How I Compile Resources into my Application and Access them? - delphi

How can I make a single executable package that contains DLL and Image Resource Files?
Then how do I extract them from my Executable at Runtime?

Option 1 using the IDE (Delphi 2007 or Higher):
You can click the Project menu, then select Resources..., which you can load any file into. For your purpose this would be RC_DATA.
Option 2 without the IDE
If you do not have the above option, you will need to use the BRCC32 (Borland Resource Compiler) to create a .RES file from RC file, which you then link to your Application. To link Resource files without using the IDE, try the following:
Lets say for example we want to add a a couple of DLL files, and the name of the DLL files are MyLib1.dll and MyLib2.dll, to add this open Notepad, and type the following:
MYLIB1 RCDATA "..\MyLib1.dll"
MYLIB2 RCDATA "..\MyLib2.dll"
Make sure the ..\xxx.dll paths are correct, so obviously you need to edit that.
Now you need to save this as a .rc file, so File>Save As..(make sure the dropdown filter is All Files .) and name it MyResources.rc. Now you need to use the Resource Compiler to generate the Res file, using this console command:
BRCC32 MyResources.RC
You can write that command by using the Command Prompt, Start Menu > Run > cmd.exe, alternatively you can find the BRCC32.exe inside the bin folder of your Delphi setup and drag the MyResource.RC file onto.
This will create a Res file named MyResources.RES which you can include inside the Main Delphi form of your Application, like so:
{$R *.dfm}
{$R MyResources.res}
you can extract the resources by using something like this:
procedure ExtractResource(ResName: String; Filename: String);
ResStream: TResourceStream;
ResStream:= TResourceStream.Create(HInstance, ResName, RT_RCDATA);
ResStream.Position:= 0;

What I've found out to be convenient, is to use a .zip container.
Then you'll have two implementations:
Append some .zip content to an existing .exe, and the .exe code will retrieve the .zip content on request;
Embed the .zip content as a resource, then extract on request each content.
Solution 1 will add the .zip content after compilation. Whereas 2 will add the .zip content at compilation. For a setup program, I think solution 1 makes sense to me. For a way of retrieving some needed files (libraries, and even bitmaps or text) which are linked to a particular exe release, solution 2 could be envisaged.
Using .zip as format make it easy to parse the content, and allow compression. Using a tool like TotalCommander, you can even read the .zip file content with Ctrl+PgDown over the .exe. Very convenient.
You'll find in this link how you implement solution 1, and in this link (same page, but another post) how to use the TZipRead.Create() constructor to directly access to a .zip bundled as resource. You'll find in our repository how it works with working applications: e.g. how we embedded icons, textual content and graphviz + spell-checker libraries in the SynProject executable.
About performance, there is no difference between the two solutions, at least with our code. Both use memory mapped files to access the content, so it will be more or less identical: very fast.


How do I add file data to my EXE file at RunTime in delphi

I have created an application that manage an embedded database
My Customer want this application to be in one file
My Task is to modify my application so it can extract database file from exe , edit it ,and include if again at run time not in compile time
An executable file cannot be modified while the executable is running. Which means that in order to achieve your goal you would need another process. You could do the following:
Start your process.
Extract the DB from the process image.
Make changes to the DB.
Extract another executable file from the original image.
Start a second process based on this extracted images.
Terminate the first process.
Have the second process update the disk image with the modified DB.
Frankly this is a quite terrible idea. Don't even attempt this. The complexity serves no useful purpose, and the whole concept feels brittle.
Keep the data in a file separate from the program, as nature intended.
This is of course a bad idea, just think of what virusscanners are going to think of this approach. Also what happens if the exe crashes, will your db now lose all of its updates?
You can have the exe create a self extracting archive containing all the files needed.
This works as follows (the steps are the same as #David above, except that the components listed do most of the work for you).
Extract self extracting zip.
this contains: the real exe to be started upon extract
the database
some files needed to recreate a new self extracting exe
Upon closing the program it will create a new zip file, including:
Itself (in readonly form)
The database
some files needed to recreate a new self extracting exe
It will then transform the zip-file into a new self-extracting exe
the new self-extracting archive will start the exe included in it's embedded zip file as per #1.
Here's some sample code from sfx-zip-delphi.
program SelfExtractingZip;
// Add a ZipForge unit to the program
SysUtils, ZipForge, Classes;
archiver : TZipForge;
// Create an instance of the TZipForge class
archiver := TZipForge.Create(nil);
with archiver do
// Set the name of the archive file we want to create.
// We set extension to exe because we create a SFX archive
FileName := 'C:\test.exe';
// See SFXStub demo in ZipForge\Demos\Delphi folder
// to learn how to create a SFX stub
SFXStub := 'C:\SFXStub.exe';
// Because we create a new archive,
// we set Mode to fmCreate
// Set base (default) directory for all archive operations
BaseDir := 'C:\';
// Add the C:\test.txt file to the archive
on E: Exception do
Writeln('Exception: ', E.Message);
// Wait for the key to be pressed
Solutions for self extracting exe's
If you want a paid solution:
Or free:
The abbrevia docs for self-extracting files are here:
See page 293.

