How do you get a tricky function reference? - erlang

How do you get a reference to a function in a module when the module is dynamically specified and you'll be passing it to a higher order function?
Mod = compare_funs,
lists:sort(fun Mod:compare/2, List).
Only, this won't compile. One way would be to wrap a call to the target function in an anonymous fun, but I was wondering if there's a way to get a reference directly.

From the documentation at:
We can also refer to a function
defined in a different module with the
following syntax:
F = {Module, FunctionName}
In this case, the function must be
exported from the module in question.
For example, you might do:
-export([compare/2, test/2]).
compare(X, Y) when X > Y ->
compare(X, Y) ->
test(Mod, List) ->
lists:sort({Mod, compare}, List).
1> test:test(test, [1,3,2]).


What does (_,[]) mean?

I was given a question which was:
given a number N in the first argument selects only numbers greater than N in the list, so that
greater(2,[2,13,1,4,13]) = [13,4,13]
This was the solution provided:
member(_,[]) -> false;
member(H,[H|_]) -> true;
member(N,[_,T]) -> member(N,T).
I don't understand what "_" means. I understand it has something to do with pattern matching but I don't understand it completely. Could someone please explain this to me
This was the solution provided:
I think you are confused: the name of the solution function isn't even the same as the name of the function in the question. The member/2 function returns true when the first argument is an element of the list provided as the second argument, and it returns false otherwise.
I don't understand what "_" means. I understand it has something to do with pattern matching but I don't understand it completely. Could someone please explain this to me
_ is a variable name, and like any variable it will match anything. Here are some examples of pattern matching:
35> f(). %"Forget" or erase all variable bindings
45> {X, Y} = {10, 20}.
46> X.
47> Y.
48> {X, Y} = {30, 20}.
** exception error: no match of right hand side value {30,
Now why didn't line 48 match? X was already bound to 10 and Y to 20, so erlang replaces those variables with their values, which gives you:
48> {10, 20} = {30, 20}.
...and those tuples don't match.
Now lets try it with a variable named _:
49> f().
50> {_, Y} = {10, 20}.
51> Y.
52> {_, Y} = {30, 20}.
As you can see, the variable _ sort of works like the variable X, but notice that there is no error on line 52, like there was on line 48. That's because the _ variable works a little differently than X:
53> _.
* 1: variable '_' is unbound
In other words, _ is a variable name, so it will initially match anything, but unlike X, the variable _ is never bound/assigned a value, so you can use it over and over again without error to match anything.
The _ variable is also known as a don't care variable because you don't care what that variable matches because it's not important to your code, and you don't need to use its value.
Let's apply those lessons to your solution. This line:
member(N,[_,T]) -> member(N,T).
recursively calls the member function, namely member(N, T). And, the following function clause:
member(_,[]) -> false;
will match the function call member(N, T) whenever T is an empty list--no matter what the value of N is. In other words, once the given number N has not matched any element in the list, i.e. when the list is empty so there are no more elements to check, then the function clause:
member(_,[]) -> false;
will match and return false.
You could rewrite that function clause like this:
member(N, []) -> false;
but erlang will warn you that N is an unused variable in the body of the function, which is a way of saying: "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake in your function definition? You defined a variable named N, but then you didn't use it in the body of the function!" The way you tell erlang that the function definition is indeed correct is to change the variable name N to _ (or _N).
It means a variable you don't care to name. If you are never going to use a variable inside the function you can just use underscore.
% if the list is empty, it has no members
member(_, []) -> false.
% if the element I am searching for is the head of the list, it is a member
member(H,[H|_]) -> true.
% if the elem I am searching for is not the head of the list, and the list
% is not empty, lets recursively go look at the tail of the list to see if
% it is present there
member(H,[_|T]) -> member(H,T).
the above is pseudo code for what is happening. You can also have multiple '_' unnamed variables.
According to Documentation:
The anonymous variable is denoted by underscore (_) and can be used when a variable is required but its value can be ignored.
[H, _] = [1,2] % H will be 1
Also documentation says that:
Variables starting with underscore (_), for example, _Height, are normal variables, not anonymous. They are however ignored by the compiler in the sense that they do not generate any warnings for unused variables.
Sorry if this is repetitive...
What does (_,[]) mean?
That means (1) two parameters, (2) the first one matches anything and everything, yet I don't care about it (you're telling Erlang to just forget about its value via the underscore) and (3) the second parameter is an empty list.
Given that Erlang binds or matches values with variables (depending on the particular case), here you're basically looking to a match (like a conditional statement) of the second parameter with an empty list. If that match happens, the statement returns false. Otherwise, it tries to match the two parameters of the function call with one of the other two statements below it.

