Rails 3 RESTful design preferred? - ruby-on-rails

I'm pretty new to Rails 3 and I'm trying to understand the advantage of designing an application in a RESTful way. I don't need an API/Web Service. Don't need XML or JSON.
The application I'm building uses no CRUD at all. It is an app that gathers trade data via a socket connection and displays it to a user in many different ways.
I would like to visualize trades in different ways such as:
Most recent
Highest Yielding
Trades by State
Most active trades
Million dollar trades
Trades that are general obligation bonds
In the "Rails way" it seems that I would have a very overloaded index action. Or I could go against convention and just create methods in the trades controller like most_recent, highest_yielding, most_active, etc. But that seems to go against the whole philosophy of designing an app in Rails 3.
It just seems like the idea behind a RESTful approach in Rails is based around CRUD and falls short when CRUD isn't involved. Is there really an advantage to designing your app to be "RESTful" besides following a convention? I'm not really seeing the advantage here.
Plus, if I ever do need an API, I would imagine that it would be much better to design an API with an API in mind. My API wouldn't be a direct 1 to 1 match of my website which is built for human consumption vs a machine.
I'd appreciate any insight on this. Maybe I'm missing something here?

CRUD is actually involved when resources are involved. And since virtually every application has resources CRUD can be involved and is usually(if you ask me), the best way to do it.
The idea is that a resource has certain actions. You view a resource, you edit it, you delete it and some more. The methods like most_recent(or scope for this one) should be used in models and not controllers. Then, if you need to use that collection, you would just call something like :
#recent_posts = Post.most_recent
in your controller. Your controllers should not have much code, actually no business logic at all.
RESTful is very nice because it handles resources naturally. A controller should actually be handling a resource. If you think that something can be edited or created, then it should be handled by a controller.
Generally, i highly suggest that you take a deeper look and you will definitely see the advantages on your own.

I have idea how to do it. Code is not tested, I just wrote it without running.
# trades_controller.rb
def index
# all scopes defined in model will be allowed here
# not good idea if you don't want it
if Trade.scopes.has_key?(params[:scope].to_sym)
#trades = Trade.send(:params[:scope])
# render error or what you want
# trade.rb
scope :most_recent, order(:created_at)
# more scopes
# index.html.erb
link_to 'Most recent', trades_path(:scope => 'most_recent')

Your design should always take into account the requirements of your application first and the philosophy of the framework second.
If the philosophy doesn't fit your requirements or what you believe is the best way to develop your application then either ignore it, or, if the framework makes it too difficult for you to build like you think you should (which isn't the case in Rails imho), switch to another framework.
All of that doesn't have much to do with REST. For more info on why REST is considered a good idea (for some, not all, things), see the following SO Q&A's: Why would one use REST instead of Web services and What exactly is RESTful programming.


Rails REST API Practices

I've come across two scenarios with regards to creating a REST API in Rails and I wonder which one is preferred. Usually
if you know that you're required to have a REST API for your application at start. Does it make sense to have it in a namespace and thereby duplicating the controller logic?
I've seen examples where people have an application already and later figure they need to extend and offer a REST API. The approach to this has been to create new routes with namespacein routes.rb and controllers/api/whatever.... This still yields duplicate code though, but might be more sensible approach. The difference being a stateless machine for the REST API calls.
Can anyone elaborate on the preferred approach, thanks.
If you create a Rails application, and following the usual conventions, you basically end up with a REST API. Unless you are talking about a more specific meaning of the term (which I am not aware of), "REST API" is more a bunch of general characteristics of the API (i.e., things like statelessness, resource-based URIs if using HTTP, etc.).
So to turn the question right back to you: which case are you thinking about where a (conventional) Rails application is not by extension trivially a REST API?

