What is need to upgrade an app from IOS3 to IOS4? - ios

I have an app I have written for IOS3, but I want to polish it up for IOS4. What do I have to do differently (or in addition). I have noticed that every one in a great while, it will crash on the hardware at startup, but I haven't yet gotten a good debug session while it does it. I am hoping that the info received here will help me solve that problem also. (Note that I didn't have the crashes pre-IOS4.)

Really, there isn't much that is required. If your build is clean of warnings and you have implemented applicationWillResignActive to save all your data you should be fine with iOS 4 and the multi-tasking features added. Supporting anything else isn't required to run on iOS 4...


Trouble compiling for iOS 11.1 with Xamarin (Visual Studio)

There is not much of a point in posting actual code here, because we're talking about 7 different apps.
All of these apps have been up on the Apple Store and running fine. Until the new iOS 11.1 came out. Now I am being forced to update all of those apps, and rearrange the screen to allow for the new layout of the iPhone X.
Now all of this seems mostly reasonable, if not ridiculous for them changing their own design standard. But the real problem is that I went through all of that. Upgraded Xamarin (Visual Studio), and packages, and Xcode, and the Simulators, AND my Mac system. Everything is up to speed. The apps compile and test fine on any simulator I install them on.
The only change to the code is moving stuff around on the screen. Well, that, and I now need to drop support for anything i386. It all has to be x86_64 now.
From what I can tell, that is a difference from 32-bit to 64-bit. And that change is a dropdown menu choice in the Project Options. In any case, there is no indication at all that there is anything wrong with these apps at all.
So with all of this, I submit my apps for approval, and every single one of them gets rejected because "The app crashes on startup." And they kindly attach a log file showing what went wrong.
Now, I know I can simply scour those logs, for all 7 apps... The log files need to be fed into some other program that can decipher them, because they are not human-readable. Which is just annoying...
What I'm hoping is that someone can save me some trouble and explain what they changed in their systems that is not being caught by the compilers or the simulators.
Any help would be hot.
I am posting my own answer because I have not seen one anywhere that addresses what I have found to have worked. So I am providing this information for the next small developer, like myself, can get some useful answers to questions where Apple and Xamarin are simply NO HELP at all.
Xamarin does provide a page that essentially says, "get your app ready for iOS 11." The most useful part of this is where it shows you how to remove any linkage to anything 32-bit.
Architecture changes
This is mostly helpful. And I thought that once that was done, I'd be all set. There are 2 other things they completely fail to mention:
- You must set your target device to 11.1. You cannot have it set for 9.0. That will make the app crash on an 11.1 system.
- You must make a change in the manual code editing (source) section of the info.plst file. Why this is not done automatically, I cannot say. You must add an entry to the "Required Device Capabilities" section for "arm64". You also must remove the one for arm7.
Failure to do these two things, even after making their suggested changes will cause the app to crash on iOS 11.1 devices.
If you think I'm having a bit of an attitude problem about this, yes, I am. And I will not apologize for it.
It is absurd for Apple to change their design specs, give us very little time to make changes, and then not provide the absolutely essential information to actually make the changes. I blame Xamarin too. For the exact same reasons.
It is also absurd to totally deprecate all the testing devices I have, and then ask, "why don't you test on an actual device?" Because I cannot afford a new $1000 phone for the sake of testing apps that barely make me any money anyway. That's why.
And people wonder why I think it's a pain in the bum to develop for iOS devices.
1) Some of the frameworks that your app use may use libraries, that does not work correctly on iPhone. The reason for that is that when you compile your project on the simulator, is still compile it for a PC architecture, not a mobile one. And if there are any differences, only a real device could tell you about them.
2) I would suggest you to use this method to symbolicate crash reports from Apple. That at least should give you some clue. In summary, what you need to do is after you compile your app, you need to save a few files (.dSYM and .ipa) Then when apple send you back a report, you would be able to symbolicate it into human readable. You can find more info on how to do it here: https://developer.xamarin.com/guides/ios/troubleshooting/questions/symbolicate-ios-crash/

iPhone App Close immediately after launching

I have an iPhone app and working fine . But some of(2 or 3) my customers arises a complaint that they are having issue opening the app in the iPhone . They have installed the app and when open the app it just closes out right away. Also tried restarting phone but it still does this.Also tried to delete the app and then reinstall it but this still happens.
Is this any thing i can do in my app to prevent this ? Or how they can solve this problem ?
Is there any more information you could give regarding the nature of the crash? Have you recreated this scenario in Xcode and gotten an error message?
The best I can think to tell you is to look in the app delegate. That is where your app looks first, so there is some kind of uncaught error happening.
Maybe the app is trying to use some piece of data right at launch and it's not there. Maybe you are trying to use something before it is initialized.
Is your app using any 3rd party frameworks right at launch? If so, maybe something changed with the library.
If it is happening on some iPhones and not others, perhaps you are using some framework or function that is not compatible with an older version of iOS.
Perhaps there is something in common among the kind of devices the app crashes on.
Another thought, does your app ask for any permissions? Such as using the user's location. If it does, and there is a spot in your code where you assume you have permission and you don't perhaps that could cause a crash.
Hope this helps.
P.S. just read the comments to your question. They have some good advice. I would try what they are suggesting.

iOS app wake up with BLE not working as before on iOS9.3?

