How useful is UML if I work alone in a project - methodology

In most cases we work together in projects but most of us have some projects which working on it alone.
In such projects, is it a good idea to use UML or not? and Why?
Thank you in advance

Even if you are working alone, UML will help you to document your project.
If you also subscribe to Model-driven development and code generation, then the tool support may make your life easier if you subsequently revise your model (incl. keeping the documentation above up-to-date).

It depends at which stage of the development you are and if you already know UML. If you are already codding then just create class and sequence diagrams of what you think is important to understand the code and what is in common with the other projects.
What language do you use to code ?
If java then I would recommend EclipseUML Omondo because you can create a model from more than one project. For example I had 12 projects which at tne end were united to create a very large project. It was really difficult to document everything. I did reversed every project then create a model project by merging all my 12 project. Finally I created class diagrams views to explain the static structure of my project and sequence diagram for understand what methods were doing. What is great with this tool is that you can mix .java and .class classes and that reverse engineering of sequence diagram can trace the reverse between classes from different projects.
I also added graphical comments to explain what I was considering important, created about 100 views from the big model and my project was really very well documented.
Job done Happy man :-)

If you look at your own code some months later, you will feel like another person wrote it. So documentation usually is a good thing even on solo projects. You can use simpler UML diagrams, but I do believe that they can be useful. Actually, on my current job, we work in a similar way and the UML diagrams had helped me on my own projects.


What's the purpose and mechanism of Ontology in D3WEB

In the expert system D3WEB, it is possible to insert\develop\use Ontology. However, I cannot get the point what's the purpose to introduce ontology in D3WEB?
The nice example on this page, , shows how to develop an ontology in D3WEB. In my opinion, it can be more efficiently developed using Protégé. If the contents shall be changed with a real application, for instance, an ontology about 'dog', in the real application there could be instance dog A, B, C, D. It might be not feasible to 'insert' the instances into the D3WEB knowledge base. However, if the ontology changes over time, how to use the ontology in D3WEB then?
In my opinion, the best way is to develop an ontology outside of D3WEB using Java code. However, I believe the designer of D3WEB would have a nice reason to introduce ontology in D3WEB. I will appreciate it if someone let me know.
This is a somewhat common question we get regarding d3web-KnowWE, one reason might be, that our naming is somewhat misleading. So let me explain.
First there is d3web the java framework to run knowledge bases with strong problem solving knowledge, including rules, decision trees, flow-charts, covering lists, cost-benefit dialog strategies, time based reasoning, and so on. This framework in its core does not provide any GUIs, but is meant to integrate problem solving capabilities in other applications/expert systems. It also does not provide a way to properly create/author the knowledge bases it runs, aside maybe from doing it in the Java code on an API level.
To also provide proper means to author and develop a knowledge base, including some basic dialogs to run, demo, test, and debug the authored knowledge bases, we began working on the wiki system KnowWE, which today is basically a heavily extended JSPWiki. The page itself for example is also just a build of KnowWE with specific content.
While we were working on and with KnowWE, we began to really like the approach to edit and author large knowledge bases in this 'wiki way', were you automatically support multiple distributed users to work on the same knowledge base, have automatic versioning, can add nice documentation directly beside the actual formal knowledge, can generate knowledge using script (because it's all just simple text markup), and so forth. Also, the underlying architecture of KnowWE became quite good and mature over the years.
So after some time of this, we found ourselves in the need to also author large ontologies. And yes, Protégé is a nice tool to develop ontologies, but for our use cases, it was just not well suited and we also found it to not scale very well. So we began to implement some simple markups to also allow to also develop ontologies in KnowWE. After then recognizing, that authoring ontologies the 'wiki way' indeed works pretty nicely, we decided to again also share these tools with everybody else on And that is why today you can author/develop both d3web knowledge bases and ontologies in KnowWE, although there is no actual connection/interoperability between both as of now. That would be nice of course and maybe we add this in the future, but for KnowWE is just a development environment for these two knowledge representation.
Maybe you can see KnowWE similar to an IDE like eclipse or IntelliJ, where the same application can be used to develop many different programming languages. KnowWE does the same for different knowledge representations.
A problem is maybe, that historically, we didn't differentiate very well between KnowWE and d3web, because KnowWE was narrowly used to build d3web knowledge bases. We also like to call KnowWE and its distribution package d3web-KnowWE for example. But maybe this should change...
Thanks for pointing this out, I will try to correct/clarify this on

How to refactor a Delphi unit with 10000 lines with no documentation?

