[HTTP]how to change "www.example.com" to "localhost:3000" - ruby-on-rails

hi I'm create test use cucumber in my rails apps. in my step scenario I used http basic authenticate, so far it pass the basic authenticate, but when I wanna to call method on controller and post some params, I had problem :
first I use this code in step but failed not cross to method on controller :
post some_admin_url, #params
second I used this code, and failed also, the error is when running the URI.parse redirect to "www.example.com" I want to go "localhost:3000/admin", so I can match the data :
Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse(some_admin_url), {'from' => '2005-01-01','to' => '2005-03-31'}) { |i| }
Scenario: Admin want to activate user
Given one user logged in as admin
And admin page
Given /^one user logged in as admin$/ do
visit '/user_sessions/new'
fill_in 'user_session[login]', :with=>'siadmin'
fill_in 'user_session[password]', :with=>'12345'
click_button 'Anmelden'
Given /^admin page$/ do
require "net/http"
require "uri"
uri = URI.parse(user_action_admin_users_url)<br/>
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)<br/>
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)<br/>
request.basic_auth("username", "password")<br/>
response = http.request(request)<br/>
enter code here
HELP !!!

fl00r's answer probably works, but wouldn't catch redirects.
If you want to catch redirects you have to change this in a higher level. For some test frameworks there is a way to set the default host.
Using Capybara we did that:
Capybara.default_host = "subdomain.yourapp.local"
Now we actually use a Rack middleware (in test env only :), that changes changes the env[HTTP_HOST] transparently for the application, so we don't have to care about which testframework / browser driver we use.
What framework do you use?

Capybara.default_host = "http://#{uname}.mywebsite.com:3000"
Capybara.server_port = 3000 # could be any of your choice
Capybara.app_host = "http://#{uname}.mywebsite.com:#{Capybara.server_port}"
,when you are extending ActionController::TestCase

try to change url to path
post some_admin_path, #params
post "http://localhost:3000/#{some_admin_url}", #params


Configuring Ruby On Rails Application With Iex-Ruby-Client Gem

I am a beginner programmer. I recently built an application that uses the iex-ruby-client gem to pull stock quotes for me that I enter into a webpage form. It worked perfectly.
However, in early June, IEX changed their API so that you have to have a publishable token from the IEX cloud console. I got my publishable token from IEX cloud console.
The updated gem docs (https://github.com/dblock/iex-ruby-client) say that I have to "Configure" the application now. I simply don't know how or where I would implement the configuration code. Here is the suggested code from the gem documentation. I just don't know where to put it.
Configure IEX::Api.configure do |config|
config.publishable_token = 'token' # defaults to
config.endpoint = 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1' # defaults to
The documents also state, "You can also configure an instance of a client directly."
client = IEX::Api::Client.new(
publishable_token: 'token',
endpoint: 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1'
I am adding extra code to clarify what I have done based on the response here. Here is my new config/initializers/iex-ruby-client.rb file (token info isn't the real one).
IEX::Api.configure do |config|
config.publishable_token = 'pk_3b38fsdadfsafjsdalfjdsakfjlda12f519'
config.endpoint = 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1'
Here is the relevant method in the controller where I require the library:
def index
require 'iex-ruby-client'
if params[:id] == ""
#nothing = "You forgot to enter a symbol ;)."
if params[:id]
#stock = IEX::Resources::Quote.get(params[:id])
#company = IEX::Resources::Company.get(params[:id])
rescue StandardError
#error = "That stock symbol doesn't seem to exist. Please enter
another symbol."
So I have created the config file and required the gem at the top of the method, but I am still getting an error. I'm sure there is some flaw in my implementation of this token requirement. If you have any additional suggestions, I welcome them. But if this is too much to ask on Stack Overflow, I understand. Thanks.
Well, you clearly have two choices:
use initializer by creating a config file(i.e: iex_client.rb) under the directory /config/initializers and add:
Configure IEX::Api.configure do |config|
config.publishable_token = 'token' # defaults to
config.endpoint = 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1' # defaults to
just use the client object wherever you want like this:
client = IEX::Api::Client.new(
publishable_token: 'token',
endpoint: 'https://sandbox.iexapis.com/v1'
You probably need to replace token with a correct one. You also need to make sure to require the library wherever you wanna use it.
After unsuccessfully attempting to configure the IEX-ruby-client gem (as described in my question here on stack overflow), I switched over to the stock_quote gem. That gem is built off of the same IEX API, and I had no problems configuring the app with a stock_quote.rb file saved inside config/initializers.