Rails best practice - Engines

I'm currently upgrading an app to rails 4. I planned to install this app for few persons but they have different needs. I decide to use this upgrading version time to put some of my models in engines. The objective is to spend less time tweaking the app for the needs of the situation. The core app will manage the basic resources and the engines will add features (The app is managing membership for small organizations).
I read a lot documentation including the "guides". I tested some engines to see the behaviour of the app. Here are my questions I couldn't answer by my searches:
1 - Naming convention:
How do you name your engines? My first attempt was to name it by their function but when I generated my first model I saw that I can't use the function name for my model.
I was think about something like: Coreappname_functionality
for exemple I want to add activities for my members the engine will be named : member_activities
2 - full vs mountable
I read a lot about this subject, lot of people seem to use mountable engines. I try both of them and I think that the full option is really fast to implement (no routing, no namespace isolation that I have to be aware of). But I also understand the risk for the class collisions. If I'm the only one writing code for this app is it a bad habit to use a full engine(it's just a laziness question). Are there others advantages of mountable engine even if I'm not planning to use them in another app?
3 - "if engine exists?"
Inside the core app i'll put the code that all the engines need. For example inside the side bar I want to display the list of the last activities but only if the activities engine is used. The objective is to put all the necessary code inside the core app but use this code depending on the present of engines or not.
During my test time I used:
if defined? Activity
#activities = Activity.all
and render it the views something like this:
<% if defined? Activity %>
<h3><%= #activities.first.title %></h3>
<% end %>
It's working well but I'm not sure that it is a good practice. Is there an alternative?
Do you have any advices before I jump in the engine's world?
I prefer posting my questions before instead of posting my errors after the attempt!
For anybody reading that...
I think there is a misunderstanding about what an isolated engine is. In fact it is a bit confusing. Some may think that's choosing between isolated and not isolated is a bit like a matter of preference. But that's not entirely true.
Isolated engine is just that. An isolated engine. It's not suitable for a "module" of your application. It's more like a "subapplication" of you application. The difference is critical. Modules of your application probably will share models, api or some business logic. Still, encapsulation of responsibilities is important, but there will be some connections. For example probably almost all of your modules will be using something like EventDispatcher module. While isolated engine is a whole application on it's own. Although it could use models from the host application it can't use models from different isolated engine (at least without hacks, a lot of pain in 'certain situations' and that's generally a bad idea causing bad design).
So if you try to implement your app modules using isolated engines your probably end up storing all your models in main/host application to be reusable between your - in fact - subapplications. Probably the same with views. And maybe with assets too. And if some business logic have to be shared it probably would end up in main application too. So that's basically defeats the whole purpose. That's why you should use not isolated engines for your modules. While isolated engines are good for a - totally encapsulated - subapplication. For example if you want to have an e-commerce shop alongside with your main application (spree gem does exactly that).
A more enterprise example would be an ERP system. It could have subapplications like: CRM, Resource Management, etc (isolated engines). And those subapplications could have their own modules (not isolated engines).
Just for the completeness of my answer. As a isolated engine i mean that generated using rails plugin new engine_name --mountable, while a not isolated would be generated using rails plugin new engine_name --full.
Maybe there are some cases when you would want to go different way (probably when implementing some kind of magic gem doing some magic things), but that's up to you to figure it out. By this answer I just mean it should be applicable in most applications.

Scaling Out: how to handle communication between Ruby on Rails applications?

I am running Ruby on Rails 3 and I have an application that makes use of namespaces in order to handle more "internal concepts". With "internal concepts" I mean that each namespace is used to handle a specific resource of my application. For example a namespace is "users" and it is used to handle user's sessions and authorizations, another is "blogs" and it is used to handle all about posts and comments.
I think this is a "convenient" solution to avoid a lot of problems, but not the best.
At this time my RoR application consists of this file system structure:
# "users" and "blogs" are namespaces
I would like to switch the "users" and "blogs" namespace in two RoR applications using subdomains to have something like this:
http://main.com # This is the main RoR application
http://users.main.com # This is another RoR application used to handle users
http://blogs.main.com # This is another RoR application used to handle blogs
In few words, I think I am trying to Scale Out* my application or maybe to create a Webservice for each RoR application, but my issues are:
1. What problems I may encounter?
I noticed of problems about maintaining sessions (in my case I handle those with cookies) between applications but I think it isn't the only one problem.
2. How to handle communication between the three RoR applications in my case?
I noticed that I can use ActiveResource to share information, but I must pay attention to information such as user authentication.
I have to implement the OpenID/Oauth protocol in order to maintain user authentications?
I think I have to ensure the user authentication information with a HTTPS connection also if the comunication is between subdomains. Is it true?
3. How do I organize my work and resources?
With all that being said, I would like to don't use (absolutely) plugins or gems, but, if I need, I would like to implement my own handler.
At the end I would like to have 3 RoR "easy" and separated applications without use namespaces in each of them and that can communicate between each other:
# "Main" application for http://main.com
# "Users" application for http://users.main.com
# "Blogs" application for http://blogs.main.com
BTW: is a good approach the usage of namespaces that I'm doing?
P.S.: If you need some other information, let me know and I will update the question.
*From The O2 Software Process: "Scale Out" refers to the concept of adding more servers to an existing park, as opposed to "Scale Up" which means to replace existing (slow) servers with newer (and faster) servers.
You problem is lot more simpler than you think. It all depends on how you handle your routes.
Ruby On Rails 3 has better support for Subdomains. So, you need not separate them into three/more RoR apps. You can put all your code in one single RoR app. And redirect user.abc.com to any controller like "users/sessions", redirect blog.abc.com to "blogs/blogs" controller. namespaces are convenient in apps like yours where they make your job really quick to separate out contextually different parts of your app in different folders and route formats.
Try the namespaces to your hearts content, I believe you won't get any errors you are imagining right now. I'd suggest you write code for it and come here if you face problems in it.
Is your app really so big that you need to use multiple apps to handle the different concerns? It could be that your post just lacks enough detail to convey the real magnitude of what you are doing but it seems like you are trying to modularize a small enough app that it would be fine without "scaling out" as you say. Or maybe I am just missing something?
I think that is going to be a tricky problem but there may be some way to store session data in the database and either share it the way you handle #2 or you'll have to roll a custom solution for that. I think the biggest problem will be sharing resources across your app, and also if you are breaking user management out into its own app you'll need to implement your own OpenID/Oauth. This post describes this with Devise/OAuth.
You can use activeresource to connect to each app's respective rest api. This post describes one guy's solutions to sharing data across rails apps.
This question is somewhat vague. You described using multiple apps to separate your concerns (blogging vs user management), so I imagine you'll have your resources at the root of each application without any namespacing, as you've done already in your existing application.
Now for a more general response to your entire question, recently I read a blog post regarding Data, Context and Interaction (wikipedia article) on Rails, and I think this might be a better solution for what you are trying to accomplish if you feel like your app is getting out of control.
Sorry for answering this late.
Actually if you want to scale your rails application you need not create different apps for each unit(I mean as you are trying to separate out users and blogs here), you are jumping a step ahead in the process of scaling your app you should first put all individual units as mountable engines and require them as gem in your core application and mount them in your core app routes.As in your case blogs can be moved to a separate mountable engine.If in future you require to scale more then you can move futher to use engines as separate application.Here's a link to a video that may give you idea what I am trying to explain here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pm94BsoMGik

