Non-minified Google Analytics code - blackberry

I am building a Blackberry application using Phonegap, and would like to use Google Analytics to track some usage in it. Thanks to dodgy Blackberry browsers, XHR doesn't really work. There is a replacement in Phonegap that does work fine, but I need to replace the call in the Google Analytics library with the replacement in order for it to work. That would be easy if I could find a non-minified version of that library, which seems like it would be easy, but hasn't so far. I'm probably just missing it somewhere, but is there a non-minified version of the GA Javascript code somewhere that I can use and modify?

AFAIK Google does not officially provide a non-minified version of their async code (nor do they officially offer it for download to host yourself like they did with older versions, though I suppose there's nothin' stopping you from yanking it and doing it anyways).


Which Node APIs are included in electron?

I am working on an electron app and was wondering which APIs from Node are included in Electron and if there are any differences.
For example, I know that fs is included, but I am wondering about other APIs like util.promisify. I haven’t found anything in the docs about the supported APIs.
Electron actually is a node.js app so the full node API is available from the used version. It is pretty much always the most recent version (at least in one month) but you can check it with
in any Electron app

Is any possibilities to use ANT UI Design in Electron Desktop App Framework?

I have found so many facility to use javascript, Angular, material design ui with Electron App Framework, I would like to know, is there any possibilities to use ANT UI for my desktop application? At-least some work around.
The short answer is yes. Electron provides an entire NodeJS environment and allows you to use common Node, Javascript and React toolsets.
In fact, Electron is listed as an officially supported environment on their Github page.
That being said, it's a very diverse library so there might be occurrences where a particular component is not supported or might need tweaking to be compatible with the Electron environment.
The company I work for actually had to do this for a project we're working on so I can officially confirm that it works great.

Phonegap Websockets iOS 8

I'm working on a Phonegap app implementing websockets (as several other people have done on here) strictly for iOS but I cannot seem to get the call to run. I am aware that iOS now allows websockets, and several older solutions are out of date. Does anyone have a more recent tutorial or demonstration of websockets via phonegap for iOS?
I found there is no special implementation needed, and despite my best efforts there was actually an error with my javascript, and when editing in Phonegap be careful which files you are modifying, as Phonegap will keep copies for each platform as well as a master version

Run firefox extensions in xulrunner

I am just wondering if is it possible to run extension like colorzilla / firebug in xulrunner.
In fact I am creating my own extension now and I was trying addon_sdk but this is very problematic to put extension icon/button next to location bar.
So I decided to work with xul, and I know that problem doesn't exist here. And Of course the best way to learn is analyze other code, a changing it. But I can't run any extension in xulrunner. Any hint / help ?
xulrunner is just a runtime or platform. You'd need an actual app on top of that. In that regard, Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, InstantBird, etc. can be considered (complex) xulrunner apps.
Existing extensions may run, with or without modifications in such a xulrunner app. Well, likely with modifications, as most extensions use APIs specific to Firefox or Thunderbird or ...
The add-on SDK is not generally isn't a good fit for generic xulrunner apps: It is too much tailered against Firefox specifically.

Firefox extension: native code execution?

Is it possible to write an extension that runs native, platform-dependent code? I'm an extension-newbie (what a phrase!) :), can you please point me towards good material on this subject? (good keywords to feed to Google are enough)
(I would like to put a GtkMenu in Firefox)
I started checking out the Gecko SDK, and it's a rather big subject, and I'm not sure this is what I want.
I'd be happy with a friendly manual (which is not a raw reference, but rather some kind of tutorial on how to make extensions that utilize XPCOM (if that is the way). Good keywords are still appreciated.
Check out the Gecko SDK.
You can use it make portable C++ native code firefox extensions which I believe are XPCOM objects with JavaScript wrappers in the .xpm zip file.
I haven't tried it, but you can go the usual route and write the plugin, I mean extension, in javascript also.
Native Client doesn't quite offer the breadths of API firefox extensions offer, but it's still well worth checking out for your purposes IMHO.
Yes, you can. Witness the Cooliris extension, that makes (heavy) use of your 3D graphics card, and is Windows specific.