Erlang Doesn't Warn About Unused Function Argument

If I declare a function
test(A) -> 3.
Erlang generates a warning about variable A not being used. However the definition
isEqual(X,X) -> 1.
Doesn't produce any warning but
isEqual(X,X) -> 1;
isEqual(X,Y) -> 0.
again produces a warning but only for the second line.
The reason why that doesn't generate a warning is because in the second case you are asserting (through pattern matching), by using the same variable name, that the first and second arguments to isEqual/2 have the same value. So you are actually using the value of the argument.
It might help to understand better if we look at the Core Erlang code produced from is_equal/2. You can get .core source files by compiling your .erl file in the following way: erlc +to_core pattern.erl (see here for pattern.erl).
This will produce a pattern.core file that will look something like this (module_info/[0,1] functions removed):
module 'pattern' ['is_equal'/2]
attributes []
'is_equal'/2 = fun (_cor1,_cor0) ->
case <_cor1,_cor0> of
%% Line 5
<X,_cor4> when call 'erlang':'=:=' (_cor4, X) ->
%% Line 6
<X,Y> when 'true' ->
As you can see, each function clause from is_equal/2 in the .erl source code gets translated to a case clause in Core Erlang. X does get used in the first clause since it needs to be compared to the other argument. On the other hand neither X or Y are used in the second clause.

Head Mismatch in simple argument pattern matching

I have this code:
map_functions() ->
{Mod,_} = code:all_loaded(),
map_functions([H|Tail],A) ->
B = H:mod_info(exports),
map_functions(Tail,A#{H => B});
map_functions([],A) -> A.
However whenever I compile it I get a head mismatch on line 10 which is the
map_funtions([H|Tail],A) ->
I'm sure this is a very basic error but I just cannot get my head around why this does not run. It is a correct pattern match syntax [H|Tail] and the three functions with the same name but different arities are separated by commas.
Your function definition should be
map_functions() ->
{Mod,_} = code:all_loaded(),
map_functions(Mod, #{}).
map_functions([], A) -> A;
map_functions([H|Tail], A) ->
B = H:mod_info(exports),
map_functions(Tail, A#{H => B}).
The name map_functions is the same, but the arity is not. In the Erlang world that means these are two entirely different functions: map_functions/0 and map_functions/2.
Also, note that I put the "base case" first in map_functions/2 (and made the first clause's return value stick out -- breaking that to two lines is more common, but whatever). This is for three reasons: clarity, getting in the habit of writing the base case first (so you don't accidentally write infinite loops), and very often it is necessary to do this so you don't accidentally mask your base case by matching every parameter in a higher-precedence clause.
Some extended discussion on this topic is here (addressing Elixir and Erlang): Specify arity using only or except when importing function on Elixir
Function with same name but different arity are different, they are separated by dots.
code:all_loaded returns a list, so the first function should be written:
map_functions() ->
Mods = code:all_loaded(),
map_functions(Mods, #{}).
The resulting list Mods is a list of tuples of the form {ModName,BeamLocation} so the second function should be written:
map_functions([], A) -> A;
map_functions([{ModName,_}|Tail], A) ->
B = ModName:module_info(exports),
map_functions(Tail, A#{ModName => B}).
Note that you should dig into erlang libraries and try to use more idiomatic forms of code, the whole function, using list comprehension, can be written:
map_functions() ->
maps:from_list([{X,X:module_info(exports)} || {X,_} <- code:all_loaded()]).

is_proplist in erlang?

