iPad: Access UIPopoverController from embeded UINavigationController - ipad

I have a UIPopoverController with embeded UINavigationController. The navigation controller has MyViewController as a root controller.
The question is, how do I access the UIPopoverController from MyViewController?
I would like a button in the navigation controller to close the popover when pressed.
Something like this:
[self.navigationController.popoverController dismissPopoverAnimated:NO];

in MyViewController you'll need to create a UIPopoverController property, and set that property to your popoverController when you display the navigation controller.
you should then be able to call the dismiss method on the UIPopoverController property.


uitabbar loads after uiviewcontroller

In a UITabBar based application, UIImagePickerController is opened ,after dismissing it UIViewController loads earlier than UITabBar and as a result whole content of UIViewController is not being shown?
I guess after dismissing controller method for navigation would be an issue.
Check if you use below method:
[self.navigationController popToRootViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Then it will navigate flow to root controller.
So replace this method with
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
Above method pop back to previous controller.

Reload a tab after dismissing a view

There are two views in a tabbarviewcontroller. And the first tab has its view controller called myViewController which contain its IBOutlet. Pressing the button on the first view will present a view controller. After dismissing the view and back to the tab, the viewWillAppear of myViewController won't be called,but viewWillAppear of tabbarviewcontroller will. I need to reload the information on the first tab. If I use viewWillAppear in tabbarviewcontraller, how do I change the values of these property in myViewController? If anyone has idea ? Thanks.
If you want to call viewWillAppear of the viewController, you can add this to viewWillAppear of the TabBar
for (UIViewController *viewController in tabBarController.viewControllers)
[viewController viewWillAppear:YES]

ios - nav bar on a presented modal controller with storyboard

I simply want to add a navigation bar (with some nav bar button) on a presented modal controller with storyboard.
Programmatically with XIBs, it looks like that :
SDMapController *mapController = [[SDMapController alloc] initWithNibName:#"SDMapController" bundle:nil];
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:mapController];
[self presentModalViewController:navigationController animated:YES];
But I have no idea how to handle it with Storyboard. I guess i have to implement some code on the -(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender method but since the destinationController property of segue object is readonly, i don't really know how to do this.
Any idea ?
You have to implement the prepare for segue, only if you want to pass on some data to your presented view controller. Otherwise you can leave it empty. The presenting of the View Controller is from the Interface Builder. You add a navigation controller with it's root view controller and make a segue (ctrl + drag) to the navigation controller. Set the segue type to modal, and give it an ID. You can trigger this segue from code by calling [self perforSegueWithIdentiefier:#"MySegueID"];. If you dragged the segue from a button or a table view cell, it will be triggered automatically when you tap on it, without calling this method. As I said, in the prepareForSegue method, the segue.destinationViewController will bee the presented navigation controller. You can access it's topViewController if you need and pass some data to it.

UIPopover in storyboard

I have a UIViewcontroller, with a button. When I press the button it triggers a segue to a popover view (the segue is set through storyboard, not through the codes). When the popover is dismissed (by pressing outside of its bounds), I want the initial view controller to reload. how can I do that?
You can set the delegate of the popover controller in your prepareSegue: method and implement the delegate method popoverControllerDidDismissPopover: which will be called when the popver is dismissed.
You can get the popover controller with UIPopoverController *popover = [(UIStoryboardPopoverSegue *)segue popoverController]

navigation bar not showing with a programmatically made UINavigationController

I have a navigation controller named navController made programmatically in my modal view controller during its viewDidLoad:
self.navController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:self];
[self setView:self.navController.view];
But when i launch the modal view controller i dont see the navigation bar, just the standard view i made in IB. Whats wrong?
Your solution cannot work.
Suppose that you have your modal controller called ModalViewController. It's a simple UIViewController linked with a xib created interface.
Now, at some point you need to present ModalViewController modally. As you wrote in your specification, I think you want to use also a UINavigationController and control its navigation bar.
The code to do this could be the following, where presentModally could be a method that it's not contained in ModalViewController.
- (void)presentModally:(id)sender {
ModalViewController *modalController = [[ModalViewController alloc] initWithNibName:#"ModalView" bundle:nil];
// Create the navigation controller and present it.
UINavigationController *navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewController:modalController];
[self presentViewController:navigationController animated:YES completion: nil];
Now, within viewDidLoad of your ModalViewController you have access to navigationController property. In this manner you can control navigationController behaviour. For example:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
// the code changes the title for the navigation bar associated with the UINavigationController
self.title = #"Set from ModalViewController";
Some notes
To understand how UINavigationController works read UINavigationController class reference
To understand how modal controllers work read Modal view controllers documentation
The code I provided is a simple example and only demonstrative (I've written by hand so check for syntax). You need to make attention to memory management and how to present modal controllers. In particular, as Apple documentation suggests, to present modal controllers you need to follow these steps:
Create the view controller you want to present.
Set the modalTransitionStyle property of the view controller to the desired value.
Assign a delegate object to the view controller. Typically the delegate is the presenting view controller. The delegate is used by the presented view controllers to notify the presenting view controller when it is ready to be dismissed. It may also communicate other information back to the delegate.
Call the presentViewController:animated:completion: method of the current view controller, passing in the view controller you want to present.
Trigger (when necessary) some action to dismiss the modal controller.
Hope it helps.