I have been assigned the task to refactor a Delphi unit. Wow. 10000 lines of code, no documentation, tons of copy and paste code.
THere are many methods made with copy and paste that could be refactored, anyway I am lost in all those lines, I have the interface section where I can "find my way", but in general what do yuo suggest for tackling this kind of task?
Get yourself a copy of Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers. It has all kinds of techniques for safely refactoring code to get it running under a test framework. Examples are mostly in Java and C++ but should be easy enough to figure out.
Install a third-party refactoring tool (or multiple) such as CodeRush for Delphi(sadly no longer developed), Castalia or ModelMaker Code Explorer. Delphi has some refactoring support built in but in my experience it is too limited and tends to choke on very large code bases.
Buy a copy of Simian. It doesn't have direct support for Object Pascal but its plain text parser works well enough. If enough people request support for Object Pascal I'm sure they'd add it. I haven't found any other code duplication detection tool as capable as Simian.
I would also recommend bookmarking and
It also wouldn't hurt to get a copy of Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship by Robert "Uncle Bob" Martin et al. It's easy to recognize bad code. It's much harder know when you're writing good code.
A word of caution: Focus on refactoring the code you need to work on. Its easy to start down the rabbit hole and wind up spending months refactoring code that wasn't immediately relevant to the task at hand.
And save your self some trouble. Don't try to "fix" code and refactor it at the same time. Refactor first, then fix bugs or add that new feature. Remember, refactoring is modifying without changing external behavior.
Resist the urge to attempt a complete rewrite. I learned the hard way that crappy code that meets the user's requirements is preferable to clean code that doesn't. Crappy code can always be incrementally improved until its something to be proud of.
I think the best thing you can do is to write DUnit Tests for the interface. It forces you to understand the existing code, helps during debugging and it ensures that the interface acts the same after refactoring.
The Top 12 Reasons to Write Unit Tests apply perfectly in your case:
Tests Reduce Bugs in New Features.
Tests Reduce Bugs in Existing Features.
Tests Are Good Documentation.
Tests Reduce the Cost of Change.
Tests Improve Design.
Tests Allow Refactoring.
Tests Constrain Features
Tests Defend Against Other Programmers
Testing Is Fun
Testing Forces You to Slow Down and Think
Testing Makes Development Faster
Tests Reduce Fear (Fear of change, Fear of breakage, Fear of updates)
I've faced similar situations. My condolences to you!
In my opinion, the most important thing is that you actually understand all the code as it is today. Minds better than mine may be able to simply read the code and understand it. However, I can't.
After reading the code for a general overview, I usually repeatedly single step through it in the debugger until I begin to see some patterns of operation and recognize code that I've read before. Maybe this is obvious, but thought I'd mention it.
You might also think about creating a good test suite that runs on the current code.
Does the interface section contain a bunch of class definitions? If so, create a new unit for every class and move each class to it's own unit.If you use Delphi 2007 or better, you can use the "refactor/Move" option to move those classes to the new (namespace) units.The next step is splitting the large classes into smaller classes. That's just a lot of manual work.Once your code is divided over multiple units, you can examine each unit, detect identical code and generate base classes that would be used as parent for the two classes that share similar functionality.
In addition of understanding the code etc, these tools may help refactoring and reorganizing the project:
Model Maker is powerful design, reverse-engineer and refactoring tool:
Model Maker Code Explorer is powerful plugin for Delphi IDE to help with refactoring, code navigation etc:
I would use some sort of UML tool to generate som class diagrams and other diagrams to get an overview of the system, and start splitting up and commenting like #Workshop Alex said.
Use a tool like Doxygen to help you map the code.
Help on that is here
Start out small and eventually do a partial or full rewrite. Start creating base classes to accomplish pieces of the puzzle without changing the output. Rinse-repeat until you have a new, supportable codebase.
Once you hit those copy-n-paste routines, you'll have base classes to do the work and it'll really help accelerate the task.

