FasterCSV (seemingly) not working in Rails 3.0.5 - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to export data from a rails app and have the user download a CSV file when they hit a certain controller#action.
I found this article and used the sample code exactly.
I do, in fact, get a CSV file, but within it, there is only one line of output:
Here are lines 35, 36 and 37 from the file in question.
render :text => { |response, output|
csv =, :row_sep => "\r\n")
yield csv
I am using Rails 3.0.5 and added the following to my Gemfile:
gem 'fastercsv'
What gives?

render :text => proc {...} does not work in Rails 3. For the replacement, see this question.


Wice_Grid CSV export not working - Uninitialized constant CSV::Writer

I "inherited" a rails aplication running with ruby 1.8.7 in development.
I have a wice_grid table which I'm trying to export in CSV and in development all goes perfect.
When I push it to production, i get the following error:
uninitialized constant CSV::Writer
The production machine is running Ruby 1.9.1 and from what I read, I suppose the problem comes from there.
I've tried to put:
required 'csv'
In the controller or the model, but nothing happens, development works, production does not.
Here is the controller code:
def index
require 'csv'
#service_requests = initialize_grid(ServiceRequest,
:name => "solicitudes",
:order => "created_at" ,
:order_direction => 'desc',
:include => [:user, :service],
:enable_export_to_csv => true,
:csv_file_name => 'Listado de Solicitudes'
export_grid_if_requested('solicitudes' => 'service_requests') do
#Si se pulsa en exportar se exportan todos las celdas de la tabla seleccionada (con filtros aplicados)
Here is the part of the view, which calls a partial:
<%= render :partial => 'service_requests' %>
Here is the partial, cropped for making the question not too long:
<%= grid(#service_requests, :show_filters => :always) do |service_request|
service_request.column :column_name => 'Nombre' , :attribute_name => 'name', :model_class => User do |sr|
service_request.column :column_name => 'Apellidos' , :attribute_name => 'lastName' , :model_class => User do |sr|
end %>
I read this thread but didnt help me much: write csv in ruby 1.9 and CSV::Writer
Thank you all in advance!
Somewhere, that you haven't posted, you are referencing CSV::Writer. This works locally because you're using Ruby 1.8.7, but your production server is using Ruby 1.9.1. CSV::Writer was deprecated with Ruby 1.9.
From the the docs:
# * The old CSV's Reader and Writer classes have been dropped.
Step one is to upgrade your local Ruby to the same version as the server. This will give you the same error locally, which should go away once you find and remove that CSV::Writer.
The CSV docs give examples of how to use the current CSV class to accomplish what CSV::Writer used to do. Here's an example:
# == Writing
# === To a File
#"path/to/file.csv", "wb") do |csv|
# csv << ["row", "of", "CSV", "data"]
# csv << ["another", "row"]
# # ...
# end
Upgrading Ruby will probably raise other errors. But Ruby 1.8.7 was retired in 2013 so these are problems you're going to want to fix now rather than later.
Good luck!

ruby net-sftp read file line by line

I am using ruby 2.0.0 and rails 4.0.0. I have something similar to this:
require 'net/sftp'
sftp = Net::SFTP.start('','username', :password => 'password')"/path/to/remote/file.csv", "r") do |f|
puts f.gets
This opens the file on the FTP site, but it only puts the first line of the csv file. I need to read this file row by row, preferably ignoring the header.
How can I read the file row by row, without downloading the file locally?
I solved this by doing this:
data =!("/path/to/remote/file.csv").split(/\r\n/)
data.each do |line|
puts line
The proper answer for this would actually be to use the file.eof? value.
The code would look like:
require 'net/sftp'
sftp = Net::SFTP.start('','username', :password => 'password')"/path/to/remote/file.csv", "r") do |f|
while !f.eof?
puts f.gets
Documentation can be found here
In my case something like this worked:
data =!("/path/to/remote/file.csv").split(/\n/).map{ |e| e.split(/,/).map{ |x| x.gsub(/"/, "")} }
data.each do |line|
puts line
Will also split each row of the .csv into different array columns and remove any excess of "". Note this is for mac where line breaks are \n.

Ruby CSV File Parsing, Headers won't format?

My rb file reads:
require "csv"
puts "Program1 initialized."
contents = "data.csv", headers: true
contents.each do |row|
name = row[4]
puts name
...but when i run it in ruby it wont load the program. it gives me the error message about the headers:
syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting $end
contents = "data.csv", headers: true
so I'm trying to figure out, why won't ruby let me parse this file? I've tried using other csv files I have and it won't load, and gives me an error message. I'm trying just to get the beginning of the program going! I feel like it has to do with the headers. I've updated as much as I can, mind you I'm using ruby 1.8.7. I read somewhere else that I could try to run the program in irb but it didn't seem like it needed it. so yeah... thank you in advance!!!!
Since you are using this with Ruby 1.8.7, :headers => true won't work in this way.
The simplest way to ignore the headers and get your data is to shift the first row in the data, which would be the headers:
require 'csv'
contents ="data.csv", 'r')
contents.each do |row|
name = row[4]
puts name
If you do want to use the syntax with headers in ruby 1.8, you would need to use FasterCSV, something similar to this:
require 'fastercsv'
FasterCSV.foreach("data.csv", :headers => true) do |fcsv_obj|
puts fcsv_obj['name']
(Refer this question for further read: Parse CSV file with header fields as attributes for each row)

Having problems while generating barcode in rails using BARBY gem

I am using:
ruby 1.8.7, rails 2.3.5
ruby gems 1.3.6
Windows 7 Home Basic 64-bit
barby 0.5.0
I'm having problems to generate barcodes for my app. I installed barby 0.5.0 and I was hoping that it would solve my problems. But everytime it generates a file, it seems that it's broken or damaged. It can't be opened. I wonder what I'm doing wrong here.
As for the stack trace, there's really no error.
Here's my code:
barcodevalue = "00000000000"
full_path = "barcode#{barcode_value}.png"
barcode =, 'w') { |f| f.write barcode.to_png(:margin => 3, :xdim => 2, :height => 55) }
render :text => "#{barcode_value}.png has been generated."
Please see this link for answer.!topic/ruby-barby/8Vgh-CLNfuI

There's an easy way to load csv rows into an Heroku hosted app?

I have some csv exported rows of data that I need to load into a Rails 2.3.8 app.
The csv data is already in the perfect format for the app that I'm hosting on Heroku.
Is there an easy way to do it?
I have had success with something like this:
require 'csv'
CSV.foreach(Rails.root.to_s+"/db/calseed_test1.csv") do |row|
:caldate => row[0],
:caltime => row[1],
:callocation => row[2],
:caldescription => row[3]
You could use Ruby's built-in CSV library to read your data into an array, which you can then do whatever you need to with:
CSV.foreach("path/to/file.csv") do |row|
# use row here...
# For example, if you had users in a CSV file like "username,email" you could do:
User.create(:username => row[0], :email => row[1])
Yes, there is a very simple way.
Upload the file to gist or anywhere publically accessible.
Use open-uri to load it in any console of your choice.
csv_file = open('') {|f|}
You have all your required data.
csv =
pry(main)> csv.first
=> ["Name", " Purpose"]