I don't understand testing with savon

I'm looking at the testing docs for Savon here and i don't understand what's going on. I'm fairly new to testing with mocks and stubbing and maybe that's the issue. Here is the example:
require "spec_helper"
# require the helper module
require "savon/mock/spec_helper"
describe AuthenticationService do
# include the helper module
include Savon::SpecHelper
# set Savon in and out of mock mode
before(:all) { savon.mock! }
after(:all) { savon.unmock! }
describe "#authenticate" do
it "authenticates the user with the service" do
message = { username: "luke", password: "secret" }
fixture = File.read("spec/fixtures/authentication_service/authenticate.xml")
# set up an expectation
savon.expects(:authenticate).with(message: message).returns(fixture)
# call the service
service = AuthenticationService.new
response = service.authenticate(message)
expect(response).to be_successful
I understand that we set up an expectation with the fixture i.e. what the response should be.
We then call the service and get a response. My questions are:
1. Is a real call being made?
2. Is this response a real response??
3. Can someone try to explain this overall for me please?
No remote request would be made. Since you have mocked authenticate, the response will be short-circuited to your designated value. However, some other preliminary requests might be expected to happen first, like a GET for the WSDL.

Linkedin Oauth with Rails

We have been connecting to Linkedin for awhile now successfully. However, we get some errors from time to time and I'm hoping someone can help shed some light on this. Here's our code:
def linkedin_login
request_token = Linkedin.client.request_token(oauth_callback: "http://#{SITE_URL}/linkedin/auth/")
session[:linkedin_request_token] = request_token.token
session[:linkedin_request_secret] = request_token.secret
redirect_to request_token.authorize_url
def linkedin_auth
raise "Don't have proper session or oauth_verifier" if session[:linkedin_request_token].blank? or session[:linkedin_request_secret].blank? or params[:oauth_verifier].blank?
access_token = Linkedin.client.authorize_from_request(session[:linkedin_request_token], session[:linkedin_request_secret], params[:oauth_verifier])
raise "Nil access token" if access_token.blank?
redirect_to linkedin_process_path(token: access_token.first, secret: access_token.second)
We're hitting the "raise 'Don't have proper session or oauth_verifier'" more than I would expect. When looking at the ENV for the errors, those people don't have the session values set from the original method. We have before_filters set on the application controller so initialize the session, so I know it's active.
My next thought was whether "request_token" was generating a value request_token, and I've tried many times and they all bring something back. We get many of these a day. After the error, if the user tries again, it works fine, which is why I'm so confused.
any thoughts on what could cause this?
Based on your code, it looks like you're making the request token call every time the user logs into your application. That's not the proper method to authenticate. You really only need to fetch the request token once, then use that to upgrade for an access token (as you're doing in your linkedin_auth method). From there, just save the access token and secret in your DB and fetch it anytime you need to make an API call for that particular user.
Our authentication is described more in detail here: https://developer.linkedin.com/documents/authentication
Also, this is just a personal preference, but I like using the OAuth gem for Rails as opposed to using a LinkedIn wrapper. It's easy to use and light weight.
Just as an example, you could do your auth this way:
require 'oauth'
def auth
api_key = 'XXXXXXXXX'
api_secret = 'XXXXXXXXX'
configuration = { :site => 'https://api.linkedin.com',
:authorize_path => 'https://www.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authenticate',
:request_token_path => 'https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/requestToken',
:access_token_path => 'https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/accessToken' }
consumer = OAuth::Consumer.new(api_key, api_secret, configuration)
#Request token
request_token = consumer.get_request_token
# Output request URL to console
puts "Please visit this URL: https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/authenticate?oauth_token=" + request_token.token + " in your browser and then input the numerical code you are provided here: "
# Set verifier code
verifier = $stdin.gets.strip
# Retrieve access token object
#access_token = request_token.get_access_token(:oauth_verifier => verifier)
You would only need to invoke this method when the user first authorizes your app. Save their access token then use it for subsequent API calls. Note, my example makes use of the console to enter the PIN verifier. In a real world example you'd want to programmatically save the PIN in a session variable or in memory, then use it to get the access token.