Read/Write file from a .zip archive

Should I work with files within the archive file. (Read - write). By the following code, I get a list of files on my needs.
Zip := TZipFile.Create;
Zip.Open(FilePath, TZipMode.zmRead);
For File_Name in Zip.FileNames do
//some code
I used the TZipFile.Read method to reads a file from a .zip archive .
This method returns the complete content of file into a buffer of type TByte. But just need to read a 1MB file from the beginning, not the complete file.
After reading and analyzing a 1MB file, if needed, should be read complete file and make changes to the file and re-save the file to archive.
Memory and speed of the program is very important. I used to set the buffer size of the function SetLength, unfortunately complete content of file files are stored in the buffer.
What do you think?
Use the overloaded version of TZipFile.Read() that returns a TStream instead of a TBytes. That way, you do not have to read the entire file into memory, and can read just its beginning bytes as needed.
Unfortunately, there is no way to modify data inside of a zip archive using TZipFile. Although you can Extract() a particular file, modify it externally as needed, and then Add() it back into TZipFile, there is no way to remove/replace a given file in TZipFile. TZipFile is a simple framework, it can only read a zip archive and add new files to it, nothing else. If you need more control over a zip archive, you are better off using a more complete third-party solution, such as ZipForge.

Delphi HtmlHelpAPI- How to direct a CHM file to open to different sections

I am able to open a CHM file by passing a ShortInteger and casting it as a Word for the dwData parameter. I.E.
Unit Help; //this is where the Id's are set with their description
Address_File = 35; //delphi identifies Address_File as a shortint
Call get help pass my ID
GetHelp(Address_File); //call get help pass my ID to open to the Address_File topic
GetHelp procedure
procedure GetHelp(HelpID : Word);
Application.HelpFile := ProgramPath + 'help.chm';
HtmlHelpW(0, PWideChar(Application.HelpFile),HH_HELP_CONTEXT , HelpID);
HtmlHelpW function
function HtmlHelpW(hwndCaller : HWND; pszFile: PWideChar; uCommand : Integer;
dwData : DWORD) : HWND; stdcall; external 'hhctrl.ocx' name 'HtmlHelpW';
As I pass different ShortIntegers I am able to initialize the help file at different sections.
However I can't figure out how the values are mapped. There are some sections in the chm file that I want to be able to map to but the short Integer or context ID associated with them is not documented in the program or is not mapped.
Free Pascal comes with a chmls.exe util that has a command that tries to recover the alias (context) data:
chmls, a CHM utility. (c) 2010 Free Pascal core.
Usage: chmls [switches] [command] [command specific parameters]
Switches :
-h, --help : this screen
-p, --no-page : do not page list output
-n,--name-only : only show "name" column in list output
Where command is one of the following or if omitted, equal to LIST.
list <filename> [section number]
Shows contents of the archive's directory
extract <chm filename> <filename to extract> [saveasname]
Extracts file "filename to get" from archive "filename",
and, if specified, saves it to [saveasname]
extractall <chm filename> [directory]
Extracts all files from archive "filename" to directory
unblockchm <filespec1> [filespec2] ..
Mass unblocks (XPsp2+) the relevant CHMs. Multiple files
and wildcards allowed
extractalias <chmfilename> [basefilename] [symbolprefix]
Extracts context info from file "chmfilename"
to a "basefilename".h and "basefilename".ali,
using symbols "symbolprefix"contextnr
extracttoc <chmfilename> [filename]
Extracts the toc (mainly to check binary TOC)
extractindex <chmfilename> [filename]
Extracts the index (mainly to check binary index)
This might be a start, since at least you'll know which pages are exported using an ID, and maybe the URL names will give some information.
The util is in recent releases (make sure you get 2.6.0) and also available in Free Pascal source, which should be convertable to Delphi with relatively minor effort.
Basically the chmls tool was created out of various test codebases. The testprograms decompiled and printed contents of different CHM sections and were used while creating the helpfile compiler, chmcmd, which is also part of FPC.
In Delphi, calling a help file is rather easy. In any VCL Forms application, you can set the HelpContext property of almost any control to a unique Context ID, which corresponds to a particular topic in the Help File. The Help File was compiled with these mappings, but when you decompile it, these mappings are no longer there. You must have access to the original help file project in order to know these ID's.
Set HelpContext of controls to the corresponding Context ID in the Help File
Set HelpType of controls to htContext to use the HelpContext ID
Assign Application.HelpFile to the appropriate location of the CHM file
When pressing F1 anywhere in your application, the help file will open based on the Help Context ID on the control, or its parent control
If you don't have the original project, and you don't want to re-create it, then you would have a long task of iterating through the Context ID's of your help file. Try to call the help file starting from 0 through 1,000 or possibly 50,000, depending on the size of it.
A practice I implement is a set of constants in a designated unit called HelpConstants.pas which is shared across our common application base. Each constant name uniquely and briefly describes the topic which it represents. Upon starting the application, I dynamically assign these Context ID's to their corresponding controls (usually forms) and VCL takes care of the rest.
I got the utility Marco suggested from
(download by selecting View Raw).
I was able to extract all the context tags from the .chm help file and add the one I was interested in to my C++ Builder program by calling Application->HelpJump().

How do I use a custom AVI with TAnimate?

I have an AVI file that I pulled from shell32 using Resources Extract. I would like to use this with TAnimate but I can't figure out how to load this file.
I succesfully loaded the AVI into a .RES file using DelphiDabbler's rcdatacreator program (you have to download the "worked example" to get rcdatacreator. However, my issue now is figuring out how to extract the AVI file from the .RES and supplying it to TAnimate.
I am using Delphi 2010:
Any help is appreciated.
As Andreas mentioned (in his now deleted answer), you don't need to use an external tool to add the resource in recent versions of Delphi.
Use Project/Resources and Images... from the IDE menu. Add a new resource by browsing to the folder your .AVI file is in, give it a name, and type in AVI for the Resource Type. (It's not in the list, but you can add it.)
At runtime, use the following code:
// I used CoolAVI as the resource name in my image above,
// so that's the name I need to use here.
Animate1.ResName := 'COOLAVI';
Animate1.Active := True;

Including resource file in a project by .RC file rather than .RES file

I remember reading an article or post somewhere years ago that suggested including a resource file in a project by referencing the .rc file instead of an already compiled .res file so that the resource is built as part of the project's build process.
I have a glyphs.rc file that I currently compile using the command brcc32 glyphs.rc. In my project file I then have the statement {$R Glyphs.res}.
I'd like to simplify this by changing it to something like
{$R Glyphs.rc}
but am unsure of the syntax. When I try using {$R Glyphs.rc} I get an error `
[DCC Error] E2161 Error: RLINK32: Unsupported 16bit resource in file "Glyphs.rc".
Is this approach possible with Delphi 2007?
Just add the rc file to your project via the "Project > Add to project" menu item. This creates the {$R 'myres.res' 'myres.rc'} line from the posting that TOndrej links to.
The linker can only handle res files, but you can direct the compiler to invoke the resource compiler and compile an rc script to produce a res file and link that, using a variation of the $R/$RESOURCE directive.
In your case (Delphi 2007) you should need only change:
{$r glyphs.res}
{$r glyphs.res glyphs.rc}
If this doesn't work on its own, try adding the RC to the project. In different versions of Delphi you may need single quotes around the filenames:
{$r 'glyphs.res' 'glyphs.rc'}
NOTE: You do still need to identify a res file, the difference is in being able to additionally identify the rc file to be compiled in order to produce the required res file in the first place.
Support for this appears to have been subject to some tinkering and in more recent versions adding the RC to the project does not always seem to be "detected" by the project until after you have then saved, closed and re-opened the project (e.g. I found this to be the case in XE4 but may also apply to other versions).
Also in some more recent versions, simply adding such a $R 'file.res' 'file.rc' declaration to the DPR causes the Project Manager to identify the referenced RC file as part of the project, but this does not seem to be the case in older versions. Again, part of the tinkering in this area it seems.
I would also note the XE4 is usually rock solid in terms of stability, but adding/removing RC files seemed to trigger an access violation when closing the IDE, though normal stability seemed to be restored when re-opening the IDE and project. i.e. it is adding/removing RC files that seems to cause a problem, not simply the fact of having the RC file in the project.
UPDATE: In recent versions of Delphi (Delphi 10.2 Berlin) you should include custom resources before {$R *.res} line, otherwise they will not be automatically compiled.
See an example here: "How do I make a PNG resource?".
I had the same problem and found out something new.
{$R glyphs.res glyphs.rc}
this is the code for compiling glyphs.rc to glyphs.res in the pre-build. (Works with Delphi XE4)
But this code ONLY works if it is in the *.dpr file! If you place this code, in a *.pas file as I did the first time, it will simply behave like {$R glyphs.res} and will not compile the RC file. Maybe this is a bug in Delphi.
I tried to do this in Delphi 2007 and it didn't work. I had put the line,
"{$R glyphs.res glyphs.rc}"
in my project file right above the "{$R *.res}" line that the IDE puts in there but when I added the rc file using the IDE, it put it above the "uses" line and then it worked.
I could not get rid from the mainicon in my application, so i made an trapgate.rc file put that file in the src directory, used:
MAINICON icon ".\Icon\MAINICON.ico"
5012 icon ".\Icon\5012.ico"
Then used BRCC32 to make from the RC a RES file, did the build and i had the correct icon.
you can also put more icons in there and switch thats why i added the line in makeres.bat
looks like this :
brcc32 folders.rc -fofolders.res
brcc32 main.rc -fomain.res
brcc32 xOutline.rc -foxOutline.res
brcc32 xSpin.rc -foxSpin.res
brcc32 credits.rc -focredits.res
brcc32 licence.rc -folicence.res
brcc32 trapgate.rc -fotrapgate.res <-- this is my icon file
So whatever you do even if you change the icon in the folder ..\icons of course be sure it has the correct name like mainicon.ico and 5012.ico
Hope that did help for does who can't change the icon in Delphi 7 itself.
