iOS distribute problem - ios

I built apps for iPad and iPhone from one single project. I created app with all data in app store and upload iPhone binary. What I need to do for uploading iPad binary with the same name? P.S. It's not universal app.

1) change the bundle identifier
2) use different display name for AppStore submission e.g. XX for iPad, XX for iPhone
3) but you can keep the same name below the icon


Can you upload 2 separate ipa's pointing to two targets in the Appstore. One for iPhone and one for iPad?

We have a build version specific to iPhone and another build specific to iPad.
Is it possible to upload both these builds to the AppStore that point to the specific device? If so, how?
You just need to create 2 separate apps on the iTunes Connect and Developer Portal with 2 separate bundle IDs, you can assemble them from 1 Xcode project if you wish using multiple targets.
Don't forget to make specific device requirements in the target settings, so each target can only be run on one family of device.

image assets catalog and iOS device family

I have set the app for only iPhone but if I keep the images at Universal will it be used for iPhone
This is very much confusing please guide
Nope, You cannot do so. If you are targeting Universal Apps (iPhones + iPads) then App store need assets/images for both. Thus while uploading app to App Store it will show error saying "Missing assets".

1 link for both iPhone and iPad app in Appstore

I am creating an iPhone app. I would also like it to make it available for iPads. The problem is that the iPad version is very different(has different transitions between view controllers, more buttons). However, I would like only 1 link to the app in the app store that supports both iPhone and iPad. Can I upload 2 different builds for the same app(with the same name, but one is iPad version, the other is iphone) and than only have 1 app(with one link) in the app store for customers to download? For example, if I send a link to my app in App Store to let's say Gregory, I only send 1 link for both the iPad and iPhone version and not 2 like this:
The main goal is to have 1 link to share like this
although I cannot upload one single build for iPad and iPhone, but 2 for each type of device.
No. Your app needs to be one universal build in order to appear as one app in the app store.
A universal app doesn't need to have the same interface or transitions. How you achieve this is up to you and depends on the volume of the differences.

Is it possible to deploy both the iphone and ipad *.ipa to the Application Center?

I am able to build both the iphone and ipad ipa files (app.ipa and app-ipad.ipa) fine. However, when I go to deploy them to the Application Center via the native-deployer api,
the Application Center only shows one app of type "ios", where I expect two apps, one for iphone and one for ipad.
Since this is one worklight project. The application-descriptor is the same. The version number and bundle ids are exactly the same. What do I need to change to differentiate them?
I think if the bundle id is different Application Center will discern them, for sure. But worklight did not change the bundle id when I added the environment, so I left them unchanged.
The bundleId value in application-descriptor.xml for the iPad and iPhone environments is merely a placeholder. Obviously, you need to change it.
You can change it either in application-descriptor.xml, in which case it will be pre-set by the time you open the generated Xcode project in Xcode. Or you can set it when you open the project in Xcode.
The simplest way is to just set it in application-descriptor.xml...
Note that Worklight has got nothing to do with your iOS app once it is generated and you want to release it. Any and all configurations are then mostly related to Xcode settings of your application. Read more here:
Configuring Your Xcode Project for Distribution
Another thing to note is that a Worklight-based iOS app, be it the iPhone or iPad environment is configured as a Universal app by default (fit for both iPhone and iPad). Perhaps what is missing in your case is to differentiate the two.
In Xode, for each project (iPhone and iPad), look for the setting to set it as an iPhone or iPad app, rather than Universal app.
Then, try uploading to the Application Center management console again and check if you are now able to see TWO apps.

How can I preview my app's name in the device app store?

I'm planning to submit an app to the iOS App Store, and I'd like to choose a name that won't be truncated in the App Store on iPhone and iPod Touch. How can I check whether the name I've chosen will be truncated in the App Store?
You can use AddLingo StoreFront a free web app tool to preview in the browser what your iOS App Store presentation page will look like on the iPhone or iPad (disclosure - I created the tool).
You can't. However, you can estimate it by measuring the width of the text set in the same font as the App Store.
you can check the name in sinulator/test device. if it is not being truncated on simulator/test device then it will not be truncated.
I would count the shown characters of other apps.