There are previous topics about waking up an application from the background with BLE advertisement (e.g. How to wake up iOS app with bluetooth signal (BLE), Android / iOS - BLE - wake up a terminated application when a BLE device connects).
However my question is not about that since we had this feature working fine up to iOS 9.2 included.
Coming iOS 9.3 the feature doesn't work as it used to work before, it seems that the terminated by user swiping off the application is not woken up. Nothing changed on the BLE advertisement originator.
After a recheck of various parameters and reading of Apple documentation, nothing springs to our minds. Neither Apple documentation mention any change, unless we missed something.
Have other people notice this issue? Are you aware of a solution?
We wrote to Apple and we are pending on an answer but maybe somebody here has the correct tip.
Many thanks in advance for the attention.
UPDATE: After more testing, it seems that only when the user swipes the application out the wake up doesn't work like it used to in iOS 9.2
Initial testing were more manual and gave us the impression that there was an underlying issue. However not sure why this change took place without any notification from Apple. - Above text was amended based on the update -
UPDATE 2: This issue is not present anymore in iOS 10.
It turns out after a reply from Apple that this is a (new) intended behaviour.
didEnterRegion/didExitRegion events stopped working from the background after update to 9.3
I have an app that has been working almost perfectly for the last 6 months, and after the update these events are no longer getting called. I started this app over last year when I heard about iOS9 coming out, and when I couldn't get the old one working, I started a new one using Swift instead.
After some time and a LOT of driving in and out of my Region, I got the app to work more reliably than it ever had before. I have several devices using the app, and when all of them updated to iOS9.3/9.3.1, the app stopped calling didEnterRegion/didExitRegion events completely.
I have a ticket open with Apple, but I am getting a lot of push back about the service, and that 9.3 didn't change background location at all.
My devices use AT&T of Verizon, we have tried wi-fi assist on and off, I even wiped a system, formatted the HD, installed El Capitan, and XCode 7.3, and it's hasn't helped.
I also found an issue with the Devices Tool, and when you download the Container, and open package, the Documents folder is empty. I'm not getting a warm fuzzy feeling for Apple right now, and I am sure someone is feeling my MEGA MIND WEDGIE at this moment.

iOS 4.3.2 user reported app crashing on launch

An update of my app has just been approved by Apple and users are now complaining the app does not launch anymore. It also happens to some new users.
I have absolutely no idea where the problem is nor can I reproduce the problem. I have tested the update on various devices (& simulator) before submitting the update: iPhone 2G running 3.1.3, iPod Touch 2G running 4.3 , iPhone 3G and iPhone 4 running 4.3.1. They ALL work as expected. The update has a few new features like random picking photos from user's photo library using AssetsLibrary framework, I have weak-linked the framework to support iOS 3 and the feature does not load until selected by the user so it should not be the problem. After all, the update has been tested and approved by Apple.
I have difficulty collecting crash information from users with the problem, but I know one of them uses iPhone 4 with iOS 4.3.2. A quick google search reveals that iOS 4.3.2 has problems launching third party apps, I suspect my problem has something to do with this but I can not confirm it. I am planning to downgrade my dev iPhone 4 to iOS 4.3.2 to test it.
Does anybody here experienced similar problem? My app's ranking has dropped significantly because of the negative reviews so I need to fix this as soon as possible.
There should not be any watch dog problem, I tested the update on the above mentioned devices with and without Xcode/debugger.
Memory management. I can not reproduce the problem (I tried quite hard) so I can not confirm if it's EXC_BAD_ACCESS, I did check reference count and nil released objects (safely release) when applicable, I am absolutely not a pro in memory management so I take it seriously, I checked leaks and allocations with instruments, stress-tested and did memory warning simulations, no problem was found.
I have UIApplicationWillEnterForegroundNotification in -loadview, it's only available after iOS 4.0 so I check if it exists with & operator because I use it.
I do not persist data other than saving facebook connect token and expiry date (NSDate) in NSUserDefaults, since the problem also happens to new users so I think it's something else
We're going to need more info, unfortunately. But just off the top of my head:
Watch dog? What sorts of stuff are you loading when you launch your app? It may be that resources are constrained on the devices having this issue and you are doing work that should be done a separate thread, or otherwise delayed until after the app has launched.
EXC_BAD_ACCESS. There could be a race condition going on that is resulting in most people able to launch OK, but for some it just isn't working because of bad references. I know, you write good code and manage your references like a pro, but sometimes a non-obvious slip-up can creep in.
Are you safely instantiating some types of classes? An example that bit me once was with the MFMailComposeViewController class. Before instantiating you're suppose to call its static method canSendMail. If a user hasn't setup any mail accounts on their device (hard to figure there would be anyone that fits this scenario, but hey! found out after an update that there are quite a few!) then the app would crash.
What data persistence (if any) do you have? Are you using Core Data? Serialized objects in a plist? NSUserDefaults? Your strategy may be corrupting data you are persisting and that is leading to a crash.

IPhone App Submission Issues

Ive submitted my first app and it has been approved. But I have a few issues that i'd like to ask what I should do about.
One of my images/icons that I have in my app showed correctly in my distributed binary at my end (running it in debug simulator from xcode) but on the app downloaded from the app store it is not showing at all?
IPads cannot see my app in their search of the app store?
IOS 4 is needed to run my app. How do i change it so that it can be run on IOS 3 aswell? And if i make it IOS 3 compatible does this mean that it cannot be run in the background at all (i.e. when the close out of my app and go back into it will it restart the entire app)
Also does anyone know whether submitting an update is quicker in the review process than submitting a entirely new app?
Thanks in advance for your help
Thats a QA issue. The simulator is just that and if you want to be sure that your App runs as you expect on hardware then you need to check it on hardware. There are instances of images that decode on simulator but not on hardware.
iPad only runs iOS 3.2 at the mo so if your app runs on 4.0 it wont show up for iPad.
See 2 and no you dont have multitasking in 3.2 so you need to make sure your app state persists across atomic launches. You'll need to remove/conditionally compile any 4.0 only API in your App. If thats a problem wait until November-ish.
Maybe, depends, probably no. Lead time on update/new submission is around 8 days +/- YMMV.
