Routing without the model name - ruby-on-rails

Using this question and railscast 63 I've got my articles routed to articles/article_permalink.
I'd like them to be accessible without the model name in the url so routes directly to the article. I'd only want this to happen on the show action. Is this possible?

I think you need something like ...
(in routes.rb)
match '/:id' => 'articles#show', :via => 'get'
(needs to be last, or towards the end of the routes as it can match requests intended for other routes)
To change the article_path(...) helpers, "as" might help:
Or you can add a helper for that specific path.

If I understand your question, you want the model tied to the route "articles/article_permalink" to be dynamic based upon which is article is selected from a list?
Would you be open to appending a model ID to the end of the URL as a query string? A more complicated approach would be to have your links POST, with the model ID as a hidden input field. Your controller could determine if it was accessed via get/post, and handle it accordingly, but that doesn't feel right.
Regardless, when the controller action is fired up based upon a request to "articles/article_permalink", it has to know which model to fetch. With HTTP being stateless, something has to be passed in. You could get fancy and write JavaScript to fire one AJAX call, set a session var, and then fire the GET, but that's messy.
I hope I understood the question...


Rails get Model :id via Post

I am looking for a way to access a model via its :id.
My project looks like this:
First someone can register himself in a form. Then he gets forwarded to a page where he can edit the things he entered. Now I do not want that you can see something in the URL.
I was maybe a little unclear:
There is a form, where you can enter some things. After you submitted those things, you will be forwarded to another page with an URL like ''. There I want to show what the person entered. And I do not want an URL like ''
I hope that clarified some things
Your answer is a bit lacking in details, so I'll do my best here. Essentially, if you do not want to display the url parameters, then you will have to use the post HTTP method to submit your forms (which you should be doing anyway).
In your routes.rb file, you'll need to define your route to look something like this:
post 'route', to: 'controller#action'
Data submitted via the post method is typically submitted via a form. I would recommend using rails conventions like:
the rails form_for helper --> more details
resources since they typically give you the routes you want. To modify your routes beyond the defaults, I'd advise looking at the rails routing guide.

How can I make rails route helpers always use to_param to generate the path, even when I just pass in an ActiveRecord ID?

So, I'm implementing a pretty/SEO-friendly URL scheme for my rails app. I have a model called Artist, and I would like the Rails artist_path helper to always generate the friendly version of the path.
In my routes.rb file, I have the following line:
get 'artists/:id(/:slug)', :to => 'artists#show', :as => 'artist'
If the slug is left out, or is incorrect (it's calculated by the artist name), the controller 301 redirects to the correct URL. However, for SEO reasons, I want to ensure that all links internal to my site have the correct URL to start with.
The Artist model has the two following (very simple) functions to allow this to work:
def slug
def to_param
If I call artist_path with an artist object, this works as intended:
> app.artist_path(Artist.find 1234)
=> "/artists/1234/artist-name"
However, when I use call it with just the ID, it does not seem to use to_param at all:
> app.artist_path(id: 1234)
=> "/artists/1234"
tl;dr: How can I force Rails to always instantiate the object and call to_param on it when artist_path is called, even when only the ID is specified?
As far as I'm aware, the reason why what you're asking won't work is because when you pass in values to the built-in/automatic URL helpers (like an ID, per your example), those values just get used to "fill in the blanks" in the route URL.
If you pass an array, the values from the array will get used in order until the URL is filled in. If you pass a hash, those properties will get replaced into the URL. An object, like your model, will use it's to_param method to fill in the values... etc.
I understand your concern regarding "having knowledge of the limitations of that model," however, this behavior is standard in Rails and I don't believe it would really throw anyone. When you pass in an ID, as you do in your example, you're not telling the URL helper to "lookup a record via the model using this ID," you're simply telling it to "replace ':id' in the URL string with the ID you're providing." I'm fairly certain the built-in URL helpers wouldn't even know how to lookup the record - what model to use, etc. - other than maybe inferring from the route/controller name.
My best suggestion is to always use the instantiated model/record. If you were hoping the URL Helper would look that up for you, then there's no extra overhead as far as querying the database goes. If there's some additional reason you want to avoid instantiating the record yourself, I'd be glad to hear it and possibly provide other suggestions.