Is it possible/advisable to write reusable Ruby-on-Rails applications?

I have an idea for a large web application, which in my mind would really be a number of reasonably independent application "components" (?), e.g. forum, blog etc.
It seems to me that it would be nice to open source some of the individual components for others, or myself in the future to use.
Now clearly, I could write a basic forum, make the code available, then copy it across into my large app and extend/integrate it. However, this doesn't feel very DRY. In an ideal world I could maintain the code in one place and drop it into my larger application.
Rails seems to include engines, which sound like solve my problem but it would appear that what I want to do is a bad idea!
So should I..
a) Just build one large, coupled app.
b) Create a rails forum app (for example), release it, then merge/copy it into my main app
c) Use engines
d) Other...
That warning is just the standard Uncle Ben Corollary. Paraphrased from "With great power, also comes great responsibility." to "Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
However, just because there are a number of uses for engines that are bad ideas, that doesn't mean it is in your case. Blogs and forums are two reasonably independent components that have already been produced as plugins using Engines. You might not even need to make them.
The way I see it, if you're planning on reusing a functional component that you can feasibly segregate from the rest of the app, then that's a good enough reason to make it a plugin, whether or not it relies on engines.
My experience is that these plugins grow from existing application code I've written. It's much easier to conceive, write, and test them as part of an application than on their own. Engines being miniature apps, aren't that much harder to build and test.
In short. Only you can decide which path is best, because you are most familiar with the goals of your app. Before you start have a look at what others have done with engines and plugins. The components you want to build may already exist.
To answer the question, I would probably start by building a single app, and extract out the bits that could be useful in other apps and abstract them into [engine] plugins as they reach maturity.
What you might be looking for Git Submodules. I don't know a ton about them, but you can simply have a git repo within a git repo. And you can update all your inner git repos pretty easily. Here's an article talking about it.

Metamodelling tools

What tools are available for metamodelling?
Especially for developing diagram editors, at the moment trying out Eclipse GMF
Wondering what other options are out there?
Any comparison available?
Your question is simply too broad for a single answer - due to many aspects.
First, meta-modelling is not a set term, but rather a very fuzzy thing, including modelling models of models and reaching out to terms like MDA.
Second, there are numerous options to developing diagram editors - going the Eclipse way is surely a nice option.
To get you at least started in the Eclipse department:
have a look at MOF, that is architecture for "meta-modelling" from the OMG (the guys, that maintain UML)
from there approach EMOF, a sub set which is supported by the Eclipse Modelling Framework in the incarnation of Ecore.
building something on top of GMF might be indeed a good idea, because that's the way existing diagram editors for the Eclipse platform take (e.g. Omondo's EclipseUML)
there are a lot of tools existing in the Eclipse environment, that can utilize Ecore - I simply hope, that GMF builts on top of Ecore itself.
Dia has an API for this - I was able to fairly trivially frig their UML editor into a basic ER modelling tool by changing the arrow styles. With a DB reversengineering tool I found in sourceforge (took the schema and spat out dia files) you could use this to document databases. While what I did was fairly trivial, the API was quite straightforward and it didn't take me that long to work out how to make the change.
If you're of a mind to try out Smalltalk There used to be a Smalltalk meta-case framework called DOME which does this sort of thing. If you download VisualWorks, DOME is one of the contributed packages.
GMF is a nice example. At the core of this sits EMF/Ecore, like computerkram sais. Ecore is also used for the base of Eclipse's UML2 . The prestige use case and proof of concept for GMF is certainly UML2 Tools.
Although generally a UML tool, I would look at StarUML. It supports additional modules beyond what are already built in. If it doesn't have what you need built in or as a module, I supposed you could make your own, but I don't know how difficult that is.
Meta-modeling is mostly done in Smalltalk.
You might want to take a look at MOOSE ( There are a lot of tools being developed for program understanding. Most are Smalltalk based. There is also some java and c++ work.
Two of the most impressive tools are CodeCity and Mondrian. CodeCity can visualize code development over time, Mondrian provides scriptable visualization technology.
And of course there is the classic HotDraw, which is also available in java.
For web development there is also Magritte, providing meta-descriptions for Seaside.
I would strongly recommend you look into DSM (Domain Specific Modeling) as a general topic, meta-modeling is directly related. There are eclipse based tools like GMF that currently require java coding, but integrate nicely with other eclipse tools and UML. However there are two other classes out there.
MetaCase which I will call a pure DSM tool as it focuses on allowing a developer/modeler with out nearly as much coding create a usable graphical model. Additionally it can be easily deployed for others to use. GMF and Microsoft's Beta software factory/DSM tool fall into this category.
Pure Meta-modeling tools which are not intended for DSM tooling, code generation, and the like. I do not follow these tools as closely as I am interested in applications that generate tooling for SMEs, Domain Experts, and others to use and contribute value to an active project not modeling for models sake, or just documentation and theory.
If you want to learn more about number 1, the tooling applications for DSMs/Meta-modeling, then check out my post " great resources, worth a look." or just navigate directly to the
In case you are interested in something that is related to modelling and not generation of code, have a look at As a metamodelling platform it does provide functionalities and mechanisms to quickly develop your own DSL and allows you to focus on the models needs (business requirements, conceptual level design/specification). There is an active community from academia and practice involved developing prototypical as well as commercial application based on the platform. Could be interesting ...

