Dont allow timeout on a page, though it is in an application that has a timeout - timeout

I am working on a .jsp page that is in an application that has a timeout for any page in that application. Is there any way around this, or would it have to be created in a separate application. I know this is usually done in the xml file, but was curious if there was any other option?

One option would be to poll back to the server and hit a page that would re-set the timeout timer. This could be done with some fairly simple javascript, and jQuery makes it even simpler.


Why is self.skipWaiting() and self.clients.claim() not default behaviour for service workers

I'm researching service workers for my thesis. I understand how the lifecycle works, but I'm having trouble understanding the default update behaviour of service workers.
When installing a new service worker, while an old one is installed, the service worker will have to wait to activate. With self.skipWaiting() and self.clients.claim() it is possible to fully activate the service worker and control the pages. I don't get why this is not default behaviour. The main reason I can find is to preserve code and data consistency ( With some basic understanding of the lifecycle, shouldn't it be possible to preserve both code and data consistency when a service worker updates or am I missing something? Are there any additional reasons?
Also has this behaviour been different in the past? Have skipWaiting() and clients.claim() been added afterwards?
The default - as it is now - is safer in general and doesn't force everyone to come up with all sorts of solutions.
User loads page with main1.js, SWv1 registers 1 second later, site now fully cached
User loads the page again - this time from cache by SWv1, super fast. New SWv2 registers 1 second later, caches new assets (main1.js is now main2.js), takes control via skipWaiting and clientsClaim
Two things can happen now:
Page has loaded with main1.js and the browser has executed whatever that script said. User has interacted with the page etc. Page is running main1.js which expects to be talking to SWv1 but actually the SW in control is SWv2. The script, main1.js, could be sending messages and trying to interact with the SW in a way that only SWv1 understood but v2 doesn't have any idea about. Now the page breaks because of the mismatch.
SWv1 cached all assets that site v1 needed. Thus if main1.js was to lazyload something etc. when user interacted with the page, browser would get that from the cache. As SWv2 has taken control and cached its idea of the assets (these are now newer assets), when main1.js tries to lazyload something originally cached by SWv1 it's not found. Also, because this is now a new deployment, the asset is not on the HTTP server anymore. It would have been in caches handled by SWv1 but SWv2 doesn't know about it. SWv2 knows about a newer version of that file. Page breaks.
It is important to understand that this might not be the case for every site/SW combination. If you have very little logic in the SW script and the main.js doesn't communite with sw.js too much it is possible to build a combination where skipWaiting and clientsClaim don't cause any problems. You can also code in such a way that if an error happens, you'll show the user a notification to refresh.

How to properly serve a loading page while server processes the request

I have a web application that sometimes gets a bit heavy and takes a little while to load.
I would like to serve a loading page while the page that the user accessed is loaded on the server. Now, because this is not ajax, or a response to an event, I'm not really sure how to proceed here.
I came up with a rather ugly alternative that works like this:
1: user accesses
2: if request comes from, then serve the
else, if request comes from anywhere else, rediret to
The page is basically a blue screen with a loading gif that fires a redirect upon loaded: onload="redirectToHeavyPage()".
3: while the server processes the redirect (which takes time), the user is
seeing a pretty loading page.
This way, I was able to show some information to the user while the heavypage action is processed on the server.
It works, but I feel like it is a totally wrong way of doing this, even though it works exactly I expected, mainly on slow connections (like gprs). Keep in mind that I can't put the loading gif anywhere on the heavypage because it will only be served when the server is done processing everything.
What would be the proper way of doing this?
While your scheme works, a cleaner way to approach this is the following:
When the browser requests /heavypage only the HTML shell with a loading animation that does not require any processing or database queries is returned to the client. Preferably this step is be skipped completely by caching the HTML in the browser, a CDN or a reverser-proxy cache.
In the HTML, asynchronously load the expensive HTML via JavaScript. You do not need to wait for the onload event but can trigger this directly through an inline script tag.
In the response callback render the received inner HTML to the target element, e.g. the body.
This scheme works irrespective of whether you are using a single-page application framework like React or Angular or classic server-side rendering. The only difference is if 2. ships an HTML snippet or some JSON that is rendered client-side.
If you are using HTTP/2, there is another slightly more efficient solution to this using server push. When 1. is received on the server (or the CDN) the computationally expensive data can be shipped without waiting for the client request using the new push functionality. This is however only necessary, if the round-trip latency is slower than the time your /heavypage takes to render.

