Which Node APIs are included in electron? - electron

I am working on an electron app and was wondering which APIs from Node are included in Electron and if there are any differences.
For example, I know that fs is included, but I am wondering about other APIs like util.promisify. I haven’t found anything in the docs about the supported APIs.

Electron actually is a node.js app so the full node API is available from the used version. It is pretty much always the most recent version (at least in one month) but you can check it with
in any Electron app


Difference between Electron autoUpdater and electron-updater?

I was working through some autoUpdating changes on an app of mine, and I ran across the following
Electron Native - https://www.electronjs.org/docs/latest/api/auto-updater
Userland Electron Updater - https://www.electron.build/auto-update
It seems that these two APIs are very similar, but not identical. I can't seem to find any information on what differences there are between the two and which one is the "preferred" way to do seem less Electron updates?
Differences between electron-updater and built-in autoUpdater¶
Dedicated release server is not required.
Code signature validation not only on macOS, but also on Windows.
All required metadata files and artifacts are produced and published automatically.
Download progress and staged rollouts supported on all platforms.
Different providers supported out of the box (GitHub Releases, Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, Keygen and generic HTTP(s) server).
You need only 2 lines of code to make it work.

What is the status of WebXR in Electron?

There have been posts in various places over the last few years about WebVR in Electron, and the answer has always been (very reasonably) that it is not a core part of Chromium and so not supported in Electron.
However, WebXR is now a core part of Chromium. As long as you have an OpenXR installation Chromium runs WebXR with no need for special command line options or flags. However, the versions of Electron based on these versions of Chromium still do not allow XR. navigator.xr is present, but attempts to get a webXR session always fail. Is there any information about when we can hope for WebXR support?
This is probably better as a feature request or question for the Electron community, not StackOverflow. My guess is that although WebXR APIs might be part of Chromium now, the underlying OpenXR integration is still up to the project that uses Chromium. So you're really just seeing the stubs of the API, not the actual implementation itself.

Is any possibilities to use ANT UI Design in Electron Desktop App Framework?

I have found so many facility to use javascript, Angular, material design ui with Electron App Framework, I would like to know, is there any possibilities to use ANT UI for my desktop application? At-least some work around.
The short answer is yes. Electron provides an entire NodeJS environment and allows you to use common Node, Javascript and React toolsets.
In fact, Electron is listed as an officially supported environment on their Github page.
That being said, it's a very diverse library so there might be occurrences where a particular component is not supported or might need tweaking to be compatible with the Electron environment.
The company I work for actually had to do this for a project we're working on so I can officially confirm that it works great.

Running R within an iOS application

I'm trying to figure out if this is doable
I know there's a way to run Python or Lua scripts within iOS. Also, I know there are already projects that make this easy to do with libraries and bridging components.
The question is - has this also been done for the R language? I've been looking around online but have only seen posts by people that have done this on a jailbroken environment. Also according to my understanding this does not go against the iOS developer license agreement as section 3.3.2 has been altered to allow running any code that's bundled along with the application binary.
Any suggestions? Directions to try?
Also you can run windows applications on iOS:
However, I have not tried these personally.

Non-minified Google Analytics code

I am building a Blackberry application using Phonegap, and would like to use Google Analytics to track some usage in it. Thanks to dodgy Blackberry browsers, XHR doesn't really work. There is a replacement in Phonegap that does work fine, but I need to replace the call in the Google Analytics library with the replacement in order for it to work. That would be easy if I could find a non-minified version of that library, which seems like it would be easy, but hasn't so far. I'm probably just missing it somewhere, but is there a non-minified version of the GA Javascript code somewhere that I can use and modify?
AFAIK Google does not officially provide a non-minified version of their async code (nor do they officially offer it for download to host yourself like they did with older versions, though I suppose there's nothin' stopping you from yanking it and doing it anyways).