How can get the type of a list. I want to execute the code if the list is proplist.
Let us say L = [a,1,b,2,c,3, ...]. Is the list L, I'm converting it to proplist like
L = [{a,1}, {b,2}, {c,3}, ...].
How can I determine whether the list is a proplist? erlang:is_list/1 is not useful for me.
You can use something like:
is_proplist([]) -> true;
is_proplist([{K,_}|L]) when is_atom(K) -> is_proplist(L);
is_proplist(_) -> false.
but necessary to consider that this function cannot be used in guards.
You'd need to check whether every element of the list is a tuple of two elements. That can be done with lists:all/2:
is_proplist(List) ->
is_list(List) andalso
lists:all(fun({_, _}) -> true;
(_) -> false
This depends on which definition of "proplist" you use, of course. The above is what is usually meant by "proplist", but the documentation for the proplists module says:
Property lists are ordinary lists containing entries in the form of either tuples, whose first elements are keys used for lookup and insertion, or atoms, which work as shorthand for tuples {Atom, true}.

Was point free functions able to inline?

let inline myfunction x y = ...
let inline mycurried = myfunction x // error, only functions may be marked inline
It seems impossible to explicitly inline curried functions.
So whenever mycurried is called, it won't get inlined even if myfunction is inlined properly, is it correct?
So can this be regarded as one of the drawback of curried function?
I think your question is whether a point-free function can be inlined or not.
The limitation you found is not because of the curried function.
Note that in your example the curried function is on the right side, on the left side you have a point-free function.
F# only allows functions to be inline, not constants.
I principle you may think this could be considered as a bug given that type inference is smart enough to find out that is a (point-free) function, but read the notes from Tomas regarding side-effects.
Apparently when the compiler finds on the left side only an identifier it fails with this error:
let inline myfunction x y = x + y
let inline mycurried = myfunction 1
--> Only functions may be marked 'inline'
As Brian said a workaround is adding an explicit parameter on both sides:
let inline mycurried x = (myfunction 1) x
but then your function is no longer point-free, it's the same as:
let inline mycurried x = myfunction 1 x
Another way might be to add an explicit generic parameter:
let inline mycurried<'a> = myfunction 1
when generic parameters are present explicitly on the left side it compiles.
I wish they remove the error message and turn it a warning, something like:
Since only functions can be 'inline' this value will be compiled as a function.
Thanks Tomas for your answer (and your downvote).
My personal opinion is this should be a warning, so you are aware that the semantic of your code will eventually change, but then it's up to you to decide what to do.
You say that inline is "just an optimization" but that's not entirely true:
. Simply turning all your functions inline does not guarantee optimal code.
. You may want to use static constraints and then you have to use inline.
I would like to be able to define my (kind-of) generic constants, as F# library already does (ie: GenericZero and GenericOne). I know my code will be pure, so I don't care if it is executed each time.
I think you just need to add an explicit parameter to both sides (though I have not tried):
let inline myfunction x y = ...
let inline mycurried y = myfunction 42 y // or whatever value (42)
The compiler only allows inline on let bindings that define a function. This is essentially the same thing as what is happening with F# value restriction (and see also here). As Brian says, you can easily workaround this by adding a parameter to your function.
Why does this restriction exist? If it was not there, then adding inline would change the meaning of your programs and that would be bad!
For example, say you have a function like this (which creates mutable state and returns a counter function):
let createCounter n =
let state = ref n
(fun () -> incr state; !state)
Now, the following code:
let counter = createCounter 0
... creates a single global function that you can use multiple times (call counter()) and it will give you unique integers starting from 1. If you could mark it as inline:
let inline counter = createCounter 0
... then every time you use counter(), the compiler should replace that with createCounter 0 () and so you would get 1 every time you call the counter!
