GNU Parallel will run 8 converts at once, unless you specify say 4 jobs at a time by adding -j4.
If you are learning and just finding your way with GNU Parallel add:
--dry-run so you can see what it would do without actually doing anything
-k to keep the outputs in order
So, I mean:
parallel --dry-run -k -N2 convert {1} {2} +append combined-{#}.jpeg ::: *jpeg
Sample Output
convert image-1.jpeg image-2.jpeg +append combined-1.jpeg
convert image-3.jpeg image-4.jpeg +append combined-2.jpeg
convert image-5.jpeg image-6.jpeg +append combined-3.jpeg
On macOS, you can simply install GNU Parallel with:
brew install parallel
If you have thousands, or hundreds of thousands of files, you may run into an error Argument list too long - although this is pretty rare on macOS because the limit is 262,144 characters:
sysctl -a kern.argmax
kern.argmax: 262144
If that happens, you can use this syntax to pipe the filenames in GNU Parallel instead:
find /somewhere -iname "*.jpeg" -print0 | parallel -0 -N2 convert {1} {2} +append combined-{#}.jpeg
If the images are all the same size and orientation, and if your system has the memory to read in all the images in the directory, it can be done as simply as this...
magick *.jpeg -set option:doublewide %[fx:w*2] \
+append +repage -crop %[doublewide]x%[h] +repage image-combined-%02d.jpg
This can be scripted easily using ImageMagick. I could show you how in Unix. But if you have more than 9 images, then you may have to rename with leading zeros, since alphabetically image-10 will come before image-2. You do not mention your IM version or platform and scripting will differ depending upon OS.
Here is a Unix solution. I have images rose-01.jpg ... rose-06.jpg in folder test on my desktop (Mac OSX). Each image has a label under it with its filename so we can keep track of the files.
cd desktop/test
arr=(`ls *.jpg`)
for ((i=0; i<num; i=i+2)); do
magick ${arr[$i]} ${arr[$j]} +append newimage_${j}_${k}.jpg
Note that arrays start with index 0. So I use j=i+1 and k=i+2 for the images that correspond to 1,2 3,4 5,6 in the filenames from ls in the array.
The result is (newimage_1_2.jpg, newimage_3_4.jpg, newimage_5_6.jpg)
An alternate solution is to montage all the images together two-by-two as an array of 2x3 and then equally crop them into 3 sections vertically. So in ImageMagick, this also works since these images are all the same size.
cd desktop/test
arr=(`ls *.jpg`)
num2=`magick xc: -format "%[fx:ceil($num/2)]" info:`
magick montage ${arr[*]} -tile 2x -geometry +0+0 miff:- | magick - -crop 1x3# +repage newimage.jpg
The results are: newimage-0.jpg, newimage-1.jpg, newimage-2.jpg
Ole Tang wrote:
Fails on filenames like My summer photo.jpg
So here is the solution using ImageMagick as modified from my original post.
rose 1.png
rose 2.png
rose 3.png
rose 4.png
rose 5.png
rose 6.png
arr=(`ls *.png`)
for ((i=0;i<6;i++)); do
echo "${arr[$i]}"
for ((i=0; i<num; i=i+2)); do
magick "${arr[$i]}" "${arr[$j]}" +append newimage_${j}_${k}.jpg
This produces:
I use the following command that works in imagemagick to get the mean of a picture
identify -format "%[mean]" photo.jpg
the same command does not work under graphicsmagick. Is there an equivalent I can use?
You can do this, for example:
gm identify -verbose photo.jpg | grep -E "Mean|Red|Green|Blue"
Or, if you want Red, Green and Blue as 3 separate integers
gm identify -verbose photo.jpg | awk '/Mean:/{s=s int($2) " "} END{print s}'
0 29 225
Or, if you want the average of all channels, like this:
gm identify -verbose photo.jpg | awk '/Mean:/{n++;t+=$2} END{print int(t/n)}'
I've this command:
/usr/local/bin/convert -density 200 /singlePage.pdf -colorspace RGB -verbose -geometry 1155 -quality 10 -limit area 100mb singlePicture.jpg
When executing with php (via browser) it has no result output (executing with php function exec()).
When executing the same command on shell, it works perfectly.
I tried another pdf file, which works on php and shell. The only difference is the filesize.
1,0806 MB => Works
1,0962 MB => Not Works
Any ideas?
So this:
/usr/local/bin/convert -density 200 /singlePage.pdf -colorspace RGB -verbose -geometry 1155 -quality 10 -limit area 100mb singlePicture.jpg
implies that the singlePage.pdf file is located on the root of your filesystem. I doubt that is true. My guess is the "/singlePage.pdf" path is wrong.
I am generating thumbnails and medium sized images from large photos. These smaller photos are for display in an online gallery. Many of the photographers are submitting JPEG images using Adobe RGB. I have been asked if the thumbnail and medium size images can use sRGB as the images as is appear "flat" in some browsers.
I'm currently using ImageMagick to create the smaller versions. It has a -colorspace option, but that doesn't seem to do what I want.
Is there any other way to do this? Also, do you think this is worthwhile?
You can use the ImageMagic -profile option:
convert image.jpg -profile <adobe.icc> -profile <sRGB.icc> new_image.jpg
See here for more details:
Have you tried using Little CMS? This command will convert an image with a special color profile (i.e. Adobe RGB 1998) to one with no color profile but the same effective colors:
jpgicc -q100 input.jpg output.jpg
I'm setting JPEG quality to 100 here.
The following thread in the ImageMagick forum discusses exactly this in some detail:
I now use this bash script to convert any picture (including CMYK) to sRGB:
It requires icc profiles for images which don't have embedded profiles. These can be found easily on the web. For example on Adobe's site:
Here is a summary (untested) of what the full script does (without it's resize and other options). It requires profiles and ImageMagick. On Debian-based systems: apt-get install icc-profiles imagemagick.
# extract possible color profile
convert "$f" "icc:$profile" 2>/dev/null
if cmp -s "$profile" "$srgb" ; then
# embedded profile is already srgb. Nothing to do
if [ -s "$profile" ]; then
# we have an embedded profile, so ImageMagick will use that anyway
convert "$f" -profile "$srgb" +profile '*' "$outfile"
# no embedded profile in source
if identify -format "%r" "$f" | grep -q CMYK; then
# CMYK file without embedded profile
convert "$f" -profile "$cmyk" -profile "$srgb" "$outfile"
Re-exporting the image using Krita seems to work well enough for me:
krita my_img.jpg --export --export-filename my_img_in_srgb.jpg
Krita is an open source Photoshop/Paint, with a(n extremely limited) command line interface. Install it with
sudo apt install krita