Update Facebook Page Wall via API [duplicate] - ruby-on-rails

This question already has answers here:
Easy way of posting on Facebook page (not a profile but a fanpage)
(2 answers)
Closed 2 years ago.
I am having difficulty both publishing content to a Facebook Page wall, and also finding up to date documentation about how to accomplish this (the Facebook pages that I have found links to in other questions asked here either are missing or broken).
The application I am writing would periodically push content on a schedule basis from a ruby on rails application via a cron job/rake task to the fan page wall. I am hoping that someone may have an up to date guide or instructions on how to push content to Facebook page walls.
Any help would be appreciated.

Koala rocks my world!
Assuming you have asked for write permission to their wall (first read this: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/ [pay attention to the 'scope' parameter] refer to this for the permissions: http://developers.facebook.com/docs/authentication/permissions/ [you'll need to ask for publish_stream permisson], then read https://github.com/arsduo/koala/wiki/OAuth), and have a valid oauth token, its as simple as:
#graph.put_wall_post("hey, i'm learning koala")
Also, read https://github.com/arsduo/koala/wiki/Koala-on-Rails for Koala on ROR.
See the oauth examples at:http://oauth.twoalex.com/ (Source code: https://github.com/arsduo/oauth_playground)


API to post on Tumblr

I've been trying to upload an image to Tumblr from my iOS application for a little while now, but I can't get my method to work properly.
My current method uses ASIHTTPRequest and OAuthConsumer according to this guide.
However, I end up getting a 401 error (Authentication needed).
You can find the explanation for my problem here.
But my question is : Is there any other mean/API to post on Tumblr for iOS?
I saw that OAuthConsumer was not fully functional on that side, and I didn't find anything with the GTM.
Finally found a solution to my problem a few time ago.
I first thought that it was a bit old and that it wouldn't work but in the end, implementing the TumblrUploadr did the thing.
To sum it all, I achieved login with GTM-OAuth and uploading with TumblrUploadr. For those who seek a solution to the Tumblr API.
Update : Some info concerning GTMOAuth, if you want to use the callback, you have to add a flag in the GTMOAuthAuthentication.m > +(NSArray*)tokenAuthorizeKeys : add kOAuthCallbackKey in the array so that it will be taken into account. Else, you have no callback.

Is it possible to tag a user/page through Facebook open graph api?

I found this post on SO as well as some other links on the web but they all seem outdated and seem to indicate that FB has not yet exposed this through the Open Graph API and i couldnt find anything to the contrary on the web. I am trying to find a way to post an image to a users wall and be able to tag multiple users in the post title or caption?
Is there still no way to do this through the api or somehow achieve the same result?
Tagging user/page in photo caption
This is not possible through the Graph API, and as far as I know the old #[user_id:0:link_text] is currently unavailable. Sadly I'm going to say that it is not possible at the time of writing this post.
I'll update this post with relevant info if I come across any.
Tagging user/page in Photo
This is possible through the Graph API.
The documentation for how to accomplish what you are looking for is located under the headline "tags" if you follow the link below:
developers.facebook.com - Core Concepts › Graph API › Photo

How to update Twitter status with image in Rails application?

I have been trying to use twitter api https://upload.twitter.com/1/statuses/update_with_media.json
to post tweet along with image (with OAuth). But i am continuously facing issues with uploading image for the past 3 days.
I have posted my question in StackOverflow here. But cannot able to find a solution.
Do i have to use anyother method to achieve this?

How to integrate carrier site using Rails application

I am integrating the UPS, USPS, DHL and FEDEX with my Rails application.
For that I am using 'trackify' plugin to find the carrier type for given Tracking Number and for also finding the XML response from the respective tracking site.
I want a complete guide for each of the above about how to integrate tracking API's?
You need to go to the companies' sites themselves to get that information. Once you've done that then come back if you have any questions about actual implementation. Sorry for leaving this as an answer but I can't leave comments yet.

Getting stats for Twitter app

I'm using Twitter's OAuth for my app (DroidIn)
To my dismay I can't find any way to track who and how often is using the app. Searching Twitter for "sent from DroidIn" does not yield any results. I suppose I can call some sort of counter app from my code but that doesn't seem to be fair to my users. Any ideas or suggestions?
It seems that yet again I have to answer my own question. After some investigation and feedback from question posted on Google Twitter developer group it seems that for now there are no stats easily accessible or available. Said that I found 2 interesting things:
You can search Twitter using source:yourapp switch. For example you can try this query
android source:API
There is very exciting streaming API from Twitter. I have a short write-up in my dev blog.
But if you want some actual stats there's no other choice today but implement it as part of your app. There's one more possibility if you have some sort of web-based interface you may want to use Google Analytics to trigger some Google javascript while submitting the update. I'm trying that right now and may end up with article in the blog
