MPMoviePlayerController memory management - ipad

My iPad app has a main view controller that contains a MPMoviePlayerController instance variable. The actual view contains a number of numbered buttons, and when each button is pressed, I change the contentURL property of the MPMoviePlayerController to load the corresponding movie file. This works very well, but I get a memory warning. Do I need to release the previous movie file before I change the contentURL? If so, how?

MPMoviePlayerController has lot of leaks in the simulator. Deleak on device, maybe there are no leaks.


AVPlayer with FullScreen - iOS

I have created instance of AVPlayer and playing content in it. I need to provide one option to show this movie in full screen. Does any other option present instead of creating instance of AVPlayerController and using native playback button options.
AVPlayer is containing only video view. Buttons and basically all the UI over the video are responsibility of developer.
So you need to do view controller that have view where AVPLayer will be embedded, and over it another views (like buttons, labels). And of course rig everything with constraints. When you tap "full screen" button, animate constraints so you resize your video. This is it.
Much simpler (considering lines of code that must be written) is to use AVPLayerViewController, but you loose possibility of custom UI. On other hand most of the logic is there. (except for support HLS EVENT type playlists that are not closed, there is a bug that will be fixed in iOS11)
Bug in AVPLayerViewController, regarding HLS EVENT type is fixed in iOS11.

AVQueuePlayer stops playing when I navigate to previous view

I have used AVQueuePlayer several times and the default behaviour is to continue playing when you change view, but in my case when I navigate to the previous view where I came from by segue, the player stops. I put a breakpoint after dealloc to see if the AVQueuePlayer is released and from what I can see it's not deallocated (I have a strong reference to it using property). Please help!!!
I am streaming audio using several links from a server, not playing local files. I created the url, used the url to make AVPlayerItems, and added the player items into array, I used this array to initiate the AVQueuePlayer. I used GCD to make sure my array is completely ready before I play the AVQueuePlayer.
As soon I click on back button it stops. I am pulling out my hair
Create a singleton class that provides an interface to the AVQueuePlayer. That way you will be sure that it's alive even when you pop your view controllers.

AVplayer full removal video out of memory

I know there have been a few hints on Stackoverflow about this issue but I haven't found a very satisfying answer to my problem.
I want to completely remove a video playing with AVPlayer in an AVPlayerLayer class from memory. I have read your are actually not allowed to call dealloc of the class containing the AVPlayerLayer. But even when I do so, the video remains in memory (cfr the sound does not stop playing).
Some people hint that you should pause the player, or just load in a new video, but I want it gone...
I need this because when rotating the device, I want the video kicked out of memory and a new video loaded in for the new orientation. I need to destroy the video completely because the parent view it is in also needs to be destroyed.
This is the structure I have
-> UIScrollView
-> UIviewWithPlayer
In UIscrollView I call release and removefromsuperview on UIViewWithPlayer. In UIviewWithPlayer I call release and removefromsuperview on AVPlayerLayer. But that does not seem to work.
Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Using multiple MPMoviePlayerController instances in a UITabBarController based iOS app

In my iPad app, the user can open one MPMoviePlayerController in each tab (total of 5).
In each viewcontroller containing a movieplayer instance, I play the movie in viewDidAppear: method, and I pause it in viewWillDisappear: method. I also add/remove the viewcontroller as an observer for notifications so that only the viewcontroller currently visible is receiving the notifications. The movieplayer is setup in the init method, and there is nothing really special about it.
Note: Although you can create multiple MPMoviePlayerController objects and present their views in your interface, only one movie player at a time can play its movie.
Besides the note above, I cannot find anything about this in the docs, but I´m guessing that the movieplayer is shared between viewcontrollers somehow, becasuse when I force one movieplayer in each tab it works sometimes, and sometimes the movieplayer is finished when I return to the previous tab.
Is it a fact that MPMoviePlayerController are meant only handle one video at a time, no matter if the instances are in different classes/tabs?

How do I display video on external monitor while keeping controls on iPad?

My iPad app has the option to play videos. I use the MPMoviePlayerViewController class to play my videos.
My question is: if I want to play the videos on an attached external monitor, how do I keep the playback controls on the iPad like YouTube does? If I add the view of the MPMoviePlayerViewController 's player to the external screen's hierarchy I can play the video fine, but I now have no control over it. Is there a way to move or duplicate the view where the controls lie and place it on a view which resides on the iPad?
I'm not aware of an officially supported way of pulling out the original UI in this way. The MPMoviePlayerViewController only exposes the MPMoviePlayerController object it uses via its moviePlayer property. The MPMoviePlayerController in turn only exposes view and backgroundView, which aren't helpful for such a purpose. You could in theory inspect the subviews of the movie player's main view, find the playback controls and try to move them to the other screen. I have a feeling this will not end well though, as they're anything but static. You also never know what will happen in later iOS versions, or if they'll let your hack on the app store. It's probably less trouble to just re-do the UI yourself.
Actually controlling the video playback programmatically is straightforward - the view controller's moviePlayer implements the MPMediaPlayback protocol.