Rails: RESTful resources: Worth using or inflexible/overrated?

I've been messing about in rails the past 2 months and so far everything's going well - but there's one area I'm a little doubtful on.
I keep hearing about the joys of RESTful rails resources: that is, a 'resource :foo' in config/routes, and your 7 restful actions in the controller.
Except for very simple things (eg stuff that's 99% done by running 'generate scaffold'), I find it's less convenient to try squeeze my project functionality into that approach than to just match urls in config/routes one-by-one and do each action as needed.
But I keep getting the sense that I'm wrong, and that in all but the most extreme circumstances, RESTful resources are the way to go.
(a) Can anyone offer an opinion on this?
(b) For experienced rails folks, what % of your routes in a typical project are :resources and what % are coded action-by-action?
Resources are convenient, but they are not a "one size fits all" feature. Some things just don't make sense with the 7 methods.
Keep in mind that you can:
Exclude specific methods with :except.
Include only specific methods with :only.
Add your own methods to the resource.
So they aren't as inflexible as you may think. But if, after taking those 3 points in mind, the resource just doesn't "feel right", skip it! REST was never meant to replace regular routing, it just tries to abstract away the most common use case.
If you skip out on RESTful resources completely, you'll be missing a ton of free functionality. Use it wisely and you'll be fine.
Generally I start a project with the REST architecture in mind. I build out my basic functionality this way, but as the project/website progresses I write more and more views that do not fit into the RESTful architecture. Marketing sites and parallel functionality are perfect examples of this.
Here is an article on the approach:
Before you get started, here are some questions you might want to ask yourself:
Does this controller/view deal primarily with an object/entity like a Post, Blog?
Are create, update, delete, edit and new actions all going to be available on the web?
As a guideline, if you answer YES to these two questions, then it’s probably best to start with REST and expect that you will eventually use the architecture as a building block for additional actions and views you might want to perform. Otherwise, pick a URL that best represents what the action will show or do (/archives, /tour, /december-offer) and make sure you use the proper HTTP Protocols (GET for display, PUT for update, DELETE for removing and POST for creating).

Doing a Rails Restful Implementation or Not?

I am pondering on using a Restful implementation in Rails. I'm asking myself if it's the way to go.
Should I always go for a Restful implementation or not?
I think there really isn't much other option as far as Rails goes. You would just be fighting against all the design decisions and sensible defaults that Rails, as a framework, has already made for you.
Think about all the provided shortcuts for routing, pathing, forms, etc. I think you would end up just spending more time/effort on a non-RESTful implementation.
The first thing to sort out is what REST really means. Fundamentally it is about utilizing HTTP efficiently and correctly. That is, GET requests don't modify anything, PUT requests are idempotent, etc. The notion of uniquely identified resources just sort of falls out of this optimal usage of HTTP. The beauty of REST is that you gain the maximum programmatic benefit out of HTTP, making things like caching, proxying, and automatic retrying able to work fairly well without any knowledge of the application whatsoever. Dare Obasanjo wrote a nice rant on the topic of REST misunderstanding. This contrasts heavily to something like SOAP where you have an heavyweight envelope format that uses HTTP as nothing more than a glorified transport layer.
Now when it comes to Rails REST there is a whole nother thing going on, and that is Rails' convention over configuration. Rails REST is just a thin baked-in layer of tooling to make it easy to define CRUD operations on resources you define. Note that these resources don't need to correspond to ActiveRecord models, and certainly using Rails resource routing is not a pre-requisite for designing a RESTful application. What Rails gives you is an extremely handy default for dealing with things that fit the model of a CRUDable resource, however you shouldn't hesitate to define additional methods on top of resources, or to forego resources altogether if you have pages that don't really seem like resources (eg. reports).
The bottom line to keep in mind is that it's not one or the other. Rails RESTful helpers are using the same primitives that have always been in Rails. You can use both together and they jive nicely.