Tracking time online in MVC4

I have an website build in MVC4 .NET. Now I want to tracking the time user had online in my website. Example: User open browser and then login to my website and active on my website about 30 minutes then close the browser. I want to store 30 minutes to database but I don;t know how to implement it. Please help me because I very need to do it now. Thank you so much
Here is a script that track user login/logout times on a website. It's a simple script that It has used on some of the sites. Also with this script you can see how many users are online at your site.
But the problem is when the user close the browser he do not log out. his session goes to expire
one of the other ways is global action filter that intercepts requests to all actions on all controllers, then you can get the time of each action in the database for the current user and page. To save hitting the database too hard, you could cache these values and invalidate them every few minutes, depending on how much traffic you're dealing with.
about Closing the Browser This is not something that's provided for in the normal web http protocol. There's no real way to know for sure when the browser closes; you can only sort of know. You have to throw together an ugly hack to get any level of certainty and even then it's bound to fail in plenty of edge cases or cause nasty side effects.
The normal work-around is to send ajax requests at intervals from the browser to your server to set up a sort of heartbeat. When the heartbeat stops, the browser closed and so you kill the session. But again: this is a horrible hack. In this case, the main problems are that it's easy to get false positives for a failed heartbeat if the server and client to get out of sync or there's a javascript error, and there's a side effect that your session will never expire on it's own.

ASP.NET MVC server-side file upload progress calculator

I am trying to implement basic progress bar for file uploads to work across multiple browsers without additional plugins like Flash or Silverlight. There are multiple ways to approach this problem on a client-side, however I can't find anything to work on a server.
Anywhere on MVC controller (before/on authorization and before/on executing action) file is already uploaded to server as HttpPostedFileBase. If I use basic HTTP handler for form submission, I have access to Context.Request.InputStream as well as to Context.Request.Files, but as soon I access the properties the stream/files would load silently.
I did extensive research, but could not find anything what allows me to Cache or store file upload process in Session. That would at least allowed me to use periodic AJAX requests from a client to monitor the progress.
What am I missing?
You should try a Javascript alternative, instead of handling it server side. The controller should only come in action when the request is done sending.
Try this JavaScript/jQuery alternative to Flash/SL

jquery .ajax request blocked by long running .ajax request

I am trying to use jQuery's .ajax functionality to make a progress bar.
A request is submited via .ajax, which starts a long running process. Once submited another .ajax request is called on an interval which checks the progress of this process. Then a progress meter is updated using this information.
However, the progress .ajax call only returns once the long running process has completed. Its like its being blocked by the initial request.
The weird thing is this process works fine on dev but is failing on the deployment server. I am running on IIS using ASP.Net MVC.
Update: Apparently, it is browser related because it is working fine on IE 7 but is not working on IE 8. This is strange because IE 8 allows up to 6 connections on broadband where IE 7 only allows 2 requests per domain.
Update2: I think it's a local issue because it appears to be working fine on another IE 8 machine.
The server will only run one page at a time from each user. When you send the requests to get the progress status, they will be queued.
The solution is to make the page that returns the status sessionless, using EnableSessionState="false" in the #Page directive. That way it's not associated with any user, so the request isn't queued.
This of course means that you can't use session state to communicate the progress state from the thread running the process to the thread getting the status. You have to use a different way of keeping track of running processes and send some identifier along with the requests that gets the status so that you know which user it came from.
Some browsers (in particular, IE) only allows two requests to the same domain at the same time. If there are any other requests happening at the same time, then you might run into this limitation. One way around it is to have a few different aliases for the domain (some sites use "" and "", etc)
You should be able to use Firebug or Fiddler to determine how many requests are in progress, etc.
Create an Asynchronus handler (IHttpAsyncHandler) for your second ajax request.
use any parameter required via the .ashx querystring in order to process what you want because the HttpContext won't have what you'll need. You barely will have access to the Application object.
Behind the scenes ASP.NET will create for you a thread from the CLR pool, not the application pool, so You'll have an extra performance gain with IHttpAsyncHandler
