Paypal Integration in Blackberry? - blackberry

Do we hav Paypal API for Blackberry as like the iPhone and Android. I have android PayPal API here
But i cant able to find it for Blackberry.
Please help me whether paypal transfer can be made in Blackberry or not.

Try by using this sdk

As far as I know there isn't a BlackBerry specific Paypal API.
So to get around this, we just launched the browser to the Paypal link. From there they could enter their Paypal credentials and pay as if they were using a desktop browser. It's not as clean as using an API though.
If you're looking for a cleaner solution, you could try creating a Paypal API wrapper for example using PHP, which is used by a proxy page. Then in the BlackBerry, use standard HTTP requests to send GET/POST requests to the proxy page. The proxy page will in turn use the wrapper you created to set up payment for you and your customer. This way you won't necessarily have to leave the application.


Can we use same google clientID for iOS and android app?

I am trying to implement google sign in and it worked fine but we have to collaborate with android app too, so we want to use a common client ID for both the apps. Is there any way to achieve this. Why we want to do so because we are sending token to our backend server through an API, then we get user details in the API response. The backend team and the android team are using the same google client ID but I don't have any idea how can I use the same google client ID, if anybody has some idea please help me out.

Can we use Alexa skill from custom iOS app?

Can I use Alexa skill from my iOS application (just like we do it from the Echo dot etc)?
I checked a few old links which are working as follows, and I think it can be done using AVS:
record the message
upload it and get Alexa's response
Play it using some player
For that, it needs token (which can be obtained if a user logs in).
I checked a few SO links (link1, link2) as well but didn't get the answer.
Is there any SDK or API to do it? I didn't get enough info from AWS documentation.
Is it even possible? How to use AVS in my iOS app?
I believe you need to explore AWS LEX. It is the same service that powers Alexa. It allows you to create conversational bots, that can consume voice or text input and can give back voice or text output. You can integrate lex in any application whether it is mobile, web or voice application.
Here is a useful link that you can follow to understand how you can utilize LEX for your iOS app.
Deploying an Amazon Lex Bot in Mobile Applications

Twitter Posts - from client or server?

I'm creating an iPhone app that will allow users to log in with Twitter and for the app to then be able to post on their behalf.
Is it better to make post requests to Twitter from the app or from the server? Why?
For my app I found it easier to do it on the client. If you are looking for a iOS twitter library I have it here Though, you can still post using iOS native twitter support. You will need this library if you are using browser based authentication
Also, didn't want to write extra code on server since i am writing server myself :)

paypal api for blackberry

I am recently developing a business application naming MyTicket.
I want that paypal gateway should be open within the app So
for that is there any paypal api in blackberry that helps me in fulfilling this
I have already tried with creating a Paypal API wrapper for example using PHP, which is used by a proxy page. Then in the BlackBerry, use standard HTTP requests to send GET/POST requests to the proxy page. The proxy page will in turn use the wrapper you created to set up payment for you and your customer.But by following this way we are able to make credit card payments with the application and entire transaction will happen at the server end and in response we may obtain a result at client end that transaction is happened successfully.
But i want that the paypal transaction will happen with the paypal account.So is there any
sdk in blackberry which helps me in fulfilling this request.
Thanks And Regards
Pinkesh Gupta
There was an API, but they dropped support. I think now the only platforms supported are iOS and Android: PayPal -Mobile Payment Libraries
(If you want to check out how the BB version was like, or if you manage to find the jar, this was the development guide:MPL Guide for BlackBerry)
Now RIM has a Payment Service that might help you: Payment Service
If you use the standard Express Checkout API within your app it'll automatically utilize the mobile checkout experience.
I use this in my jQuery Mobile Apps and it works great. If you're building a native Java app, though, you might have to use some sort of an embedded web page to make it work.

RPXnow Facebook Connect - Use and Level of support?

I am using authentication solution for a rails app and am now at the point of wanting to develop Facebook integration features using Facebook Connect and the client api. What I am unclear on from RPXnow docs is the level of integration their solution provides. When a user connects via rpx using their FB creds, are they now using Facebook Connect? Can I make calls to the client api from my app? Do I need to use the RPX api to access the FB client APIs?
Anyone with experience using both who can shed light here, much appreciated.
Great question. Facebook Connect is simply a javascript layer built on top of the Facebook Platform APIs. RPX uses the platform APIs to authenticate the user, and after they have signed in, you may safely use the native Facebook Connect javascript to implement FB specific features on your site like posting activity back to the News Feed. You just need to set your connect URL on the facebook developer site and drop in the Facebook Connect javascript and then start implementing. After authenticating via RPX, the user will already have approved and "connected" to your website, and you'll have access to the breadth of Connect directly.
Also, if you have an RPX Plus/Pro account you can make simple RPX API calls to set a user's status and post activity on Facebook (and Twitter/MySpace).
Brian Ellin
RPX Product Manager
Once you've hooked up RPXNow (JanRain) single sign-on, you can follow the Facebook documentation. The Server-side Personalization example is in PHP but the idea is the same in any language.
// Fetch the user's friends
$friends = json_decode(file_get_contents(
'' .
$cookie['oauth_access_token']), true);
$friend_ids = array_keys($friends);
The key point to note is that the $cookie['oauth_access_token'] referenced in this example needs to be the string returned by the RPXNow sign-on API response in the JSON field
Hint: from your RPXNow dashboard, check out the Test Sign-In Widget page under Resources to see where that token is in the response.
Initially I thought this would be hampered by having your Base Domain set to in your Facebook Application settings, but this is not the case. It works fine.