Best practices for refactoring classic ASP?

I've got to do some significant development in a large, old, spaghetti-ridden ASP system. I've been away from ASP for a long time, focusing my energies on Rails development.
One basic step I've taken is to refactor pages into subs and functions with meaningful names, so that at least it's easy to understand # the top of the file what's generally going on.
Is there a worthwhile MVC framework for ASP? Or a best practice at how to at least get business logic out of the views? (I remember doing a lot of includes back in the day -- is that still the way to do it?)
I'd love to get some unit testing going for business logic too, but maybe I'm asking too much?
There are over 200 ASP scripts in the project, some thousands of lines long ;) UGH!
We may opt for the "big rewrite" but until then, when I'm in changing a page, I want to spend a little extra time cleaning up the spaghetti.
The documentation for the Classic ASP system is rather light.
Management is not looking for a rewrite.
Since you have been doing ruby on rails, your (VB/C#) ASP.NET is passable at best.
My experience
I too inherited a classic ASP system that was slapped together willy-nilly by ex excel-vba types. There was a lot of this stuff <font size=3>crap</font> (and sometimes missing closing tags; Argggh!). Over the course of 2.5 years I added a security system, a common library, CSS+XHTML and was able to coerce the thing to validate xhtml1.1 (sans proper mime type, unfortunately) and built a fairly robust and ajaxy reporting system that's being used daily by 80 users.
I used jEdit, with cTags (as mentioned by jamting above), and a bunch of other plugins.
My Advice
Try to create a master include file from which to import all the stuff that's commonly used. Stuff like login/logout, database access, web services, javascript libs, etc.
Do use classes. They are ultra-primitive (no inheritance) but as jamting said, they can be convenient.
Indent the scripts properly.
Write an external architecture document. I personally use LyX, because it's brain-dead to produce a nicely formatted pdf, but you can use whatever you like. If you use a wiki, get the graphviz add-in installed and use it. It's super easy to make quick diagrams that can be easily modified.
Since I have no idea how substantial the enhancements need to be, I suggest having a good high-level to mid-level architecture document will be quite useful in planning the enhancements.
On the business logic unit tests, the only thing I found that works is setting up an xml-rpc listener in asp that imports the main library and exposes the functions (not subroutines though) in any of the main library's sub-includes, and then build, separately, a unit test system in a language with better support for the stuff that calls the ASP functions through xml-rpc. I use python, but I think Ruby should do the trick. (Does that make sense?). The cool thing is that the person writing the unit-test part of the software does not need to even look at the ASP code, as long as they have decent descriptions of the functions to call, so they can be someone beside you.
There is a project called aspunit at sourceforge but the last release was in 2004 and it's marked as inactive. Never used it but it's pure vbscript. A cursory look at the code tells me it looks like the authors knew what they were doing.
Finally, if you need help, I have some availability to do contract telecommuting work (maybe 8 hours/week max). Follow the link trail for contact info.
Good luck! HTH.
Since a complete rewrite of a working system can be very dangerous i can only give you a small tip: Set up exuberant tags, ctags, on your project. This way you can jump to the definition of a function and sub easy, which i think helps a lot.
On separating logic from "views". VBScript supports som kind of OO with classes. I tend to write classes which do the logic which I include on the asp-page which acts as a "view". Then i hook together the view with the class like Username: <%= MyAccount.UserName %>. The MyAccount class can also have methods like: MyAccount.Login() and so on.
Kind of primitive, but at least you can capsulate some code and hide it from the HTML.
My advice would be to carry on refactoring, classic ASP supports classes, so you should be able to move all everything but the display code into included ASP files which just contain classes.
See this article of details of moving from old fashioned asp towards ASP.NET
Refactoring ASP
Regarding a future direction, I wouldn't aim for ASP.NET web forms, instead I'd go for Microsoft's new MVC framework an add-on to of ASP.NET) It will be much simpler migrating to this from classic ASP.
I use ASPUnit for unit testing some of our classic ASP and find it to be helpful. It may be old, but so is ASP. It's simple, but it does work and you can customize or extend it if necessary.
I've also found Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers to be a helpful guide for finding ways to get some of that old code under test.
Include files can help as long as you keep it simple. At one point I tried creating an include for each class and that didn't work out too well. I like having a couple main includes with common business logic, and for complicated pages sometimes an include with logic for each of those pages. I suppose you could do MVC with a similar setup.
Is there any chance you could move from ASP to ASP.Net? Or are you looking at keeping it in classic ASP, but just cleaning it up. If at all possible, I would recommend moving as much as possible moving to .Net. It looks like you may be rewriting/reorganizing a lot of code anyway, so moving to .Net may not be a lot of extra effort.
Presumably someone else wrote most or all of the system that you're now maintaining. Look for the usual bad habits (repeated code, variables that are too widely scoped, nested if statements, etc.), and refactor as you would any other language. Keep an eye out for recurring things in the same file or different files and abstract them into functions.
If the code was written/maintained by various people, there might be some issues with inconsistent coding style. I find that bringing the code back into line makes it easier to see things that can be refactored.
"Thousands of lines long" makes me suspicious that there may also be situations where loosely-related things are being displayed on the same page. There again, you want to abstract them into separate subroutines.
Eventually you want to be writing objects to help encapsulate stuff like database connectivity, but it will be a while before you get there.
This is very old, but couldn't resist adding my two cents. If you must rewrite, and must continue to use classic ASP:
use JScript! much more powerful, you get inheritance, and there some good side benefits like using the same methods for server-side validation as you use for client-side
you can absolutely do MVC - I wrote an MVC framework, and it was not that many lines of code
you can also generate your model classes automatically with a bit of work. I have some code for this that worked quite well
make sure you are doing parameterized queries, and always returning disconnected recordsets
Software Development Project Management practices indicates that softwares like this are requiring to retire.
I know how hard it is to do the right thing, even more when the responsible manager knows sht and is scared of everything other than the wost way possible.
But still. It's necessary to start working on the development of a new software. It's simply impossible to maintain this one forever, and the loger they wait for retiring it the worse.
If you don't have proper specification/requirements documentation (I think no asp software in the world does, given the noobatry hability of those coders), you'll need both a group of users that know the software features and a manager to be responsible for validating the requirements. You'll need to review every feature and document its requirements.
During that process you'll go learning more about the software and its business. Once you have enough info, you can start developing a new one.