Resolve Route Server Side in Rails

Just as you figure out the route when the browser hits the webpage in Rails, how would you resolve it on the server side?
For example I want to return a URL to a RESTful resource called Bookmark in an API call and want to return the 'show' action of it, and I know that:
Bookmark id: 12
Then I want to resolve it to a string:
so that I can get this from my Model for example.
How would I go about doing this?
Pretty much everywhere in the views/controllers you can use route helpers to DRY up route references.
In models, you'll need to explicitly call the route helper like so.
Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.edit_bookmark_path(id) # => '/bookmarks/12/edit'
When using the default resourceful route generator method in routes.rb like
resource :bookmarks
I'm not sure I understand - your server is the thing that's making all of those routes work - the client's browser isn't figuring out what the route is - you application is doing it.
The paths to your resources are available as helper methods at all times (at least within the controllers, and views). As such, you should return the string as the body of a response in one of your actions, in the controller that's handling your API calls.
Check your rake routes on the command line, and you'll see a list of them. In the case of your example above, it would likely be called edit_bookmark_path(12)

How to handle unpredictable routes?

Assume the following paths to be legitimate and resolving:
This is (if you couldn't tell) for a CMS that includes a blog, so the slugs would be generated by the user. I have some routes to process first for reserved namespaces (admin, for example).
I assume that the user generated routes need to be routed to a Page controller - but, I don't think pragmatically adding a line to routes.rb is efficient. My question then, is how do I process the first part of the params (in this case, wizards and dragons) to get the correct information from the model?
Here's one of my ideas - split (somehow) the first part of the slug (again, wizards and dragons and pass the rest of the slug (for example, /wizardfest2012/dates) to the model to fetch the associated content.
Any thoughts on the most efficient way to do this?
I am not sure whether I understand what you want to achieve, but maybe this is what you want:
constraints :camp => /wizards|dragons/ do
match ':camp/home' => "pages#home"
match ':camp/blog/:title' => "pages#blog"
# ...and all the routes with known components
match ':camp/*other' => "pages#other"
You may create a before_filter which will recognize the params[:camp] and prepare the necessary models or whatever is needed.
The other action will receive the string "wizardfest2012/dates" as params[:other]. I hope that it was what you needed.
The "Rails Routing from the Outside In" guide may be worth reading, unless you have already read it.

Rails way of constructing & redirecting to an url with post parameters of a form

I would like to do that's the best way of actually accomplishing the
following on Rails.
I have a "Booking Form" with 5 fields (Property, Amount of Children,
Amount of Adults and 2 Dates - Departure and Arrival) based on these
fields, I need to construct an URL and redirect the user to this url.
Now, I have 2 questions.
1) How i catch the POST parameters in the controller, because I'm
mapping the form to an action like this:
<% form_tag(:action => "booking") do %>
and routing it to a controller action like this: (Pages Controller,
Booking Action)
match 'pages/booking' => 'pages#booking'
2) Is this the Rails way of actually accomplishing such thing?
I did it this way in PHP in the past, but now I have the need of
actually doing it in Rails, could you Rails Gurus inspire me ?
To access parameters in the controller, even ones submitted in a POST body, use the params hash. Eg: params[:form_field]
To redirect to another URL using a controller, use redirect_to. You can certainly use the values in params to construct a URL and pass it to redirect_to.
If you're using resourceful routes, which is the best way to go about such things, you would route things through the traditional approach:
resources :bookings
Then you'd post the form to bookings_path and it would all work out, as that's BookingsController#create. It's always better to have a strong correlation between model and controller where possible.
The resources definition in routes.rb helps you by creating all the default RESTful actions which you can build off of. If you really need a custom route, you can always rename it using the :as option, or route it independently.
If you go about creating your own arbitrary routes, such as /pages/booking you're going to create quite a mess that someone else will have to maintain. Quite often that someone else is you in the future.