Good RoR Gravatar gem/plugin and detect if the gravatar account exists or not

I'm currently using mdeering's gravatar_image_tag plugin to get gravatar images for users but my dilemma is to try to detect in the code if the user has a gravatar:
If he does then display the gravatar image.
If not, then display a local default image file on my server.
I'm open to using other plugins if they offer this functionality.
Please provide code examples. They help me learn the best.
You don't need gems/plugins. This screencast explains what you need step-by-step. It comes down to using the following helper method:
def avatar_url(user)
default_url = "#{root_url}images/guest.png"
gravatar_id = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(user.email.downcase)
Here is a helper method to check if a user has already a gravatar image :
The trick is to get gravatar image with a false default image and then check header response.
It's achieved with the Net::HTTP ruby library.
def gravatar?(user)
gravatar_check = "http://gravatar.com/avatar/#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(user.gravatar_email.downcase)}.png?d=404"
uri = URI.parse(gravatar_check)
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
response = http.request(request)
if (response.code.to_i == 404)
return false
return true
Gravtastic gem should come to your rescue. Its fairly straightforward - you may peruse through its README. The Gem's github link
Looks like I'm extremely late to the party but the gravatar_image_tag gems does have the options that you need to accomplish this very easily.
You can configure your default image globally in your application like so:
# config/initializers/gravatar_image_tag.rb
GravatarImageTag.configure do |config|
# Set this to use your own default gravatar image rather then serving up Gravatar's default image [ 'http://example.com/images/default_gravitar.jpg', :identicon, :monsterid, :wavatar, 404 ].
config.default_image = nil
Or on a one off basis like so:
gravatar_image_tag('junk', alt: 'Github Default Gravatar', gravatar: { default: 'https://assets.github.com/images/gravatars/gravatar-140.png' })

Rails EOF Error when using HTTP.get_response to retrieve Facebook access token

I trying to implement a Login with Facebook feature on my site, and hitting a roadblock trying to get the access token back from Facebook. Here is my code:
if params[:error_reason] == "user_denied" then
flash[:error] = "To login with Facebook, you must click 'Allow' to let the site access your information"
redirect_to :login
elsif params[:code] then
token_uri = URI.parse("https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token?client_id=****************&redirect_uri=http://localhost:3000/auth/fblogin&client_secret=***************&code="+URI.escape(params[:code]))
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(token_uri)
session[:response] = response
data = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(response)
access_token = data[:access_token]
flash[:error] = access_token
redirect_to :register
This is inside a fblogin controller function that is the target of the initial redirect to get an authorization code (the params[:code]).
But when I run through this, I get the following error:
EOFError in AuthController#fblogin
on the Net::HTTP.get_response(token_uri) line. I've searched all over, and can't find anything to indicate what this means. Could it be the obscure characters Facebook uses in their access tokens? I'm totally lost!
You are receiving an EOFError because you are trying to connect to an https URL using code that only works with http. See the section entitled "SSL/HTTPS request" at this Net::HTTP Cheat Sheet for the basics.
However, I would recommend using a third-party library to manage this for you, such as OAuth2 for utilizing Facebook's OAuth2 API, where you'd write code like this:
def client
OAuth2::Client.new('app_id', 'app_secret', :site => 'https://graph.facebook.com')
# in your callback code:
access_token = client.web_server.get_access_token(params[:code], :redirect_uri => 'http://localhost:3000/auth/fblogin')
user = JSON.parse(access_token.get('/me'))
If you really want to make the requests yourself, you can look at libraries like Faraday to execute the HTTPS requests for you.
