Is there a way to work around the grouped tableview background problem on the iPad?
I found some questions with the answer to check the following link:
The problem is that this link doesn't work for me. It says it's not a public project. So can anyone help me?
On the iPad, the grouped table view color is the same as clear color. You need to set your own (pattern) color or use a background view. This is NOT a jira problem, it's by design in iOS.
This is a known bug, which they still haven't changed so it seems.
So if anyone reads this post and has the same problem, you could create a jira ticket.
I have an old project in Objective-C which required to update to support iPhone X. Even after updating with the recommended update suggested by the xCode 9.1 I am getting an extra black bar within UINavigationBar.
I have tried to use Safe area layout but no effective result found. The problem still not solved. I have attached some screenshots to explain the issue. Please help me to get out of this issue. Thank you.
With the help and suggestion of Mr. Vinodh above in the comment, I tried to evaluate the screen bu debugging using the method explained in the link shared by Mr. Vinodh. The link he shared above is
By visiting the link and debugging through the method explained here I come to know that I am adding a black view in status bar programmatically.
The method explains the way to debug the view hierarchy. The hierarchical view of the Image attached above in my question is as
I am trying to display a popover controller over UISplitViewController.
The popover is displayed correctly. However, the visual effect view, which I have added to it, is not being displayed correctly on iPhone 6 plus (the background is not getting blurred). Here is the result which I am getting:
I have no clue how to resolve this issue.
The most similar question I was able to find is this. However, none of the solutions worked for me.
I have also tried modifying the presentation styles but it does not help as well. Setting the background for popover to clearColor also doesn't help...
I have uploaded a project to GitHub which you can find here.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions!
This is the normal behaviour, if you want to blur the background while the popup is presented, you should use UIPresentationController and it's delegates.
You can find the documentation here and a top notch tutorial here.
Here you will find an example of what you're trying to achieve.
Iam new to ios development.I confused to design like a screen which i attached here.
Please help me if anyone know how to design like this.Iam not yet started to design the screen.
Thanks in Advance....![design like this screen][1]
this is WaterfallCollectionView sample code as per your requirement
I have checked the solution all over stackoverflow and came across a couple of those to rectify the issue I am facing.
Below are the screen shots of the problem that i am facing while using collectionview in iOS7.
The application is toggling between these two views on every build process. Sometimes it displays the correct implementation and sometime is displays the incorrect one.
Gone through a lot of posts where extension of the custom layout with UICollectionViewFlowLayout was an option along with shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange and layoutAttributesForElementsInRect. But still the problem persists.
Does someone ran into similar kinda issue? Will be great if you guys can put some enlightment to this one.
I would suggest you try using something like DCIntrospect or simple logging to see what the frames are for your collection view cells and the collection as a whole.
I just discovered Xamarin Studio and Monotouch.Dialog, and I've been doing a lot of research on custom table cells. So far I've been pretty successful experimenting with some of the features, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to create something like this:
All of the samples I have seen still look like a standard iOS table view, with maybe a few colors changed here and there. My goal is to create truly customized cells, with customized spacing and what not. I'm not sure if this is even possible, so I figured I would ask you guys.
Thanks in advance.
Yes, you can create an OwnerDrawnElement. There's an explanation of this in the Owner-Drawn Element section of this doc:
There's also a sample here: