How to create referral link like launchrock in ruby on rails? - ruby-on-rails

I want to create referral links like.
Where number are the referral codes which will be unique for every user. I am sure this can be done in ruby on rails with some routes configuration. Means where the request will be routed. Which controller? which action? How to get value of unique code.
ps: launchrock is using referral links like this.

You can use this structure with route matching but you would need to have the referral codes match a specific pattern. If, for example, they matched the format of 3 letters followed by three numbers, you could put the following your routes file:
match '/:referrer_id' => 'app#index', :constraints => {:referrer_id => /[a-zA-Z]{3}[0-9]{3}/}
The reference to app#index should be changed to the controller in which you handle referrals and you can access the referrer_id through params[:referrer_id].
Certainly have a look at the link referenced in Markus' answer for suggestions on how to generate the tokens.

I have a link in my bookmarks with regard to token generation:
In your application you will need to store the individual tokens in the user table. Controller and action are up to you and for the routes you could go with something like
match "/referral/:ref" => "controller#action"
access in controller with:


Allowing users to create specific routes in rails app

In my Rails app users have possibility to enter their own domain for their page if they want. The value of the domain name saving in the database.
For now routes are look something like this: /user/sites/3.
So, for example, user entered domain name as: "mystuff". And previous route should change to this: /mystuff
How can implement this?
Thank you.
here's an example from rails guides on how your route should look like:
get ':username', to: 'users#show', as: :user
this produces route such as /bob refering to users controller show action
what do you mean domain? you mean sub-domain or sub-url?
If you want to create sub-url for MyStuff (eg.
1) you need to create slug field to parameterized the text which you want to be sub-url.(or) can also use parameterized method. (eg. My Stuff => my-stuff)
2) create a route
get ":site_slug", to: 'home#site'

How to check if a route already exists , while generating a dynamic route in rails

In my application i need to generate vanity urls for all my users like:
profilename/joinme, where profile name will be unique.
There is a problem , if the profile name is an already existing route like if:
profile_name = users then route will be users/joinme and there is already a resource with the name users.
So i want to check upon creation of these vanity urls that they does not interfere with my existing routes.
Is there an easy way to do that ?
one way that i can think of is getting the formatted output of "rake routes" in a file and then checking for the existence of that on creation of every routes.
You should create a list of banned words and check that the username doesn't match any of this words using a validation. An easy way could be:
validate :check_banned_words
def check_banned_words
if %w( admin join login help register ).include? self.username
errors.add(:username, "this is a banned word!!")
If the list of banned words is too long, put it into a yaml file, or create a model just for banned words, in that way you can add new words without redeploy your app
Instead of generating dynamic route, you can use dynamic segments in routes.
For example:
match ":username/joinme", :to => "users#joinme"
Then you can customize behavior in controller as you want.
For the reference:
Rails Routes - Dynamic Segments
Also, if you want to control the process of creating new users to prohibit the use of names that are in conflict with the existing routes, you can use the approach described in this answer.

Remove controller_name from URL in Rails 3 and use custom string instead of id

Since the beginning I always hat this one problem with rails, short urls without the controller name.
For example, I have a blog and I don't want any dates or controller names in the url, I already have a Page model with a unique field url in my database. Rails works great with such urls:
And when I modify the model I even can get it to use
But it seems not to matter what I do I can not get it to work with just:
Of course I want the index page still to work with
And I want creating new pages and updating old pages to work too in some was as well as the link_to()-method. All suggestions are appreciated.
To define that route, try adding the following to your routes.rb:
match '/:id' => 'your_controller#your_action'
This will pretty much match everything to the id of your model. And that's not very nice... You don't want to route youe_host/pages to the pages controller, with an id equal to 'pages'... To prevent that from happening, make sure to put that line on the end of the routes.rb file. The router uses the first route that matches the path received, so putting that line on the end of it will make sure that it will only match your route after it ran out of other meaningful options.
A better practice would be to pass regexp constraints to the router, so that it will only match ids with a specific format, like that:
match '/:id' => 'your_controller#your_action', :constraints => { :id => /your_regexp/ }
Refer to the guides if you have doubts about the rails rounting system. It is pretty well written and covers lots of important things.
Rails rounting - Official Guides
edit: to create a named route, one that you can call in your controllers and override the normal routes that you are probably creating with resource, you have to provide the :as => parameter in your routes.rb
match '/:id' => 'your_controller#your_action', :as => some_name
Then you'll be able to call it in your controller/views like this:
link_to some_name_path(#my_string_id)
Hope this helps. And take a time to read the guides, it has really lots of useful info, including more details about creating named routes.

Routing without the model name

Using this question and railscast 63 I've got my articles routed to articles/article_permalink.
I'd like them to be accessible without the model name in the url so routes directly to the article. I'd only want this to happen on the show action. Is this possible?
I think you need something like ...
(in routes.rb)
match '/:id' => 'articles#show', :via => 'get'
(needs to be last, or towards the end of the routes as it can match requests intended for other routes)
To change the article_path(...) helpers, "as" might help:
Or you can add a helper for that specific path.
If I understand your question, you want the model tied to the route "articles/article_permalink" to be dynamic based upon which is article is selected from a list?
Would you be open to appending a model ID to the end of the URL as a query string? A more complicated approach would be to have your links POST, with the model ID as a hidden input field. Your controller could determine if it was accessed via get/post, and handle it accordingly, but that doesn't feel right.
Regardless, when the controller action is fired up based upon a request to "articles/article_permalink", it has to know which model to fetch. With HTTP being stateless, something has to be passed in. You could get fancy and write JavaScript to fire one AJAX call, set a session var, and then fire the GET, but that's messy.
I hope I understood the question...

How to handle unpredictable routes?

Assume the following paths to be legitimate and resolving:
This is (if you couldn't tell) for a CMS that includes a blog, so the slugs would be generated by the user. I have some routes to process first for reserved namespaces (admin, for example).
I assume that the user generated routes need to be routed to a Page controller - but, I don't think pragmatically adding a line to routes.rb is efficient. My question then, is how do I process the first part of the params (in this case, wizards and dragons) to get the correct information from the model?
Here's one of my ideas - split (somehow) the first part of the slug (again, wizards and dragons and pass the rest of the slug (for example, /wizardfest2012/dates) to the model to fetch the associated content.
Any thoughts on the most efficient way to do this?
I am not sure whether I understand what you want to achieve, but maybe this is what you want:
constraints :camp => /wizards|dragons/ do
match ':camp/home' => "pages#home"
match ':camp/blog/:title' => "pages#blog"
# ...and all the routes with known components
match ':camp/*other' => "pages#other"
You may create a before_filter which will recognize the params[:camp] and prepare the necessary models or whatever is needed.
The other action will receive the string "wizardfest2012/dates" as params[:other]. I hope that it was what you needed.
The "Rails Routing from the Outside In" guide may be worth reading, unless you have already read it.
